gourmet restaurant

Chapter 674 Bargaining

Chapter 674 Bargaining
Zhou's father was taken aback by Zhou Wei's question. He hadn't thought about who the chef should invite.

"Well, I'll think about it. How about inviting the chef from Chen's Restaurant." Father Zhou rubbed his chin and said.

"Dad, it's your [-]th birthday banquet anyway, so you should pay more attention to it, right?" Zhou Wei said helplessly.

Father Zhou glared at him and said, "Why don't I pay attention?"

"Dad, why do you have to hire a master chef? We are in the catering industry and know many master chefs. It shouldn't be difficult to hire one," Zhou Wei said.

"You fart, you kid. You think I don't want to invite a master chef. The problem is that I have to invite your father too. Do you think master chefs are so easy to hire?" Father Zhou said angrily.

The reason why Father Zhou didn't decide which chef to invite at the beginning was that he couldn't invite master chefs, and it doesn't matter if ordinary chefs invite anyone casually.

"Dad, you said that you have been around for so long, and you can't even invite a master chef for your birthday." Zhou Wei curled his lips and said.

The blue veins on Father Zhou's forehead were throbbing, and he scolded: "You kid is scolding me!"

After a pause, Father Zhou said, "The important thing about my birthday party this time is not what to eat. There are some things you should also understand. For example, when we hold a birthday party, the banquet is secondary, and interpersonal communication is the most important thing."

Zhou Wei said, "Dad, what you said is not bad, but won't it be more face-saving for you to have a master chef cook?"

Zhou's father said: "I don't know? Want you to teach? I would like to invite, but the problem is that there is no time."

Zhou Wei said mysteriously: "Dad, I can hire a master chef for you."

Father Zhou cast a glance at Zhou Wei and said, "You still know a master chef? You used to be ignorant all day long."

"Hey, Dad, don't look down on me, how about this, what if I invite a master chef?" Zhou Wei said.

Father Zhou really became interested. How could he not know what Zhou Wei was like before?If Zhou Wei really knew a master chef, then he wouldn't have to worry so much.

"Tell me, what conditions do you have?" Father Zhou asked.

Zhou Wei smiled and said, "The condition is very simple. I discussed that matter with you before, and you just agree."

Zhou's father frowned and said, "No way! The branch is not stable yet."

"Dad, I believe in my ability, and I don't want others to say that I rely on you." Zhou Wei said.

Zhou's father heard Zhou Wei's words and looked at Zhou Wei for a long time.

Zhou Wei struggled with him on this matter for a long time, but Zhou's father never agreed.The reason is very simple, he was afraid that Zhou Wei would not be able to handle the affairs of the branch alone.

Opening up a market in an unfamiliar city is not as easy as imagined, and Zhou Wei lacks experience.

But hearing Zhou Wei's words again today, Zhou's father suddenly had an urge to let him try.The young eagle always has to leave the arms of his parents and fight alone in the sky. He also struggled from nothing back then to what he is now, so why can't his son do it?

Zhou Wei is his son, and based on this alone, he should believe in Zhou Wei.Moreover, it's just a branch company, even if this boy Zhou Wei screwed up, he still has the ability to cover the bottom line, but the loss is a bit painful.

Father Zhou's thoughts turned around, and he quickly figured out some things, and he was already planning to agree to Zhou Wei in his heart, but things that are easily obtained will not be cherished.

"It's not impossible to go to the branch office. The premise is that you invite a chef to come first, and I will consider it." Father Zhou said.

Zhou Wei was overjoyed, this time his father didn't directly agree, but he didn't directly refuse like before.This is already the best result for him.

"Dad, you said this, don't go back on your word." Zhou Wei said.

Father Zhou was a little speechless in his heart. Who does this child think he is, and he has to go back on what he said?
"Don't worry, if I promise you, you won't go back on my word." Father Zhou said.

After a pause, he continued: "However, first tell me who is the master chef you want to invite?"

Zhou Wei smiled and said, "Hey, Dad, you actually know this master chef."

"I know one too?" Zhou's father frowned, and quickly searched for the culinary masters he knew, none of them were free, he asked them all.

"That's right, and you're still his elder," Zhou Wei said.

"Elder?" Father Zhou read a sentence, and suddenly a person popped up in his mind-Jiang Yang!
He looked at Zhou Wei and said, "Your boy is waiting for me here! All right, if you invite Jiang Yang over, I will admit it too."

"Okay! I will definitely invite Jiang Yang over." Zhou Wei said with a smile.

Father Zhou shook his head, Jiang Yang was indeed ignored by him.If Zhou Wei hadn't reminded him, he might have overlooked that Jiang Yang is also a master chef.

Presumably, Jiang Yang, as his junior, suddenly became a culinary master that he needed to make friends with. He couldn't easily accept this change for a while, so he subconsciously ignored the fact that Jiang Yang was a culinary master.

Zhou Wei left home, he went to deliver the invitation first, and then went to Jiang Yang.

Zhou Wei couldn't help shaking his fist at the thought of being able to go to the branch office to flex his muscles in the future.

He is still a young man with ideals. He wants others to recognize him not because of his father, but because of his ability.The branch office is a platform to prove his ability, so he has always wanted to go.


After Jiang Yang managed to persuade some customers to leave, he closed the door.

When Yu Zhiyu was around, he wasn't that tired, but when Yu Zhiyu left, he was very tired.

Jiang Yang suspected that he was slacking off. He used to be alone and didn't feel too tired. Sure enough, he was slacking off.

It's just that as Jiang Yang's reputation spread, every time the small restaurant opened, many guests would come, making Jiang Yang unable to rest at all, and busy running around.

Although there are many people making money, the price he charges is not high, and he can only earn a limited amount of money for a single dish, unlike other master chefs who sell a single dish for a high price.

It is precisely because of the delicious food and the cheap price that there are so many customers. Many people even deliberately waited around the restaurant, and Jiang Yang ran over as soon as the door opened.

For these things, Jiang Yang has nothing to do, he can't drive people away, can he?

It is better when Yu Zhiyu is around, many things can be left to Yu Zhiyu to do.

Before he knew it, Jiang Yang missed Yu Zhiyu's presence again.

Jiang Yang sat and rested, and suddenly thought: How about I also recruit an apprentice, then I don't have to work so hard.

Immediately, Jiang Yang put this idea aside, it was too tiring to lead his apprentice.

It is not easy for him to find an apprentice. The problem is that it is too troublesome to recruit an apprentice.Even Yu Zhiyu was not actually Jiang Yang's real apprentice.

After resting for a while, Jiang Yang got up to move his body, closed the store door, and drove towards Meng Wanqiu's company.

(End of this chapter)

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