Templar Sun King

Chapter 580 Dwarf God System VS9 Pillar God

Chapter 580 Dwarf God System VS Nine Pillars God

Teresa's time came quickly, just two weeks later.

The matter begins with Modine Cave sending a force of nearly 20 dwarves into the Killing Kingdom.

During the two-week probing battle, the dwarves suffered heavy losses, and almost half of the 20 troops were gone.

As the invading party that landed on Great Southern Continent, the dwarves were not only attacked by the army of the Slaughter Kingdom, but also by the giant dragon.

Yes, dragons, one of the three races of the first era.

The God of Slaughter did not know when he reached an agreement with the dragon gods and recruited a group of powerful dragons to join the war.

White dragons, black dragons, green dragons, red dragons, blue dragons, and five-color giant dragons fly in the air, condescending, and just breathing out dragon breath will cause a lot of casualties to the dwarves.

——Because of the tide of elemental energy, apart from the giant dragon serving as the priest, the other giant dragons also use the magic net to cast spells.

However, the dragon's breath, as a giant dragon's racial ability and instinct—just like human spitting—although there is also a limit on the number of times in the current environment, it does not need to pass through the magic net.

And the God of Slaughter is in charge of the priesthood of killing, and most of the divine spells of the priests are also related to killing. Nine out of ten are offensive magic spells that only seek to maximize the attack ability. They are powerful and fierce.

Coupled with the evil and warlike character of the dragon family itself...

To be honest, it was a miracle to Adam that the dwarves who landed alone with no support could persist for two weeks.

"Nine times out of ten, the God of Slaughter has formed an alliance with the dragon gods." Adam speculated based on the information he had.

Giant dragons can't be recruited casually. Many summoners can't sign a contract with the weakest dragon in their entire lives.

But this time, there are thousands of them, and anyone can see that they have obtained the permission of the dragon gods.

"The queen of the five-color dragon masters the priesthood of disaster, and the god of slaughter masters the priesthood of killing. The joint killing of disasters is very powerful, and it is good for both of them."

Whether it is the priesthood of disaster or the priesthood of killing, if the law of destruction has not been occupied by the demon master, both of them are likely to be sublimated to the law of destruction, just like freezing everything, the frost faction spell that exterminates vitality is theoretically possible to sublimate to death Same factions.

The law of destruction represents the destruction of heaven and earth, the end of the world, the end of all things, and the shattering of the universe. It is opposed to the law of creation. In a sense, disasters and killings can be regarded as a branch and appearance of the law of destruction.

Maybe it was because they felt that they were unfavorable, they lost their face, or they couldn't bear the huge loss. In short, after two weeks of probing battles, the two gods of the dwarf pantheon were dispatched at the same time and began to attack the Kingdom of Slaughtering God.

"It directly evolved into a battle of gods?" Adam was a little surprised when he saw the two streamers of light on the outer plane.

Although the dwarf god system is known as the god system, it is at best a true god and a demigod. It is not easy to conquer the kingdom of a true god.

Adam was not the only one who was surprised. Almost all the gods could not understand the actions of the dwarven pantheon.

The two true gods joined hands without continuous attacks for three days and three nights, and they couldn't break through the kingdom of the other true god, let alone a mere dwarf god.

"The two dwarves still want to break through the kingdom of killing gods." The God of Plague looked at the two dwarf gods who were about one meter tall with disdain.

The following words of the God of Plague were abruptly swallowed back, because the God of Slaughter, who had been able to sit back and relax by sticking to the Kingdom of God, came out of the Kingdom of God, and fought directly without saying a word!
The God of Plague looked blankly at the Goddess of Darkness. He couldn't understand the situation in front of him. It seemed that things had gone awry since the dwarves landed on Great South Continent, and they were developing in another direction.

"Stupid." The Dark Goddess simply commented.

The Faceless Man knew that she was talking about the God of Slaughter: "Although the God of Forging and the God of Slaughter are true gods, the dwarf pantheon also has a cave god to help, not to mention—"

The Goddess of Torture and Whiplash recalled all the information she had learned from the Goddess of Darkness about the gods of the multiverse after she became a god: "The dwarves are famous for their skilled craftsmen on the main material plane, especially weapon forging."

