gourmet restaurant

Chapter 72 Matching (Happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

Chapter 72 Matching (Happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

Regarding the smell of compound spices, Jiang Yang has achieved preliminary results.Although it can't be judged immediately, it can be said to be [-]% to [-]% right.

Mr. Liao was not stingy either, and began to give Jiang Yang some basic combinations of spices.I have to say that Mr. Liao is a very good teacher.

For a simple spice mix, he can explain it in detail, including why such a mix is ​​needed and what effect it will have.Mr. Liao came together one by one. Although ordinary people might find it a bit boring, Jiang Yang listened with gusto.

Mr. Liao is a good teacher, and Jiang Yang is also a good student.His ability to accept is very strong. Whenever Mr. Liao talks about a knowledge point, inspirations for various spice combinations will emerge in Jiang Yang's mind.Jiang Yang was able to draw inferences about what Mr. Liao said, which made Mr. Liao more enjoyable.

Liao Xiaoyue is a bit annoying, at least Jiang Yang thinks so.Li Li watched Liao Xiaoyue frequently looking for Jiang Yang, his eyes became more gloomy.But he didn't show anything, he just did things silently and never came to trouble Jiang Yang.

At first, Liao Aiguo didn't want Liao Xiaoyue to have frequent contact with Jiang Yang. Isn't that the same for all fathers?But then somehow he acquiesced to Liao Xiaoyue's behavior.

On this day, Jiang Yang was holding a small scale for weighing Chinese medicine, and was weighing Chinese medicine, and he was still muttering something.

Liao Xiaoyue listened closer, "20 grams of cinnamon bark, 15 grams of star anise, 2 grams of fragrant leaves..."

"What are you doing?" Liao Xiaoyue said suddenly behind Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang shook his body, and said, "Scare me, can you not speak suddenly from behind next time?"

"Yes. What are you doing?" Liao Xiaoyue said.

"Oh, Mr. Liao assigned me a task, asking me to prepare a spice." Jiang Yang said.

"It's simple, just make a copy." Liao Xiaoyue said indifferently.

Jiang Yang shook his head and said, "It would be great if it was that simple. Mr. Liao said, you have to follow your own ideas, and finally you have to say what you thought when you created it."

Liao Xiaoyue opened her mouth wide and said, "So perverted?"

Jiang Yang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he didn't dare to answer casually.

"Okay, don't bother me for now," Jiang Yang said.Turn around and continue to weigh the spices.

Liao Xiaoyue felt bored, so she didn't pester Jiang Yang.

Jiang Yang took the spices and prepared to grind them into powder.Boil water, put the spices in, and cook a pot of soup.Jiang Yang took a bowl and brought it to Mr. Liao.

"This smell is very unique, tell me what you think." Mr. Liao said.

"I wanted to express a taste of summer, so I added some chili and peppercorns. I tried to match the rest with a relatively mild taste to set off the peppercorns and peppers," Jiang Yang said.

"Yes, I have an idea." Mr. Liao didn't say much.

Jiang Yang said: "You don't want to comment?"

"Evaluate what?" Mr. Liao asked.

"It's just whether it's good or not, what's wrong with it," Jiang Yang said.He worked so hard to make it, not just for a few words.He wanted to get Mr. Liao's evaluation, and then make targeted improvements.

"Hehe, you created this. I can only say whether I like it or not. Xiao Jiang, you have to understand. No matter what dish you cook, some people like it and some people don't. Diners can only say good from their own point of view. Whether it tastes good or not does not represent other people. This compound spice is created by yourself. You can only know what taste you want to express, whether you have finished expressing it, or what defects exist." Mr. Liao said .

Jiang Yang asked suspiciously: "Then according to what you said, those food reviews are unnecessary?"

Mr. Liao smiled and said, "Why is it unnecessary? Food is for people to eat. What is gourmet food? It is food that everyone likes, so it is called gourmet food. Even if it is only you who think it is delicious, then it is for you This is food. What the chef pursues is to make more people like this dish, so there are reviews. However, no matter how good the evaluation is, no matter how highly praised the food is, there will be people who don’t like it.”

Jiang Yang understands that the taste is his own preference, and the chef is trying to make more people like this dish.

Mr. Liao didn't continue to talk about this, but said: "Okay, let's go. Don't worry about creating new spice combinations, and don't deliberately create anything in the future. Let nature take its course. At that time, you will naturally create it. "

Jiang Yang nodded. He understood what Liao Lao meant. It was as if he was going to participate in the Olympics before he learned how to walk.

"I don't have much to teach you about the basic combination of spices. If you are interested, I can teach you something about the spices themselves." Mr. Liao said.

"I'm interested." Jiang Yang said quickly.

"Well, that's good, I'll tell you tomorrow, and I have to prepare something to talk about today." Elder Liao said.

At night, Jiang Yang bid farewell and left.He went back to the store to open the door, and was going back to try some spice combinations.Barbecue is the best experimental object to see if the roasted barbecue will be more fragrant.

Jiang Yang returned to the store and took out the prepared ingredients to defrost.I went to the kitchen to mix spices.

After preparing these, Jiang Yang opened the door to welcome the guests.After so many days, there are also many repeat customers, and they also brought some new guests along the way.

In this way, the business in the Jiangyang store is getting better and better, and the number of customers received every night is more than that of his previous day when he opened the store during the day.The income of happiness is naturally high, and now he can gain nearly thirty happiness in one night.After deducting the six hours of training time per day, there are still about [-] happiness left.

This kind of income is almost double that when he just opened the store.However, in this way, Jiang Yang felt that he was too busy.What a happy trouble.

"Boss, let's have one as usual." Jiang Yang replied.

"Hey! Boss, your barbecue smells so delicious, do you have any secret recipe?" the man said.

"The craftsmanship has improved, what's the secret recipe?" Jiang Yang said casually.

"Boss, your words are not modest at all!" said the man,
"I'm telling the truth." Jiang Yang said, he's not afraid of their anger, they are all regular customers, so they won't be angry.

"Ha, the boss is pretending so well." Another person said.

"I have to accept, the boss is the boss, you can pretend to be so indifferent." Another person said.

Jiang Yang was helpless, he didn't believe the truth, his people were not old.

What followed was a burst of voices saying that Jiang Yang was pretending, but Jiang Yang didn't care about it. He was just joking, so he wouldn't be angry.

After a while, everyone's topic turned to other places.However, Jiangyang's barbecue has indeed conquered the stomachs of more people, and the income of happiness has also increased.

Here, Liao's private kitchen serves food, and Li Li has finished his busy day.I swept a shared bicycle on the side of the road and rode all the way back.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back." Li Li said as soon as he got home.

"Xiao Li is back? Go take a shower." Li's mother said.

Li Li nodded, took a bucket of water and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After a busy day, Li Li's body was covered with sweat and sticky.The warm water washes away the tiredness of the day.

Li Li looked outside the toilet, his eyes fixed.

The bath time in hot weather is not long, 10 minutes is enough.Li Li walked out of the toilet covered in moisture and said, "Mom, have you eaten yet?"

Li's mother said: "Eat, go to rest quickly. After a long day, are you exhausted?"

Li Li looked at the empty house, nodded and said, "Okay."

Back in the room, Li Li took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Liao Xiaoyue: "Junior sister, let's go out and play together when we are free on weekends!"

After a while, Liao Xiaoyue replied: "No, I made an appointment with Jiang Yang to go to the spice market on the weekend."

Li Li's eyes froze and he clenched his fingers tightly.After a while, he put down his phone and fell into a deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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