gourmet restaurant

Chapter 675 Zhou Wei's Request

Chapter 675 Zhou Wei's Request

Jiang Yang picked up Meng Wanqiu from get off work, and the two returned to the shop.

Jiang Yang was making food, while Meng Wanqiu was sitting outside dealing with unfinished business.

Not long after, Jiang Yang came out with food.

"Still working?" Jiang Yang said with a smile.

"Well, there are still some things that haven't been dealt with." Meng Wanqiu nodded.

"Then... eat later?" Jiang Yang said hesitantly.

"No need, let's eat first. There are so many things to do, and we can't finish them in the time we spend eating." Meng Wanqiu said.

Jiang Yang nodded.

Some curiously asked: "Is the company very busy? This time."

Meng Wanqiu smiled and said, "The company is okay, mainly because there are more things going on at Xiangdongliu Restaurant."

"There are a lot of things in the restaurant? It's not enough." Jiang Yang said.

"During this time, the restaurant is currently in the transformation period, so it is a bit busy. But after the transformation is completed, it should not be so busy." Meng Wanqiu explained.

"Transformation? To what transformation?" Jiang Yang was curious.

While talking, Meng Wanqiu cleared the table while Jiang Yang arranged the food.

"From mid-to-high-end restaurants to high-end restaurants." Meng Wanqiu said.


Jiang Yang was a little puzzled. Aren't mid-to-high-end restaurants pretty good?And it should be better for the two target groups.

Jiang Yang expressed his doubts.

Meng Wanqiu explained: "That's not the case. Mid-to-high-end restaurants seem to have a larger target audience, but they are in an embarrassing position. Before, there was no way. The restaurant has just been established and its positioning is not very good. It is clear, that’s why it is a mid-to-high-end restaurant. Now that we have the conditions, it is natural to transform into a high-end restaurant.”

After a pause, Meng Wanqiu continued: "Actually, mid-end restaurants are pretty good, but there are too many mid-end restaurants, and the market is so big, it's a bit difficult to squeeze in if you share some with each person. High-end restaurants are different. There are not many high-end restaurants in Rongcheng, and the cake in the high-end market is relatively large. Although Rongcheng is not a first-tier city, the money that people in Rongcheng spend on food every year is extremely scary. In fact, if it were not for you, I would go to participate in the exchange of high-end restaurants in Sichuan Province this time. Yes, I may choose to transform into a mid-end restaurant, the high-end restaurants in Rongcheng are too exclusive, and restaurants that have not been recognized do not dare to be called high-end restaurants.”

Meng Wanqiu's long speech made Jiang Yang dizzy, he didn't understand so much, since Meng Wanqiu thought it was okay, so he thought it was okay.

The two had just set up dinner.

Today's dinner is very delicate. Jiang Yang has learned some delicate dishes, most of which are to try, but the taste must be passable.

Because of the bad taste of the dishes, Jiang Yang had tasted them himself in the system space.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of "Welcome!" at the door.

Both Jiang Yang and Meng Wanqiu were taken aback. Jiang Yang had already closed the door, and the shutter doors had already been pulled down, only a small door was opened.Familiar customers or not should know that this place is closed.

Jiang Yang looked back, but saw Zhou Wei walking over.

Before Jiang Yang could speak, he heard Zhou Wei say, "Yangzi, how about eating? It just so happens that I haven't eaten yet, so I'll take a bite."

When Jiang Yang heard Zhou Wei say this, he felt a little speechless, you said everything I said, what did I say?
"Come here and sit down, I'll get you the bowls and chopsticks," Jiang Yang said.

"Hey, then I won't be polite." Zhou Wei walked over and sat down carelessly.

Jiang Yang went to the kitchen to fetch bowls and chopsticks for Zhou Wei.

"Hey! The squad leader is here too!" Zhou Wei teased.

Meng Wanqiu said angrily: "I'm such a big living person, did you only see my feelings?"

"No way, I noticed you, monitor, when I came in." Zhou Wei said.

"Why is Manager Zhou free today?" Meng Wanqiu laughed.

"Bad! I finally took a day off today." Zhou Wei said.

It happened that Jiang Yang walked over with the bowl and chopsticks, and asked, "Are you busy recently?"

Zhou Wei sighed, looking indescribable.

Meng Wanqiu smiled and said, "You brother, you are now a rising business star."

Hearing this, Jiang Yang looked at Zhou Wei in surprise, and said, "Really? That's great."

Jiang Yang is really happy for his childhood. Zhou Wei can be said to be his best brother. Now that he is more and more apprentice, how can Jiang Yang not be happy for his brother?
But Zhou Wei said with a wry smile: "What new star, I'm so tired all day long, I don't even have time to rest."

Jiang Yang smiled, and ignored Zhou Wei's complaints. What kind of work is not tiring now?all tired!
"Are you coming over today when you are free, or are you looking for me?" Jiang Yang asked.

"Hey, did you see all of this? I really came here to find you." Zhou Wei said with a smile.

"What's the matter, tell me." Jiang Yang said.

Jiang Yang was not at all surprised that Zhou Wei was looking for him for something, as if he knew it a long time ago.

"Yangzi, you should know that it will be my old man's birthday in a few days. This time he is planning to do it again, but there is a lack of a chef in charge. No, I just thought that you have become a master chef. Help my old man support the scene." Zhou Wei said bluntly.

Jiang Yang is his best brother, there is no need to beat around the bush, he is the best to be straightforward.

Jiang Yang couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed when he heard this.

Uncle Zhou's birthday in a few days?He doesn't know!
Zhou Wei looked at Jiang Yang and could see what Jiang Yang was thinking, so he said, "It's normal if you don't remember my old man's birthday. He often doesn't celebrate his birthday, and he only celebrates it once in a while. Don't talk about you, sometimes I also To forget."

Jiang Yang nodded, even though Zhou Wei said that, Jiang Yang was still a little embarrassed.

"Ahem, it's okay." Jiang Yang coughed twice in embarrassment, and then agreed.

"Uncle Zhou hasn't hired a cook for his birthday?" Meng Wanqiu was a little surprised.

She was also the one who received the invitations, but she never expected that even though she had already received the invitations, the host didn't even invite a chef.

"Cough..." Zhou Wei coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment.

He naturally knew what Meng Wanqiu meant. The problem was that his father planned to hire a chef at random, but he didn't say that.

Meng Wanqiu rolled her eyes, and suddenly said: "Zhou Wei, since Uncle invited Jiang Yang to be the chef, he can't just let Jiang Yang cook alone, right? After all, there are so many guests."

"Of course not. Jiang Yang is the chef, and we will definitely invite other chefs." Zhou Wei said.

"Then have you invited the chef?" Meng Wanqiu asked.

When asked this question, Zhou Wei couldn't help being embarrassed again.Strictly speaking, Meng Wanqiu was their guest, and now that the guests knew that they hadn't invited a chef, it was inevitable that they would be embarrassed for a while.

"Well...of course we will invite you as soon as possible." Zhou Wei said.

When Meng Wanqiu heard this, her eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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