Otherwise, the God of Forging will not use the forging priesthood as the main priesthood.

"As the god master of the dwarf pantheon, the artifact of the God of Forging is even more extraordinary. Although he is still a true god, the Hammer of the Hill in his hand is the closest to a high-level artifact among the many middle-level artifacts in the multiverse!"

Artifacts are the weapons of gods, and the division method is as simple and crude as the ranks of gods. Demigods correspond to elementary artifacts, and main gods correspond to high-level artifacts.

The former involves domain abilities, the latter involves laws, and as for medium artifacts, it's somewhere in between.

Thinking of this, the Goddess of Torture and Whiplash couldn't help feeling envious. Up to now, she hasn't even created her own elementary artifact yet.

In any case, it is definitely a stupid decision for the God of Slaughter to abandon God and go abroad to fight.

"Closest to a high-level artifact?" The God of Plague rolled his eyes, this sentence sounded very familiar.

By the way, it is the hammer of the god of blacksmiths.

The god of blacksmith in the Nine Pillars of Merika is proficient in forging weapons, and the hammer in his hand is very extraordinary.

Although it is not close to high-level artifacts, it is extremely outstanding among medium-level artifacts, far above his plague crucible, but it is not known who is better than the hammer of the forging god.

boom!While speaking, the battle between the three gods has already started on the outer plane.

The two dwarf gods wear helmets and armor, and are fully equipped from head to toe, only armed to the teeth. All kinds of divine light flow, worthy of the status of dwarf blacksmith masters.

"The dwarf pantheon is very rich, no wonder they have to find the Kingdom of Truth as a backer."

Adam looked at the armor and armor on the two dwarf gods, except for the black light in the hand of the forging god, with countless runes flowing in and out, the hammer almost as tall as himself, and the cold light in the hand of the cave god. In addition to the battle axe, there are actually three elementary artifacts, two pieces of armor, and one wristband!
"That wristband—" Dawn Angel tried hard to feel the breath, "Why is it so similar to a dragon?"

It's obviously a piece of protective gear, but it's just as arrogant, as arrogant, and as domineering.

Adam looked at the dark golden wristband on the arm of the dwarf true god and asserted: "It's a dragon, that's right, the material has at least been refined by the dragon blood of twenty legendary dragons."

"Damn it!" In a kingdom of gods, the White Dragon God roared furiously.

Looking at the wristband worn by the dwarf true god, he seemed to see how his own race was torn apart, and finally mixed with other materials in a desperate and mournful wail to be forged into an elementary artifact.

"The little dwarves dare to trample on the dignity of the dragon! Stors, we can't finish this matter!"

The White Dragon God forked out a will to go to the Kingdom of God where the five-color dragon queen, the leader of the giant dragon god system, was born.

When he came to the kingdom of the five-color dragon queen, the other two demigods of the dragon gods, the black dragon god and the green dragon god, were arguing with the five-color dragon queen about this matter.

"God Lord, it's been so many years, no one has dared to insult the dignity of our giant dragon family like this!" The Black Dragon God was persuading loudly, "Back then, giant dragons could fight giants and demons fearlessly, and they can do the same today!"

"That's right, anyone who offends the giant dragon family should pay the price." White Dragon God echoed.

"But—" the Green Dragon God is the only demigod who disagrees, "It is said that the dwarf pantheon has secretly obtained the support of the kingdom of truth, and we cannot—"

"Absurd! So what if the dwarf pantheon has the support of the kingdom of truth? After all, they are not of the kingdom of truth or follow the gods."

If the Goddess of Wealth and Commerce who builds artifacts, the powerful White Dragon God of the Realm of Truth can only swallow his anger, but the dwarf gods are nothing.

When they fought for the supremacy of the earth, the dwarves didn't know which cave they hid in for refuge.

