Templar Sun King

Chapter 581 5 Color Dragon Queen

Chapter 581
Both the White Dragon God and the Black Dragon God are giant dragons with a length of [-] meters, with dense fangs, full of flesh and blood, and divine light flowing on each scale, like a shield.

The already powerful body of the giant dragon family reached an incredible level after igniting the divine fire. I am afraid that only the demons and giants in the entire multiverse can compete with each other. God's attention.

"It's the White Dragon God and the Black Dragon God of the dragon gods! That's right, the dragon aura of the artifact on the dwarf true god is too strong, and the dragon gods who must revenge will not let it go easily."

That is a giant dragon of the legendary rank. No church can bear such a huge loss. It is no wonder that the dragon gods are furious.

"Stoss, you bastard who offends the majesty of the dragon, you have to pay for your arrogance!"

Accompanied by the angry roar of the dragon, two terrifying dragon breaths were born on the outer plane.

The two dragon breaths, the white dragon's frost breath and the black dragon's swamp acid, reached the extreme of freezing and corrosion in the mouth of the giant dragon demigod, no less than the domain abilities of any frost domain and acid domain, turning one white and one acid. The two divine lights of Hei arrived in an instant.

"The dwarf gods are in danger. When the god of forging forged the artifacts, he should have discarded the breath of the dragon, otherwise it would not attract the attacks of the dragon gods."

As the three major races in the first era alongside demons and giants, although giant dragons do not have a main god to sit in command, a lean camel is bigger than a horse, and it is not something that dwarves can stand up to.

The dwarven pantheon is dangerous, there is no doubt about it.

The God of Blacksmith alone is indistinguishable from the God of Forging, not to mention the God of Slaughter, the God of Plague, and the God of Winter.

Now add the two giant dragons and demigods who roared again and again and overflowed with murderous intent...

Some of the gods have already prepared for the two gods of the dwarf pantheon to be pulled into the astral world today.

However, in just the next second, the situation on the field reversed.

A stream of black light suddenly pierced through the air, entangled and entangled with the two menacing dragon's breath.

Immediately, the dragon's breath, which was so powerful just now, immediately stagnated, and then disintegrated inch by inch, turning into countless black smoke and dust and dissipating.

In the entire multiverse, there is only one person who has the ability to turn any object into ashes: "Ash Knight!"

"The Kingdom of Truth intervenes, and now things are getting tricky."

A knight in a black cloak came from a distance, stopped in front of the two giant dragons and demigods, glanced at the God of Slaughter, the God of Blacksmiths, the God of Plague and the God of Winter, and said condescendingly: "The dwarves The gods are blessed by our lord. It is an unfair battle of gods, are you sure you want to challenge the majesty of the kingdom of truth?"

"Your Highness Terry, thank you for your help."

The Dwarf True God and the Cave God took the opportunity to get rid of the siege of the Nine Pillars God and hide behind the Ash Knight.

The two gods of the dwarf pantheon were very embarrassed, and their divine brilliance was dim, like twilight.

The dwarf true gods who were besieged by the three true gods were even more unbearable. The elementary artifacts and armor used to protect themselves were all torn. I don’t know when they will be repaired. It can be seen how much damage the siege of the three true gods and one demigod caused them. .

"Go to your mother's provocation!"

"Go to hell, little man!"

The anger of the two giant dragons and demigods, which had been suppressed for a long time because of the order of the five-color dragon queen, was abruptly blocked by the ashen knight when they were about to vent their hearty vent.

Coupled with the lofty and domineering posture of the Ember Knight, the dragon and demigod who was in a rage instantly became more angry, and a string called reason was broken.


The moment the five-color dragon saw the ashen knight make a move, she knew it was not good. The matter might not be as simple as she imagined.

She wanted to call back the White Dragon God and the Black Dragon God, but it was too late.

The two demigods of the dragon gods who were dazed by their anger roared and continued to attack the God of Forging hiding behind the Ash Knight, and even the Ash Knight was enveloped in it.

