gourmet restaurant

Chapter 73 Nine Fragrant Chicken Feet

Chapter 73 Nine Fragrant Chicken Feet
The next day, Jiang Yang went to Liao's private kitchen to cook as usual.Mr. Liao stood there as usual, occasionally giving pointers.

Seeing Jiang Yang coming, Mr. Liao called him to the side.Said: "Today I will tell you about spices. Although it may not help your cooking skills, it can enrich your knowledge."

Jiang Yang sat upright with a serious expression on his face.Mr. Liao started speaking directly, without dragging his feet.Mr. Liao talked extensively and casually, from the history of a spice to its anecdotes, to the process of growing and maturing the spice.It is possible to talk about history one moment, and the impact of rain on spices the next moment.

Jiang Yang didn't feel bored either, on the contrary he was very interested.Mr. Liao didn't expect Jiang Yang to remember, anyway, he would talk about whatever came to his mind.

The morning passed quickly, and Mr. Liao didn't give lectures in the afternoon.There was nothing wrong with Jiangyang, so he went to study spices again.

Liao Xiaoyue didn't bother Jiangyang today, but followed Liao Aiguo to learn cooking skills for the first time.

In fact, Liao Xiaoyue doesn't need to study cooking so seriously. She told Jiang Yang before that she is different from her brother and senior.Of course, Jiang Yang didn't know why it was different. Liao Xiaoyue also said that she was a genius.It was only later that Jiang Yang learned from Liao Xiaoyue that it was his father who was responsible.

His father was very strict about the Liao family's unique learning, and planned to pass it on to his sons but not to his daughters, for fear that his daughter would pass on the Liao family's unique learning after marriage.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Liao Aiguo doesn't love Liao Xiaoyue. On the contrary, except for this matter, Liao Aiguo loves Liao Xiaoyue very much.

Just like Liao Aiguo who never scolded Liao Xiaoyue, he would satisfy her various requests.Otherwise, how could she run around while others were learning cooking.

In fact, Liao Xiaoyue didn't study cooking in the kitchen on weekdays. She just came back because it was still summer vacation and she had nothing to do in school.

Liao Xiaoyue's major is related to spice research, which is her interest.Of course, her major is related to perfume.

That's why Mr. Liao asked Liao Xiaoyue to go to the spice market to buy, because Liao Xiaoyue is the person who knows spices best in this family besides Mr. Liao.

Jiang Yang didn't care about Liao Xiaoyue's anomaly, maybe someone else wanted to learn it?

Jiang Yang became more and more obsessed with the study of spices.Food is certainly a taste enjoyment, but if it lacks the enjoyment of sight and smell, it can't be called a really good dish.

There are also many visual aspects, and Jiang Yang has not had much contact with them for the time being.As for the sense of smell, Jiang Yang wanted to do it well.

"Xiao Jiang, come and taste this dish." Mr. Liao called.

Jiang Yang put down the spices in his hand and walked over.

What catches the eye is a beautiful dish, with pumpkins arranged in a phoenix pattern, with five or six braised chicken feet stacked on top of each other.

Jiang Yang raised his head and asked, "What is this?"

Liao Aiguo said: "Nine Fragrance Phoenix Claws." After finishing speaking, he kept silent and didn't intend to continue explaining.

Although Jiang Yang was puzzled, he also knew Liao Aiguo's temper, so he stopped asking.Picking up a pair of chopsticks, he picked up a chicken foot.

Ok?No bones?Boneless chicken feet?Jiang Yang thought about it, but he wasn't surprised.But the next moment, his eyes widened.

Jiang Yang thought it was a very simple braised phoenix claw, so it wouldn't be surprising even if the bones were removed.But that kind of taste, the chicken feet will melt when you sip the mouth, and the tendons inside will be soft and slippery.

If this is the case alone, it will not make Jiang Yang speechless.Chicken feet seem monotonous, without too many ingredients.But its taste is rich in layers, and Jiang Yang can taste many kinds of flavors in one bite.

