Invincible Ghost Sword of Another World

Chapter 326 Human race, always one step ahead

Chapter 326 Human race, always one step ahead

3 fifty chapters
However, Qin Mo was not joking, and raised the Tianxuan epee in his hand high.

"Dragon Breaks the Sky!"

A silver dragon's head moved quickly in an instant, and after a while, the three people who charged towards Qin Mo all fell into Qin Mo's hands.

After beheading those three people, Qin Mo teleported out again, running for his life quickly.

For one day and one night, Qin Mo ran desperately for his life, never staying for a moment, and at the same time, he kept changing directions.It was not until the next morning that Qin Mo finally found a deserted island to rest.He couldn't understand why those guys would chase and kill him for the soul of the ancient whale that rushed into his soul sea.Although he didn't understand, if others wanted to kill him, he would naturally have to keep running for his life, and he couldn't beat so many people by himself.


"According to the news from the clansmen, it is said that a human martial artist has obtained the soul of an ancient whale, and the cultivation level of that human martial artist is only a fifth-rank martial sage. As long as you capture him back and devour him, you can Swallow up the soul of the ancient whale, and then we, the whale sharks, will be able to perceive the god-defying supernatural powers of the ancient whales. Moreover, our whale sharks and the ancient whales themselves are equivalent to brother races." At this time, the vast East Sea region In a deep sea, in a magnificent palace like a crystal palace, a middle-aged man said to his subordinates, "So, no matter what method you use, you must capture that kid for me."

"Yes!" The subordinate replied, and then went out to start work.

Similarly, in this vast East Sea area, not only the Shui tribe but also many human tribe forces have also participated in this competition.After all, the ancient whale has disappeared for tens of millions of years. There are many records about the various magical powers of the ancient whale, but they are envious.Not to mention anything else, the ancient whale has strong vitality and strong self-healing ability.These two alone are enough to make people jealous, let alone those aquatic monsters.Qin Mo didn't know this, he was still cultivating and recovering the spiritual power in his body. After all, he escaped for a day and a night. He wasn't injured, but his body couldn't take it anymore. After all, it is not a normal flight.Even burn blood essence to teleport from time to time.

Finally, in the evening of that day, Qin Mo withdrew from his training, holding the epee of Heaven's Choice, quietly floating above the barren island, looking ahead coldly.In less than three breaths, a little black dot appeared in the sky in front of him, what should come will come after all.

However, it seems that human beings are more savvy after all. The intelligence of those aquatic monsters is not as strong as that of human beings, and their methods of finding a person are naturally not as good as human beings.Therefore, even though the aquarium has very good conditions, it is still slower than human martial arts after all.

Just now Qin Mo checked his soul sea again, and the ancient whale soul in there has been completely integrated into his soul, and even completely integrated with his soul, and they are inseparable at all. In other words, It has been completely assimilated by Qin Mo's soul.Just because of this thing, these people are actually chasing and killing him so tirelessly, which really makes him a little depressed.But even though you are depressed, you still have to face what you have to face, whether it is a blessing or a disaster, and it is a disaster that cannot be avoided.

After a while, those black dots became bigger and bigger, and finally Qin Mo finally saw human figures. Until these people appeared in front of him, he didn't escape a step, and kept waiting above the island.

"Boy, you really have the guts!"

After those people approached, seeing that Qin Mo had been waiting here, they couldn't help admiring, a middle-aged man who was the leader said.

Qin Mo didn't talk too much, he knew that he would definitely be hunted down by these people if he escaped. Now, it seems that he has returned to the situation in Tianmu State again. No matter where he goes, he may be hunted down. .This kind of life is not what he wants.

Qin Mo's heart is full of emotions at this time, but if he wants to become a strong man, he can only achieve something through this kind of experience, constantly sharpening himself, stepping on piles of bones, and stained with blood.Therefore, although this is not the life he wants, it is an indispensable life and an indispensable experience for him to become stronger.

"You guys, capture him alive for me. Of course, it doesn't matter if you lose him." The middle-aged man in the lead said coldly. Although he admired Qin Mo's courage, he thought Qin Mo was stupid, so humble If his cultivation level dares to carry a treasure, he can only wait for others to slaughter him.And what he should do is naturally what he should do, and this will not change.

Under the order of the middle-aged man, four eighth-rank Martial Saints came out from the crowd, and quickly beheaded Qin Mo.

"Death Tombstone!"

Facing the various martial arts attacks of the four people, Qin Mo gave a low shout, and purple-black tombstones fell from the sky, and many of the tombstones directly broke through the various martial arts attacks of the four people.And trapped them in it.

"Soul Devourer Sealing Demon Slash!" At the same time, Qin Mo's ghostly hand stretched out, and the epee that was chosen that day also flew out.

The scarlet blood and sword energy chaotically formed a vortex, and countless scarlet sword energy continuously cut towards the dead man in the death tombstone.


Under the crazy sword energy, the four people continued to utter horrific screams.All of this happened quite quickly, not to mention other people, even those Wuxiu who were caught in it didn't react.

Almost a moment later, countless wounds appeared on the body of the dead man, the blood dyed the surrounding air red, and there was also a pungent bloody smell in the air, which made the bloodthirsty People will be crazy about it, and it can also make people vomit.

The middle-aged man in the lead became more and more interested in this kid when he saw that Qin Mo killed his subordinates so easily.

"You capture him for me, he wants to live." The leading middle-aged man said to the other three ninth-rank martial saints beside him.

After watching Qin Mo's effortless killing of their four eighth-rank Martial Saint Realm companions just now, the three ninth-rank Martial Saints did not dare to look too small, and were all vigilant in their hearts.The three formed a triangle, surrounded and attacked Qin Mo.

However, just as they approached, Qin Mo's whole body turned into a silver dragon's head.Raptor Dragon Duan Kong Slash was performed again, and in an instant, the head of the silver dragon shot out continuously in a triangle shape!

(End of this chapter)

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