"Great, it looks like the dragon gods insist on provoking the majesty of our lord!"

The white divine light flickered, and another knight descended.

Soul Knight!

"The giant dragon demigod was too impulsive to attack the Ash Knight directly."

"Yeah, now even the soul knight has come."

The meaning of the Ember Knight is very clear, they will ignore the god war caused by the dispute of belief, but whoever takes the opportunity to sneak attack is provoking the kingdom of truth.

This is understandable, otherwise what is the point of seeking the blessing of the kingdom of truth.

But the two demigods of the dragon gods ignored the warning of the Ember Knight, and continued to attack the God of Forging who was injured by the battle of gods in front of him, and even the Ash Knight was included in the attack range.

In this way, the nature of the matter is completely different.

Over the years, who has really attacked the four horsemen of truth?
Standing behind them is the first master of law in the multiverse, the God of Truth!
"Your Highness Ruiwen, this is a misunderstanding—" The matter had developed to this point, and the five-color dragon queen had to come out to clean up the mess.

But before she finished speaking, the gods heard the grumpy Black Dragon God roaring: "God Lord, Stoss despises the majesty of the dragon, and he must not let him go. These two god slaves—"

"Sorry, is there something wrong with my ears, I seemed to hear XX just now?"

"The Black Dragon God is crazy!"

"How could he swear such vicious words?"

The gods were in an uproar, and the Black Dragon God actually called out the title 'God Slave' from the face of God in front of the Ember Knight and the Soul Knight.

The term God Slave originally originated from the contemptuous name extreme mages gave to priests, meaning that "priests are not worthy to be compared with mages, they are just a group of slaves and lowly people who beg for mercy from the gods in exchange for the ability to cast spells."

And the essence of the gods is believers - if they don't put their belief in the gods into the fire, they can't become the gods - sharing the authority and glory of believing in the gods is fundamentally different from being a god.

The gods can tolerate this word circulating on the material plane, but it is absolutely taboo before the secondary gods.

And now the Black Dragon God of the dragon gods actually yelled directly, which is no less than greeting the four knights of truth fiercely in front of the gods, and any humiliation is less than one ten-thousandth of him.

If you want to get to the bottom of it, the words of the Black Dragon God are tantamount to offending all the slave gods in the entire multiverse, which is a huge power group.

You must know that there are subordinate gods in the multiverse, either the main god, or on the way to the main god.

Representatives of the former include the Four Seraphs of Heaven Mountain and the God of Knights, and the God of Assassins in the Kingdom of Darkness, while the latter includes the Goddess of Spring and Autumn of the Titanic pantheon...

Not to mention the gods, even the White Dragon God abruptly stopped attacking because of the Black Dragon God's words, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

This has gone beyond the scope of provocation, it is a complete insult, the kind that is extremely humiliating in public.

If there was room for change between the dragon gods and the kingdom of truth just now, when the word god slave popped up, there really was no more.

Just as the White Dragon God was about to ask the Black Dragon God if he was crazy, he suddenly felt a vague force flowing into his heart, and the anger that had been suppressed by the shock just now was detonated again: "That's right, God Lord, for the majesty of the dragon!"

The powerful aura erupted from the Ember Knight and Soul Knight was obviously because of Black Dragon God's unrestrained speech and face-to-face insult and anger.

"Raven, you—"

The five-color dragon queen noticed the abnormality, but the ashen knight and the soul knight didn't give her a chance: "His Royal Highness Ennuma, I can ignore the humiliation of the black dragon god and the white dragon god, but they must pay the price for blaspheming my lord!"

In less than an hour, the battle between the dwarf gods and the God of Slaughter, after experiencing the battle between the dwarf gods and the nine-pillar gods, and the conflict between the dwarf gods and the dragon gods, finally evolved due to the provocation of the black dragon god. Become a holy war between the dragon gods and the knights of truth to defend the faith!

"Duncan, come back quickly, it seems that today's protagonist is not a dwarf pantheon."

The God of Blacksmith glanced at the injured God of Blacksmithing with regret, and quickly left the place.

