Invincible Ghost Sword of Another World

Chapter 325 The Unknown Hunt

Chapter 325 The Unknown Hunt
349 chapter

Under such circumstances, Qin Mo simply didn't have the heart to pay attention to the ancient whale's soul that had entered his own soul sea, and looked a little pale at the group of people who also looked at him.Those were all bad looks.

"Shua, Shua, Shua..." Without any explanation, this group of people rushed towards Qin Mo one after another, as if Qin Mo had suddenly become the most precious treasure in this palace, and even in this ancient city, causing everyone to compete. rush.


As the group of people approached, a long howl erupted from Qin Mo's mouth, like a volcano erupting in an instant.The long howl spread throughout the entire ancient city, and everyone who was still in the ancient city trembled when they heard the long howl. All of them spat out a mouthful of blood, and their expressions immediately became sluggish, and what's more, they fainted directly.

Even those strong men whose cultivation had reached the Martial Emperor Realm were not much better, they all groaned, although the blood did not come out, but they also suffered serious internal injuries.However, none of the people present died because of Qin Mo's long cry, as if the long cry had a very precise control, and its attack and destructive power did not reach the fatal effect.

In fact, when this long howl erupted from Qin Mo's mouth, he was very surprised, because it was not a sound erupted by his will.To be precise, it was the erupting sound of the ancient whale soul that had entered his soul sea.

Of course, Qin Mo also understands very well that now is the best chance for him to escape. If these people, especially those at the Martial Emperor Realm, recover, how can he possibly be the opponent of those few Martial Emperor Realm experts? ?

Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Mo burst out and teleported out at the fastest speed, and appeared on the sea in one teleportation.After teleporting five times in a row, Qin Mo quickly flew over the vast sea. He didn't even have time to call the star bone, and ran out by himself.It's just that he knows that those people will not let him go easily. Although he doesn't know what the so-called soul of the ancient whale is and what benefits it has, the fiery gazes that group of people looked at him at that time were just Told him, and now he was their target.

In fact, when Qin Mo suddenly teleported to the sea for the first time, he already attracted the attention of many people. After all, anyone can figure out who would run out of the ancient city in a panic for no reason , and then ran away like crazy?Only those who have obtained a lot of treasures but have no strength to shock others.

Therefore, when Qin Mo appeared on the sea, he was already being watched by many people who came to watch the fun, and these people all chased Qin Mo one after another.After all, in their opinion, Qin Mo's cultivation is not very strong, only a fifth-rank Martial Saint.

However, what frustrates these people is that even though there is only Qin Mo, a fifth-rank Martial Saint, his speed is astonishingly fast.Therefore, no one chased him for a while, but the few martial artists who were close to the Martial Emperor Realm did not lose Qin Mo, and there were a few strong monsters who were sea creatures. The East China Sea is full of sea water. With the advantage of sea water, their speed is also not slow.

Qin Mo can also feel those strong people who have been following him all the time. Although he really wants to get rid of these people, he has tried several times, but still can't do it. After all, those people's cultivation base is not weak.

"Since you can't get rid of it," Qin Mo stopped, turned around, and muttered to himself, "then let's kill him."

But when Qin Mo said these words, he felt his mind was in a trance, as if he was shaken by something.

Only then did Qin Mo check his soul sea again, where his soul was seated in the center of the soul sea, but the soul of the ancient whale had disappeared, but his soul now exuded the spirit of the soul of the ancient whale At the same time, he could also see the miniature shadow of that ancient whale swimming in his soul body, and it was slowly fading away at the same time.

Although Qin Mo didn't know what happened, he could clearly feel that the ancient whale's soul didn't have any malice towards him, and it seemed to be slowly being refined or assimilated by his own soul.The vibration of his own soul sea just now was caused by the soul of the ancient whale. Obviously, even the soul of the ancient whale would not want Qin Mo to kill.But for Qin Mo, can he really not kill him?This is naturally impossible.Because a large part of the experience he needs can only be obtained through killing.

Therefore, Qin Mo was already holding the Tianxuan epee tightly, and looked coldly at the calm sea in front of him.

"Boom!" A moment later, there was a bang, and a huge figure broke through the water from the sea and rushed towards Qin Mo.That's a giant seal!It just looks quite ferocious, especially when it opened its bloody mouth, revealing its sharp and slender teeth.If ordinary people see it, they will definitely be scared to the ground.

"Hmph!" Qin Mo snorted coldly, dragging the epee in his hand along with his figure, and it was a heart-piercing move to the seal!

With a sound of "Boom!", the Tianxuan epee pierced through the seal's body fiercely, and the blood exploded in mid-air like fireworks.

And the huge body of the seal just fell back into the deep sea so heavily, and at the same time, it caused quite a layer of waves.

But Qin Mo still stood quietly in mid-air, his eyes looking forward with no expression.

It wasn't until Qin Mo killed the third monster that was chasing after him that he finally saw those human Wuxiu who were chasing after them.Although they didn't know what kind of treasure Qin Mo possessed, they couldn't hinder their excitement and greed in the slightest.

Qin Mo looked at the three martial artists who came at the same time, and then said lightly: "Hurry up, let's go together, I have to run for my life."

Qin Mo's words were very conceited, and when they heard the three people's ears, they felt that they were insane. With just such a fifth-rank Martial Saint, they are all powerhouses above the eighth-rank Martial Saint.Although the three of them didn't know each other, they didn't talk nonsense in the face of such a rampant Qin Mo. They waved their magic weapons and attacked Qin Mo.Let's kill this kid first and see what treasures he got from that ancient city.It can be regarded as letting him use his life to pay the tuition for his madness!

(End of this chapter)

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