The different flavors are distinct and blend with each other. This contradictory feeling makes Jiang Yang have an inextricable charm.

A dish can be said to be amazing in one bite, and I can't help but have another bite.

Yes, Jiang Yang picked up another chopstick.With the preparation in mind this time, Jiang Yang wanted to taste a deeper taste.

"This is... the sweetness of pumpkin, the fragrance of cucumber, and the smell of winter melon, um~ wait, this is the smell of orange peel, and there is a very faint smell of red dates and wolfberry. No, no, there is another smell The fruity aroma of watermelon, how do you get it? What kind of smell is it? Lemon or vinegar? That’s right! It’s the smell of lemon! Wine? It still smells like wine, it’s so bland that you can hardly taste it.” Jiang Yang closed his eyes Mumbling to himself, but the voice is not small.

He didn't notice that Liao Aiguo, Li Li and Liao Lili looked shocked.Mr. Liao is an old god, and he seems to have expected this result.In fact, it was true, but he also got the news from Mr. Chen.Chen Quanzhou was full of praise for Jiang Yang's sense of taste, saying that he was one of the most talented people he had ever met.

After Jiang Yang tasted it, he said with admiration: "What a wonderful chicken feet, Jiuxiang...it really is Jiuxiang!"

Although Liao Aiguo was surprised, he was not a young man, so he could hide his expression.

He said lightly: "Can you taste any shortcomings?"

Jiang Yang was taken aback, what's wrong?He thought it was perfect, and there was nothing wrong with it.He shook his head.

Liao Aiguo sighed and said, "Oh, forget it."

Mr. Liao said, "Actually, it's pretty good."

Liao Aiguo said: "It's still far from the taste I imagined."

Mr. Liao didn't know what to say about his eldest son. Logically speaking, he should be satisfied, but he still felt that this dish was flawed, and it had already become his obsession.

Mr. Liao didn't speak, just shook his head and walked away.Liao Aiguo picked up Jiuxiang Phoenix Claw and dumped it in the trash can without any distress.His Jiuxiang Phoenix Claw is far from his father's Qijue Phoenix Claw!

Jiang Yang looked distressed, he should have eaten more if he knew.

Liao Aiguo seemed very lonely, he no longer mentioned the matter of Jiuxiang chicken feet, but prepared the dishes for the evening.

Li Li and Liao Lili had obviously experienced this situation many times, and they were no strangers to Liao Aiguo's dumping of Jiuxiang Phoenix Claw.

Liao Xiaoyue came to Jiang Yang's side with a depressed expression.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Yang asked.

"No, it's my dad..." Liao Xiaoyue hesitated to speak.

"What happened to Uncle Liao?" Jiang Yang said casually.

"Alas~ He has been researching Jiuxiang Phoenix Claw for more than ten years, but still has no success. We all think it is delicious, but he always feels that it is not enough. The problem is that he can't tell what the problem is. He always talks about Jiuxiangfeng in his heart. The claws are different. You said that he himself doesn't know where the problem is, and he has been struggling with it." Liao Xiaoyue said in one breath.

Jiang Yang understood that he just didn't create the perfect Jiuxiang Phoenix Claw in his heart, so he was depressed.But Jiang Yang didn't quite understand it. He thought it was delicious, so why bother?

The atmosphere in the kitchen was somewhat depressing. Liao Aiguo had a serious expression, but today it was even more cloudy.

Jiang Yang didn't dare to do anything wrong, and no one dared to touch Liao Aiguo's eyebrows at this time, even Liao Xiaoyue was obedient.

The day passed quickly, and Jiang Yang finally made it to the end.When I stepped out of Liao's private kitchen, I felt a sense of relief.The atmosphere in the kitchen is really depressing.

Go home and open the shop, close on time at 12 o'clock for a rest.

 Thank you Sakura for the [-] point reward!Thank you for your favorites too!Recommended ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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