Knight of Truth, the servant of the Lord of Chaos Law, it is safer for him to return to the Kingdom of God to watch from a distance when such a dispute occurs, and it would be too bad luck if it is affected.

The God of Slaughter, the God of Plague, and the God of Winter also returned to the Kingdom of God one after another, and it is no longer their business to intervene here.

Things took a turn for the worse. Ordinary gods may not be able to perceive the underlying reasons, but Adam, the main god, can see clearly.

In the beginning, it was true that the Black Dragon God and the White Dragon God attacked the Ash Knight because of their rage, but later when the Black Dragon God yelled the word "God Slave", there was clearly a trace of spiritual power.

Needless to say, it was the handwriting of the spiritual knight Ruiwen.

Even the wristband with the obvious dragon aura in the God of Forging's hand was displayed on purpose at the beginning, the purpose was to anger the bad-tempered dragon demigods and attract them to attack the true god of dwarves, so as to make it easier for the Ember Knight to play , enraged the Black Dragon God and the White Dragon God for the second time.

"It's just that why the four knights of truth want to deal with the dragon gods, the two seem to have no conflict of interest."

If the five-color dragon queen still can't see that this is a conspiracy against the dragon gods, then she is really an idiot.

Therefore, the five-color dragon queen roared, and the dragon body directly appeared, facing the spiritual knight.

It was a gigantic monster ten times the size of the Black Dragon God, with five huge heads of different colors. The scales were divided into five colors: black, white, red, green, and blue. Above the soul knight.

"Go back to the Kingdom of God! Ruiwen, it was you just now—"

"Nobody needs to leave."

Three rays of divine light descended together and appeared, namely Shadow Knight, Ether Knight and Death Knight.

The gods had already heard about the existence of the ether knight when the new continent came. Although they were curious about how the other party ignited the fire without telling the gods, it was far less shocking than the death knight's appearance.

"The death knight, who is said to be the knight who brings death, seems to have never left the realm of truth, and now even he has appeared."

"The Black Dragon God's words were too harsh."

The five knights of truth surrounded the three gods of the giant dragon gods, and the death knight wearing red radiance announced expressionlessly: "My lord oracle, the black dragon god of the dragon gods has blasphemed the master of the law of chaos, and the blood of the gods should be used to kill you." Wash away the sins. The White Dragon God provoked the kingdom of truth and turned into a sheep for a thousand years. Your Highness Enuma, please step aside."

"What if I don't?" The five heads and eyes behind the five-color dragon flashed fiercely, and made five overlapping voices.

"If there is any resistance, kill them all! Your Highness Ennuma, the glory of our lord cannot be desecrated! It is the mercy of our lord not to pursue the sins of the White Dragon God."

"In that case—" Five dragon chants were heard, and the five-color dragon queen spit out three medium-level artifacts in one breath.

One is a huge clock dial with a diameter of one meter. The hour, minute, and second hands are all silver-gray and ticking.

One is a huge claw, made of unknown material, with a cold light shining and extremely sharp.

The last piece was a small, dainty, and very delicate gold casket.

"Who would have thought that things would turn out like this in the end, the dragon gods will be seriously injured now."

"That exquisite box is the Disaster Magic Box, an artifact made by the five-color dragon queen herself. But what are the other two? They are both medium-level artifacts!"

The demigod who spoke was so envious, the total number of artifacts he had seen after becoming a god was not as much as he saw in just one hour today.

"That clock dial is the time clock left by the first god master of the dragon god system, the ancient space-time dragon, and it is said to contain the power of time."

"That claw is the killing claw made by the five-color dragon queen's husband, the seven-faced dragon god. Speaking of which, the dragon god is willing to send a dragon to help the killing kingdom this time. Maybe it is because the killing master also holds the priesthood of killing. .”

"Your Highness Ennuma, as the God Lord of the dragon gods, there are some things you should consider clearly." The Shadow Knight persuaded with a frown.

The five-color dragon queen sneered: "Isn't this exactly what you want?"

