Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 11 Reiki Food Debut

Chapter 11 Reiki Food Debut
So far, Nie Bao, who is not very ambitious, has never thought of selling this kind of aura-rich ingredients. When the organization targets him, he has no ability to resist.At the same time, he doesn't want to take out such high-end things and sell them cheaply, and he only takes out some when entertaining some guests, which can be regarded as one of his major characteristics!For example, now, a tragic hero can be regarded as a character after all, and it is still beneficial to make friends.

Thinking of this, Nie Bao's mood became even happier. Waving the kitchen knife in his hand, it turned into streaks of silver light, and the tomatoes instantly turned into slices, which were then mixed into tomato juice.

Then he took out a plate, touched the plate with his palm, and suddenly appeared a large plate of fragrant rice. This kind of rice grown in black soil can restore people's physical strength in a short time. It was originally cooked in advance for himself. It was prepared, but it happened to be useful now, a not-so-rich, but very delicious lunch.

"Zizi~!" The eggs were scrambled, the tomato juice was put into the pot, and the combination of the two ingredients immediately filled the room with a tempting aroma, which wafted into Frank's nose with traces of aura.

"Gulu! Bang! Click!" Frank's stomach protested, which made him even more irritable. He grabbed the nail that was still trying to get up, and the old fist hit his joints hard, and the sound of fractures sounded. The bastard fell to the ground in a bloody mess, and he couldn't get up again. It seems that he was very measured in his actions, at least he didn't kill them on the spot. As a guy who is about to die at every turn, this is already a lot of face for Nie Bao up.

"Boom boom boom! It's not good yet! Hell, what kind of scent is this, it makes me even more hungry." After cleaning up the four garbage, Frank turned and walked to the bar impatiently, knocked on the bar table, and used his vigorous Said in a deep voice.

Frank instinctively felt that this fragrance was beneficial to his body. The fragrance of spiritual energy entered the body from the nasal cavity, exuding a comfortable feeling. The deepest part of his body and mind arose with desire, which could no longer be suppressed.

"Aha! It seems that customer, you like my craftsmanship very much. It is my honor to cook for those who are qualified to eat it. Wait a moment, it will be ready soon." Nie Bao said with a smile.

While Nie Bao was talking, he put the rice in front of Frank casually. Mushu persimmons were poured on it, and the red and yellow soup spread all over the plate, wrapping the rice and exuding aroma.

He couldn't stand the smell for a long time, so he didn't bother to talk, picked up the spoon and ate it in big mouthfuls, gobbling it.The food rich in aura enters the stomach and begins to work. The aura nourishes the dark wounds in the body, and the whole body emits a comfortable signal.

Seeing that his results are very popular, Nie Bao couldn't help smiling happily, and said meaningfully: "I believe that good food, carrying the chef's blessing, and good food with kind thoughts will bring people happiness, joy and health. Let people forget the pain, sadness, and despair, and hope that the food in this restaurant can bring you such good luck, even temporary happiness."

Frank ate intently and didn't have time to answer. As a special soldier of the Marine Corps, he was overtrained every day, injured in battle, and didn't know how to take care of himself. In the peak state, it seems that infinite power is gushing out of the body. Frank's expression is very enjoyable, and he makes a comfortable sound while eating.Even the tense lines of his face softened. He had never eaten such delicious Chinese food. For him, talking was already a waste at this time.

The rice is full of elasticity, with a strong rice aroma, coupled with the sweet and sour taste of the tomato, and the unique aroma, it is a perfect match. The deliciousness can no longer be used to describe this dish, only a strong sense of happiness, let him temporarily forget The pain of losing a family member.The only downside is that the eggs are too ordinary, although they are also very fragrant, but in this dish, they are a bit eclipsed.

There is always not enough delicious food. Frank ate it up in two or three bites, but he was still not satisfied. When he wanted to eat again, the plate was already clean. He licked the spoon and pushed the empty plate in front of Nie Bao.

"Is there any more! I want more." Frank said in a low voice.

A burly man with a bearded face told him more, and Nie Bao rolled his eyes when he heard it. He stretched out his hand in front of Frank, made a common gesture of counting money, and said with an expression that you understand: "My brother still needs to settle accounts clearly." , the welcome ceremony is over, a small shop is operating on a small budget, and you don’t want to pay on credit, don’t you think it’s right?”

"Crack!" Frank glanced at him, reached out his hand and took out a Delta knife from his pocket and slapped it on the table. The face value was several hundred, more than enough to buy a hundred plates.

Seeing the money, Nie Bao's eyes lit up, and he kept smiling and asked, "God, it's really a lot, but one piece is enough, so I don't need so much, I'm being honest."

"I'll give you all the money. This is delicious. Let's have another plate." Frank's cold eyes fell on Nie Bao, and he immediately became gentle. He is only murderous towards bad people. It seems that he is a friendly and honest businessman.

"Oh! That's all there is. If you want to eat, you have to wait until tomorrow. How about something else? My friend." Nie Bao spread his hands and said helplessly. After finishing speaking, he pointed to other dishes and said .

Nie Bao was also a little embarrassed when the guests came, but there was only one cooked rice in the space. I didn’t expect Frank to eat it so well. You must know that Lingmi is not easy to cook. It was cooked in a pressure cooker for more than two hours. , It was only cooked, and it was cooked quickly with the Qiankun cauldron, but he didn't want to do such a prodigal thing. Recently, he was thinking about getting a magic pot, or it would be too bad to be a chef without a special guy Too professional.

"I don't want to eat this, so I'll come back tomorrow, remember to prepare a double portion for me." Frank looked at the four kinds of cauldron dishes, and although they smelled delicious, they were not worse than those made by Nie Bao himself. It makes sense, so he said with a look of disgust.

"That's not necessarily true. Although you are a distinguished guest, I am also a precious ingredient. This is the only one. I can't just eat it if I want it." Nie Bao said with a smile. Before making it, he didn't want to work hard anymore, he wouldn't spend so much effort for such a meal.

"Crack! The phone number is here. Sometimes just let me know, and I will pay double the money. Kid!" Frank slapped a note on the table and said expectantly. precious.

(End of this chapter)

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