"God Lord, the dwarf gods are now fighting the God of Slaughter. The God of Slaughter just formed an alliance with the dragon gods some time ago. We have every reason to take action. We will definitely be able to capture Stors and knock him down from the throne."

"Shut up!" The Five-Color Dragon Empress looked at the three demigods who were about to quarrel and shouted softly, "Of course I won't let him go, the God of Forging who slaughtered the giant dragon to create artifacts, but not now."

"Why?" The White Dragon God and the Black Dragon God couldn't accept it. Is it because the dwarf pantheon became a vassal of the Kingdom of Truth?
"Killing Field!"

The dark red divine radiance flowed from the God of Slaughter, intertwined with divine power to form a special world full of murderous intent.

The God of the Cave had no time to dodge, and was the first to bear the brunt, and was immediately invaded by the cold breath into his brain and soul.

Infinite lights and swords surged from all directions, trying to chop his soul into thousands of pieces.

The sneak attack was successful!

The God of Slaughter succeeded in one blow, and was about to take down the God of the Cave in one fell swoop, when he heard the God of Forging snort coldly, swung the hammer in his hand, and the divine light soared, extremely dazzling, and smashed hard at the Slaughtering Realm. Down.

In the fight between gods, if one side sacrifices a domain, the other side will often sacrifice a domain in the same way, and use a domain to break a domain. The two worlds collide and sway to determine life and death.

But the God of Forging didn't pay much attention to it, and violently smashed it down with the middle-level artifact, the Hill Hammer!

With just one hammer, the field projected by the God of Slaughter through the priesthood of Slaughter was instantly pierced by an incredible force, and the rules arranged by him were like pieces of paper that were vulnerable to the tyrannical and rushing alien power, and immediately shattered. , all killing rules are useless in front of this hammer!
"How is it possible!" The God of Slaughter was shocked.

A dwarf who was only about one meter tall picked up a hammer that was about the same size as his body and tore a crack in the domain of another true god. The visual impact caused was extremely shocking.

"God, the God of Forging is so powerful!"

"Just one hammer will tear a crack in the domain of the God of Slaughter!"

"I've never heard of the forging god's combat power being so terrifying."

The gods talked a lot and found it unbelievable. Before today, no one would have thought that the God of Forging could erupt such a powerful strength. This is completely different from the information they have obtained in the past.

"How can this dwarf god's artifact be so powerful?"

The God of Slaughter was taken aback, and he didn't dare to use his domain to confront the enemy. He quickly took out his hard-crafted medium-level artifact, a serrated knife, and faced it.

But at this moment, the God of the Cave also recovered from the killing field, his eyes widened, he let out a roar, and slashed with his battle axe.

The dwarf gods are small in stature, but they excel in agility. The God of Forging and the God of Cave surrounded the God of Slaughter one by one, hacking, hacking, or smashing.

Occasionally, he could still send out one or two powerful magic spells, but within 10 minutes, he had the upper hand, beating the God of Slaughter to the left and right, and the danger was everywhere.

"what are you waiting for!"

The God of Slaughter held the Hammer of the God of Forging against the Mountain Hammer with a sawtooth knife, ignoring his right hand which was cracked open by the tremendous force, and roared into the void.



The ice and snow screamed, the cold wind was bitter, and countless azure and chilly divine lights rushed over, instantly drowning the cave god who was unable to react in time, forming an ice sculpture.

In the next second, a scepter, apparently of the level of an elementary artifact, slammed down on the ice sculpture.

boom!There was a crisp sound and a scream. Before the god of the cave used his divine power to break through the shackles of the ice, the gods saw an arm wrapped in ice crystals that turned into a stream of light and fell into the inner transitional plane.

Once the arm leaves the body of the god, it loses the protection of the divine light. When it is rushed by the turbulent void of the outer plane, it immediately explodes into ice crystals mixed with divine blood and divine flesh, scattered all over the sky.

I don't know if the magical beasts and magical creatures that gradually began to multiply on the inner plane will eventually evolve into brand new creatures.

"That's...the God of Winter among the Nine Pillars Gods!"

A sneak attack from a demigod!