The appearance of the wristband, the Ember Knight and the guidance of the Soul Knight, this is a conspiracy planned by the Kingdom of Truth long ago.

Just why, why target the dragon gods?

The Five-Color Dragon Queen believed that after the fall of the Mother Earth Goddess, their giant dragon clan had avoided living on Dragon Island, and would not go out easily.

The only large-scale departure was when the dark gods, demon gods, and undead gods were united to launch natural disasters, but the part where the dragons raged was in places such as the Uppler Eastern World, the Bafison Merchant League.

Wait... The Bafison Merchant Alliance, the goddess of wealth and commerce, could it be Wojin?
But soon the whole idea was snuffed out, and the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce obviously hadn't affected the Kingdom of Truth to dispatch the five Knights of Truth.

The Five-Colored Dragon Empress couldn't think of a reason why the Kingdom of Truth was planning to deal with the giant dragon gods, but the words of the Green Dragon God just came to mind: the god of blacksmiths has the support of Tianshan Mountain, and the god of plague is obviously instructed by the dark lady .

Even the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce and the Dwarf Goddess are backed by the God of Truth, but the Dragon Goddess has not received the blessing of the Lord God.

If... if the dragon gods had their own main god, they wouldn't be besieged by the four knights of truth today.

The five knights of truth besieged the five-color dragon queen, the white dragon god and the black dragon god in the middle, looked at each other, each raised their right hands, and emitted a divine light.

Black, gray, white, red, five divine lights intertwined, the space was broken and distorted immediately, and they pressed down hard on the three giant dragon gods in the middle.

"Damn Kingdom of Truth!"

Seeing the besieged five-color dragon and his companions, the Green Dragon God also turned into a [-]-meter-long green dragon and flew out of the Kingdom of God, regardless of the difference in strength.

But the next moment, he was intercepted by two divine lights, the Plague Knight and the Peace Knight who had just been conferred gods a while ago.

"By my lord's oracle! Your Highness Waiters, this matter has nothing to do with you, please don't meddle lightly. Otherwise..."

"Go away!" The Green Dragon God roared, and the breath of the dragon directly enveloped the two demigods.

Sharon, the peace knight, looked at the overwhelming green light—they are a highly condensed poisonous fog that can easily corrode the flesh and blood of demigods—and sighed: "Peace is really hard to come by."

A group of peace doves carrying olive branches flew out from behind Sharon, spread their wings, and lifted up the poisonous fog.

"My lord, what is Yasha Lord God thinking? It doesn't seem to be good for him to destroy the dragon gods?" The gospel angel frowned and said doubtfully.

Moreover, the five-color dragon queen holds three medium-level artifacts in her hands, and if she goes all out, it is very likely to explode with terrifying combat power.

Adam also didn't guess the mind of the God of Truth: "I don't have a clear idea yet, but—huh? It's the Goddess of Darkness."

A black ray of light rushed out from the kingdom of darkness, and swept down the battlefield between the five-color dragon queen and the knight of truth.

"Enuma, as long as you are willing to join the dark gods with the dragon gods—"

"Nicks, this is not something you change management."

Chaotic brilliance gushed out from the realm of truth like water, and arrived in an instant, facing the goddess of darkness.


The five-color dragon queen roared again and again, and the disaster box was opened first. Countless howling black smoke rushed out of it, wandered inside the light curtain, whining, and evolved into natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, wind disasters, massacres, all kinds of disasters erupted together and bombarded the light curtain heavily.

"This five-color dragon queen is indeed a true god who survived from the first era, and her divine power is so powerful!"

The spiritual knights were a little surprised. The light curtains jointly set up by their five true gods were shaken violently by the impact.

Before she could react, the time clock in the light curtain shot out a silver-gray divine light, distorting the light immediately.

The three hands on the time clock rotated rapidly and turned into afterimages. In just a short moment, the light curtain came to an end and ushered in destruction.

At the same time, the Slaughtering Claw was also activated, drawing out five scorching rays of light, and tearing them off against the light curtain.


