The Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang was born, and my immortal identity was exposed

Chapter 90 The Great Qin Cavalry Arrives! (Please collect, please recommend!!!)

Chapter 90 The Great Qin Cavalry Arrives! (Please collect, please recommend!!!)

"Father!" A half-grown boy sat down beside the middle-aged man, "You're looking at Zhongyuan again."

That being said, he himself turned his gaze to the south.

The middle-aged man laughed, and his smile was full of pampering: "Why, our little wolf cub wants a woman too?"

The boy was not shy, but puffed out his chest: "Not only women, but also food and jewelry from the Central Plains."

The raging flames reflected in his eyes, jumping and jumping, as if the deepest desire was burning.

A young child staggered over and hugged the middle-aged man: "Father, brother, what are you talking about?"

"Talk about the prosperity of the Central Plains!" The middle-aged man held the child in his arms, pointed to the south direction, and whispered with a bit of chill:

"You have to remember, when you grow up, you have to learn to pick up a weapon and kill!"

"Only there can we live a stable life."

"Kill all their men, occupy their women and wealth, and enjoy their food!"

The Huns living here know how many crises lurk under the seemingly beautiful appearance of this grassland.

It's summer now, don't look at the lush water and grass, the herds of cattle and sheep.

But in winter, maybe as long as there is a white snow, these cattle and sheep will die in patches.

After the beginning of spring, plague and famine will follow.

They had no other choice but to go south to rob the Central Plains of supplies.

This is how the middle-aged man listened to his father when he was young.

Now my kids are growing up...

He looked to the south, imagining the majestic city wall, and sketched the pictures he had seen under the Great Wall in his mind.

At that time, arrows rained down like rain, and he narrowly escaped his life.

He remembered the rain of arrows from the Qin people, which could be shot a mile away with a strong crossbow.

There is also the arrowhead made of bronze, with a triangular shape, which can shoot through a person's body, and has fierce barbs.

Just like...

Just like this one!
The expression of the middle-aged man froze.

Scarlet blood spattered his face.

It was splashed from the child in his arms.

He lowered his head in a daze, and saw a sharp arrow piercing through his youngest son. The arrow was impressively triangular in shape!
It's from the Central Plains!It's from Qin!

He panicked, he was afraid, he wanted to shout.

However, before he could shout out, the dense rain of arrows had already covered the sky and covered the sky.

Just like the scene he saw back then.

The middle-aged man fell into a pool of blood, and he saw the clansmen around the campfire fall down one after another.

Because the child in his arms blocked a few arrows for him, he did not die immediately, which allowed him to feel the coming of death more clearly.

He felt the blood in his body flow away little by little, and felt his strength fade away little by little.

Before he was about to fall into darkness, he saw the horses and the flag through the embers of the bonfire.

The black water dragon flag danced wildly in the strong wind, and under the reflection of the fire, the black dragon seemed to be shaking the sky away.

It's Qin Jun... Here they come! ! !
"Report to the general, all the Xiongnu tribes here have been wiped out, and there is no one alive!"

Meng Tian stood on the city wall, looking into the distance in the night.

Holding a walkie-talkie in his hand, he listened to the good news from the soldiers under him.

Tonight, he ordered to eradicate all the Xiongnu tribes within a hundred miles.

It is impossible for Wang Ting to react so quickly.

And their majesty is already on the way.

After Yingzheng made the decree, its decree had been spread to Meng Yi's ears along the station day and night.

According to the footsteps, His Majesty will arrive in two days.

After so many years of military career, this man's face is full of weather and frost, and he also has a bit of determination.

At this moment, there is also a fire beating in his eyes, which is the desire for revenge!

He has been stationed in Shangjun for several years, and he has formed a deadly feud with the Huns.

But in the face of this group of people living on horseback, he has all the strength but has nowhere to display it.

No one has as many horses as there are in Daqin and no one is as good as anyone else, and no one is as good at riding as a cavalry army.

how to spell?
The Huns are not slippery, they come and go without a trace.

Chase with infantry?
If two legs chase four legs, it will be even more impossible to catch up.

And relying on the cavalry alone, if you are not careful, you may be eaten by the Huns.

If the army really moved out, the Huns would flee.

When he led an army of 30 to fight here, the Huns fled in such a haste.

But as long as Meng Tian stops attacking, the Huns will make a comeback again, like a gangrene.

Over the years, he built the Great Wall just to keep the Huns out.

But the Huns still bypassed the city wall from time to time and attacked the people.

Burning, killing, looting, all kinds of evil!
Every time Meng Tian saw the mess left by the Huns, he felt a depression in his chest.

Now, Daqin finally showed its fangs again!

This time, Ying Zheng has made up his mind to completely drive the Huns out of this grassland!
With the help of the mysterious immortal master, he has all kinds of magical weapons.

Daqin's iron cavalry has been equipped with three-piece cavalry suits.

Meng Tian tried it himself, and was amazed!

The horseshoe allows the horse to walk on the ground in any terrain, and avoids damage to the horseshoe.

Saddles and stirrups allow an ordinary cavalryman to display a combat effectiveness comparable to that of an elite on horseback.

With a telescope, you can see clearly within ten miles. If the weather is good and the terrain is open, you can see twenty miles away, but it's a bit blurry.

There is also the walkie-talkie in his hand. Tonight, he is using this kind of fetish to command the army under his hands.

All of this made him extremely happy.

And according to the person who sent the order, the immortal master blessed him, and thousands of horses descended from the sky!

Those horses were taller and more powerful than Daqin's own horses, and not far from the horses of the Huns.

In this way, the biggest advantage of the Huns was easily wiped out!
Making contributions is just around the corner!
In Daqin, military merit is everything!
Now that the Six Kingdoms have been destroyed, Baiyue is temporarily silent.

If you want to make military achievements, you can only rely on these Huns.


It was earlier than Meng Tian expected, and Ying Zheng arrived just a day and a half later.

Because he did not ride in a carriage, but rode a horse himself and led the army.

After taking Jiang Sheng's elixir, his body has recovered to its best condition, and he can completely withstand such a long journey.

Meng Tian got the news and rushed out of the city to meet him.

"Your Majesty!" Meng Tian immediately got off his horse and bowed to Ying Zheng when he saw Ying Zheng.

"General Meng!" Sitting on the horseback, Ying Zheng glanced around, and all he could see were the soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, like a vast ocean!

A sense of pride welled up spontaneously, but as the First Emperor, he quickly adjusted his mentality.

"General Meng, all the war horses given by the immortal master have arrived, and the three armies should be rectified as soon as possible!"

"I want you to raise troops as soon as possible, this battle must not be lost!"

"Here!" Meng Tian looked at the black horse behind Ying Zheng, his eyes were red.

(End of this chapter)

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