The God of Winter's surprise attack succeeded, and he raised his scepter again, quickly turning the entire battlefield into a world of ice and snow. The numerous ice crystals and snowflakes made the God of the Cave unable to see even with his divine eyes for a while.

The God of the Cave roared, and the sneak attack of the God of Winter severely injured him, and he directly severed an arm.

If there is no special magic or magic spell, even a professional at the peak of the legend cannot regenerate a broken limb, but it is a breeze for the god who ignites the fire.

It just needs to consume divine power, a lot of divine power, and divine power is the most precious resource in the battle of gods.

"God of Winter!"

In the kingdom of abundance, the goddess of autumn stood up and looked at the god of winter who was about to attack the god of the cave for the second time.

"Vesper, you stay in the Kingdom of God to protect our Lord, and I will deal with the God of Winter."

"You want to kill the God of Winter right now? I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

The Goddess of Autumn took out a long spear, full of confidence: "How do you know if you don't try it? I originally wanted to test the Duchy of Winter from the kingdom first, but..."

However, on the main material plane, the Sok United Kingdom is joining hands with the Romano Empire to attack the Jiaoyan Dynasty, and cannot spare enough troops to go to Great Southern Continent in a short time.

Now that the God of Winter is leaving the Kingdom of God to participate in the battle of Gods, if he doesn't seize the opportunity, he will be too sorry for this opportunity.

The priesthood of the four seasons is the true god of the earth and the goddess of fertility she believes in. The future god of the earth has long been interested in something that other gods cannot tolerate.

"Well, you have to be careful!" The Goddess of Spring warned.

"Don't worry, I'm sure—hey, that's the God of Blacksmiths!"

While the two goddesses of Spring and Autumn were talking, the situation on the court changed again, and another true god participated in it.

This time, it was the God of Blacksmith among the Nine Pillars Gods.

The two goddesses looked at each other in dismay: "The God of Blacksmith has been blessed by Heavenly Mountain, why is he still involved, and is attacking the dwarf god system together with the God of Slaughter and the God of Winter?"

In the sight of the two goddesses, the God of Blacksmith suddenly appeared, also holding a huge hammer, blocking the attack of the true dwarf god.

"Perhaps it was the instruction of the Lord God of Heaven." The Goddess of Autumn put away the artifact, "You know, the two priesthoods of blacksmithing and blacksmithing have a lot in common."

The God of Blacksmith's shot was naturally inspired by Adam, and the time went back to the time when the God of Winter attacked the God of Caves.

"Now both sides are a true god and a demigod. Go, Duncan, this is a good opportunity."

The God of Blacksmith has long been eager to try. In fact, since he came to the multiverse, he has never forgotten the forging priesthood of the Dwarf True God.

If he can obtain the priesthood of forging, combined with his own priesthood of blacksmith, he will definitely be able to take a further step in the rank of the true god and gain great benefits.

Holding authority, which god would dislike having too much authority, especially when it is complementary to its own original authority.

It was only because of the information obtained from the angel of the gospel that "the dwarf pantheon is trying to obtain the blessing of the kingdom of truth, and it is probably the will of the kingdom of truth to send an army to Great Southern Continent this time", so the God of Blacksmith forced himself to sit in the kingdom of God and watch Fighting against the God of Slaughter in the Outer Planes with his own goals.

With Adam's approval now, there is no need to worry about the future. The God of Blacksmith immediately smiled, and the embodiment of will thanked Adam again and again in the Garden of Eden. The main body left the Kingdom of God and quickly went to the battlefield.

Who hasn't won the support of the Lord God!

There is a kingdom of truth behind the dwarf pantheon, but he is not alone, he is backed by the heaven pantheon.

boom!Under the astonished gazes of the gods, two huge hammers with the same black light collided together, and the two similar divine powers collided and annihilated each other, causing a huge bang in the outer plane.


The God of Blacksmith was taken aback when he saw the evenly matched medium-sized artifact that was also a hammer, but he couldn't force the Hill's Hammer of the God of Forging away.