"The five-color dragon queen, my lord's will cannot be changed! If the dragon gods continue to resist, I'm afraid even you will be knocked off the throne."

The Ash Knight let out a cold snort, and hastily continued to output divine power to keep the light curtain running, and the place torn by the killing claws was immediately repaired.

The light curtain continued to press down, which meant that the three gods of the dragon gods would be wiped out.

However, just for a moment, the divine power in the five knights of truth was quickly drained and rushed out like a flood.

It was the light curtain that was constantly weakened by the influence of the time clock, which was continuously drawing the divine power of the five of them to replenish.

"Get out!" Shadow Knight shouted.

The time clock contained a unique ability of the time domain, which wasted at least one-tenth of their divine power in one go, and they couldn't help being shocked and angry.

The light curtain arranged by the five true gods was finally shattered under the impact of the three medium-sized artifacts, and three giant dragons rushed out of it, one big and two small.

"Return to the Kingdom of God immediately!"

"Transfiguration!" The spiritual knight yelled lightly, and a white light shot out from his fingertips, falling on the White Dragon God.

"God lord—baa!"

Under the eyes of everyone, the [-]-meter-long and ferocious White Dragon God continued to shrink in size in a ball of white light:

The ferocious dragon's head was replaced by a docile sheep's head; the ferocious dragon's horns were shortened, becoming a pair of sheep's horns no more than ten centimeters long; the slender and powerful tail became a short, round, fluffy ball.

When the white light disappeared, the white dragon god of the giant dragon god system disappeared completely, replaced by a very irritable sheep, bleating.

"Transfiguration, the transformation of Truth God!"

"This kind of divine art derived from the distortion of reality by the priesthood of chaos can forcefully transform a demigod into a sheep. This is really terrifying!"

The gods could see clearly that although there was still a divine fire in the sheep transformed from the White Dragon God, it did not have any strength.

The transfiguration technique not only turned the White Dragon God into a sheep physically, but also completely stripped him of his strength.

In other words, if you give them a butcher, the White Dragon God can be slaughtered.

How can this not shock them!

"Damn it!" The five-color dragon queen cursed secretly, and used the disaster magic box to contain the white dragon god.

A sheep without any strength will be completely annihilated as long as it is swept away by the aftermath of their battle.

But after such a delay, the five-color dragon queen and the black dragon god were once again besieged by the five truth knights.

"His Royal Highness Enuma, I respect your choice—" Shadow Knight took out a long spear and pointed at the five-color dragon, "For the glory of my lord, destroy the dragon gods!"

Destroy the giant dragon gods!

When the gods heard the declaration of the shadow knight, they all gasped. This is a completely different concept from simply killing the black dragon god.

The god system means more than two gods, and the dragon god system is composed of an old true god and three demigods.

There are only a handful of gods that have disappeared in the long river of history, the gods of order, the gods of barbarism...

However, the enemies of the dragon gods are more powerful, and they have the kingdom of truth where the main god sits!
At this moment, one side wants to completely kill the other party because of the black dragon god's insults and insults, and the other side wants to protect the members of the gods and the same clan, and refuse to give in to each other.

If there is no third party to intervene, I am afraid...

The five-color dragon queen looked at the five knights of truth surrounding her. Each of them was a true god. She was sure of winning alone, but once she joined forces...

Moreover, until now, the five knights of truth have not even used their artifacts.

"Your Majesty Nix, I agree to your request."

Now, the dragon god system also has the support of the main god.

"The right choice!"

A huge cloak flew from a distance, opened it, and covered the two gods of the dragon gods.


Facing the intervention of the Goddess of Darkness, the God of Truth is no longer unresponsive.

A tall light and shadow rose from the realm of truth, pointing at the night cloak, which only covered a cloud of air.

"Your chance is here."

So said the Goddess of Love, the Incarnation of the Will of the Lord of the Sky, to the Goddess of Love and Pleasure.

 Well, the gods are not stupid. They are limited by the IQ of the scumbag author, so they look stupid. . . . . .

  PS: Tomorrow three more

(End of this chapter)

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