Meiman's Little Treasure Master

Chapter 10 The First Hero Appears

Chapter 10 The First Hero Appears

This bell was made by Nie Bao in his spare time out of fine iron scraps.Its appearance is black and plain without any features, its level is not even considered as a magic weapon, and it is not very useful, but the nice sound it can make under impact can only calm and relieve the irritable mood of ordinary people.

People who work around, who are stressed or unhappy, will feel a sense of peace after hearing it, and they can let go of everything temporarily and enjoy the food wholeheartedly. This is another reason why this small shop will become popular.

But at this moment, the sound of the bell rang suddenly, which immediately distracted the attention of a few people. Everyone turned their heads to look at the door curiously. Even the fist he swung stopped in mid-air.

Pushing the door open from the door, a very strong tough guy in a black leather jacket and jeans walked in. He looked around as soon as he entered the room. His cold eyes were mixed with negative emotions such as vicissitudes, sadness, hatred, etc., like a wounded animal. wolf, dangerous and sad.

When this person entered the room, Nie Bao smelled bloody smell from his body. This person is very dangerous. It's like attacking.But even so, Nie Bao couldn't raise any vigilance in his heart, because he still smelled the deformed justice in him.

When he entered the room, he first twitched his nose. The aroma filled the room made him enjoy it.Then he discovered the confrontation between Nie Bao and Nie Bao.

The leather boots stepped on the floor, making rhythmic thumping sounds, each step on the heart, making people inexplicably tense, the atmosphere became heavy and oppressive, and it was hard to breathe.He came in front of Nie Bao and the others, with cold eyes on Nie Bao and the four gangsters, looking back and forth, the scrutiny of the eyes made the gangsters very uncomfortable and inexplicably terrified.

One face nailed his accomplice, subconsciously ignored this feeling, as if he didn't realize the danger, his attitude was still very arrogant, and one face nail deliberately spoke in a more fierce voice, so as to dispel the anxiety in his heart.

"Son of a bitch, haven't you seen beating people? Look again, be careful I'll gouge out your eyeballs."

The tough guy didn't seem to hear his insults, and said with a blank face: "Who is the clerk here, I need to eat, I'm hungry."

Seeing this person's face, Nie Baodun felt very familiar. After searching the memory carefully, his heart moved, as if he remembered something, and suddenly said happily: "Hello, sir, I am the owner of this shop, don't worry, I will immediately I'll cook my best dishes, and you'll be satisfied." While talking, he quietly retracted the black dog nails, and with this person around, he believed that these bastards were no longer a threat.

Nie Bao, whose memory has greatly increased, just recalled briefly, and then remembered who this person was. He is one of Nie Bao's favorite heroes, the punisher Frank Castor, although as a person who grew up under the red flag, the root red People in Miao Zheng's Celestial Dynasty basically don't worship an American hero, but this doesn't stop him from liking Frank's tough style.

"Hey! You bastards, are you ignoring me? What day is it today, there are so many fucking people looking for death." Seeing the two talking like no one else, and completely ignoring him, he couldn't help but get even more angry .As soon as he finished speaking, he let go of Nie Bao, raised his fist and hammered Frank's face.

"Ah~!" Frank tilted his head slightly, flashed his fist, his left hand was like lightning, and instantly tore off a silver stud from the corner of his nailed mouth, including the skin and flesh. It dripped from the wound and dripped from between the fingers.

"Give me a piece of this delicious food." Frank said to Nie Bao, while raising his fist to knock down the person who rushed up from behind, and then calmly fought with the man with a nail in his face. Fighting on the ground is just a one-sided massacre.It was really unlucky for these people to meet Frank. With one punch left and one right, several people were beaten with blood and flesh flying all over the place, looking for teeth all over the place, and the end was very miserable.When other diners in the restaurant saw someone fighting, they screamed in fright and fled in a hurry.

"Hey! Bastards, it's okay to run away, but don't forget to pay. There's no charity here, so don't run away with my money." Ariel, a money fanatic, didn't care about his fear at this time, and chased after the crowd with a distressed expression. , Regardless of safety, he started chasing after the begging money. It seems that Nie Bao has earned it and found a qualified cashier.

"Oh! Then you are busy first, the delicious food will be here soon, and you will be satisfied." Nie Bao said to Frank with a normal face, and after speaking with a kind smile on his face, he turned around and walked into the bar in a happy mood. It seemed that he turned a blind eye to the money that escaped and the broken tables and chairs.

This scene has been seen a lot in movies, and since the moment he became an immortal cultivator, his mind has changed a lot. The Dao is ruthless. Except for special things or people, this small scene does not cause any fluctuations in his heart.

"Ah~! Bang Dang, bang! Bah, ah!" Accompanied by the screams and the sound of breaking things, Nie Bao walked into the bar, whistling and twisting his big buttocks, turned on the violent music, and stretched out his hand from the void. Grabbing, a huge bright red and attractive tomato appeared in his hand out of thin air.

This kind of tomato was planted by Nie Bao on the black soil. Anyway, he can't find the elixir now, and the land is idle.So I tried to get some vegetable seeds and planted them. Unexpectedly, the rich aura not only made it grow extremely fast, but also the things that grew, although not called panacea, were also rich in a certain amount of aura. Not only did they look good Attractive, and the taste is extremely delicious, while amplifying the efficacy of the vegetable itself, there is even a slight additional effect.For example, this kind of tomato can slowly improve people's physique, remove hidden wounds in the body, anti-aging and have great curative effects on some diseases.

Although this kind of behavior is a great waste in the eyes of cultivators, but no one in this world knows it, so let him go!As long as Nie Bao thinks it's good, the plants in the two worlds are very different. When you find a replacement, you don't know when it will be good to grow something to eat. What's more, Nie Bao is very particular about food. , Naturally, I don't think there is anything wrong with growing vegetables on black land.

This kind of tomato grows extremely fast in the black soil, and it matures once a week. Nie Bao only needs to use his mental power to control it, and he can pick it by himself in the space, and store it in the infinite void of Qiankun Ding. , It is very convenient to eat and take at any time, this time he harvested a total of nearly [-] kilograms of tomatoes, and he couldn't finish eating.

(End of this chapter)

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