Duncan thought that after incorporating the divine blood, divinity, and countless precious materials from the continent of Merica, he had forged the divine hammer to the limit that a true god could do, but the first fight was a draw.

Evenly matched, this is not the result desired by the God of Blacksmiths.


A second thought arose in the mind of the Blacksmith God: I want the forging priesthood of the Dwarf True God, and I want his Hill Hammer too!

Also stunned was the Dwarf True God, a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes.

The Hammer of the Hill of the Dwarf True God was forged by him after he successfully gathered and forged the priesthood and captured a large enough star from the outer void.

Whether it is weight or material density, it has reached the upper limit that the Hill Hammer can bear. It is the most powerful medium artifact below the high-level artifact.

The weight of the Hill Hammer alone can cause huge destructive power - without the blessing of the forging priesthood, ordinary demigods can't even pick it up - let alone after being activated with divine power.

Apart from high-level artifacts, the Hammer of the Hill is invincible. This is the truth that the God of Forging has firmly believed in for many years!
But now, a divine hammer comparable to the Hammer of the Hill appeared in front of him.

"God of Blacksmithing, Storth!"

"Duncan, the god of blacksmiths!"

There was a terrifying light in the eyes of the two true gods at the same time, and there was only one thought in their hearts: kill him and get the priesthood of forging (blacksmith)!
"It is the god of blacksmiths who blesses under the mountain of heaven."

"Another artifact comparable to the Hammer of the Hill!"

"From today onwards, these two true gods are probably in an endless relationship."

"Interesting." The Goddess of Darkness looked at the two true gods who also used hammers as weapons, thought for a while, then turned to the God of Plague and said, "Lines, maybe you can also join this battle of gods."

"Me?" The God of Plague looked at the Goddess of Darkness in confusion.

The God of Slaughter, the God of Winter, and the Dwarf pantheon fought because of the disputes in the main material plane, and the God of Blacksmith joined because of his desire to perfect his priesthood, but he...

"Haven't you discovered that this is a battle between the dwarf pantheon and the nine-pillar god? You are also one of the nine-pillar gods, why don't you join it." The goddess of darkness explained slowly, "And, I really want to know the truth What the hell are you doing!"

Dwarves, like Naga and elves, are a race that has lived from the first era to the present. The dwarves have been conferred gods very early, and they are by no means fools who do not know how to live or die.

Without the God of Truth's instruction, the Goddess of Darkness didn't think they would leave the Kingdom of God so recklessly to attack the God of Slaughter.

"Just kill the God of the Cave, and ignore the God of Forging."

Otherwise, it would be cheaper to fall to the god of blacksmiths in Heaven Mountain.

"I understand, Your Majesty Nix."

A ray of light flashed across the outer plane, and the fourth nine-pillar god appeared.

"Hahaha, Your Highness Duncan, Your Highness Kira, I'm here to help you."

The skinny mummy was holding a rusty cauldron that was making constant gurgling noises, and looked at the two gods of the dwarf pantheon who were besieged by the God of Blacksmith, the God of Slaughter, and the God of Winter.

After seeing another nine-pillar god appearing to attack the dwarf gods, even the five-color dragon queen was moved.

"Divine Lord!" White Dragon God, Black Dragon God and Green Dragon God persuaded together.

The Green Dragon God was shaken after seeing the God of Blacksmith's move: "The God of Blacksmith has the support of Heavenly Mountain, and the God of Plague is obviously instructed by the Dark Lady. Even if we don't make a move, the God of Blacksmith is destined to be pulled into the Star Realm today .”

The two gods of the dwarf gods are in danger under the attack of the four nine-pillar gods, leaving the dragon gods with a one-hit-kill chance!

"it is good!"

With two dragon chants, the White Dragon God and Black Dragon God, who could not hold back for a long time, rushed out of the Kingdom of God immediately, revealing the real body of the giant dragon on the outer plane.

Since he wanted to kill the God of Forging to avenge his prestige, it was natural to use the most powerful method of a giant dragon.

It's finally out!
The God of Forging was staggered by the God of Blacksmith, but he heaved a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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