Templar Sun King

Chapter 58 The Blood Race in the Underground Palace

Chapter 58 The Blood Race in the Underground Palace

When the monster was killed by Adam's spell, his influence on the crowd disappeared completely, and the true appearance of the entire stone room was finally revealed.

In addition to the statues of skeleton warriors holding bone spears and wearing armor on both sides of the stone chamber, there is also a statue at the front of the stone chamber, which is a huge skeleton wearing armor, wearing a crown and holding a scepter. , It is worth noting that his statue is made of gold, shining golden.

"Duke Bone, the legendary statue of Duke Bone." Alman said, looking at the newly-appeared statue.

"It is indeed the Lord of the Bone. It is recorded in the ancient books that the bones of the Lord of the Bone are golden bones, which are almost the same as what we see now." Leo recalled the information about the Duke of the Bone he had seen.

Skeletons are one of the most basic undead creatures. They are divided into skeleton warriors, skeleton shooters and even skeleton mages. Without exception, their bones are bones.

As the strength of the skeleton increases, two significant changes will occur. One is that the color of the skeleton will become brighter, from gray-white like dry bones to white, then silver, and finally the golden bone of the skeleton king.

Another change is the soul flame in the eyes. The soul flame of the black iron first-level skeleton is hidden deep in the skull and does not appear.Above bronze, their soul flames will appear in their eyes, from the initial light green to rich miserable green, the darker the color, the higher the strength.

Just as everyone was observing the statue of Grand Duke Bai Bone, a sound came from outside the stone room.

"There's a light ahead, that bastard must be here."

"Hurry up and chase!"

Adam felt that his eyes were blurred, and three blood races came in from another passage in the stone room. Each blood race had shown the strongest fighting form, whether it was sharp nails or wings waving on its back.



Both parties were amazed.

Adam was surprised that there were other entrances in the underground palace besides the entrance of the Bone Gate, otherwise there would be no vampires here.

What Arman, Leo and the others were worried about was whether the vampires had discovered the underground palace and emptied the treasures in the underground palace before they came in, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the fact that these vampires came here.

Thinking of this, they were instantly murderous, and their powerful mental power firmly locked the three blood races.

When the blood race saw these humans, especially the four silver-ranked human powerhouses, they almost cried with regret.

It is a fact that the blood race looks down on humans. They are true blood races, but they are all based on their strength. If standing in front of them are a few humans of the black iron rank, they will happily drink each other's blood and chat. chat.

Now the opponent has four silver ranks, and the two worst people are also comparable to them. Do they need to talk about the next fate?They don't think humans will kindly let them go.

Thinking about it is also depressing.Originally, guarding the rebels in the Damans Valley was a hard job, but all the elders of the family came, and they had no reason to refuse.

Everything was normal at the beginning, until they were attacked by black mages and goblins in the past few days, so they had to strengthen their forces to guard Damans Valley.But tonight was even more weird. Several companions who were responsible for delivering food to the rebels screamed shortly after entering the cave.

After they rushed into the cave, they saw incredible pictures.

The rebel who had been imprisoned in the cave for 13 years without any magic teaching broke free from the chain and killed the two companions who were in charge of delivering food!

What made them even more horrified was that the rebels dug out the hearts of their blood companions and ate them in front of them.

The heart is the most important part of a vampire. As long as the heart is not fatally injured and the head is not completely chopped off, no matter how serious the injury is, the vampire can recover.

The accident in the cave made them arrest the rebel immediately, but the rebel was obviously more familiar with the cave, and kept fleeing to the deepest part of the cave, and finally entered a passage in a very inconspicuous place, and then came to this underground building middle.

Here they quickly lost the trace of the rebels, and then came to this stone room, did not find the rebels, but met a few humans.

The two sides shot almost at the same time.

The three bronze blood clans teamed up to launch a black magic banshee howl, and invisible sound waves filled the entire stone room instantly.

Howling the Banshee was originally a silver-level black magic, but the blood race could jointly release it when they were in the bronze rank by virtue of their racial advantages.The banshee howl usually directly attacks the spirit and soul. It is said that when the power of this spell reaches a certain level, it can directly shatter the opponent's soul.

Adam's head seemed to have been hit by a hammer more than a dozen times in a row, and he couldn't even open his eyes, and almost fell directly.

It's really unlucky today, all the spells that this kind of holy shield can't defend against are encountered.Adam cursed secretly, feeling very unhappy.

Among the three silver mages, it was Leo who made a move. With a wave of his wand, a large cyan wind blade made a slight sound of piercing the air and pressed towards the three blood clans.

"Catch the living." Alman quickly reminded that he still needs to torture the news from the mouth of the vampire.

Leo waved his wand again after hearing this, and the spell of the storm blade immediately spread out, and soon caught up with the three blood clans who had to take advantage of their speed to escape after casting the spell.

The storm blade didn't attack the blood race's vital parts, but it also caused them a lot of injuries, as if they had been slashed by an unknown number of daggers, and a lot of blood flowed out.

Three cyan air streams rushed out of the wand behind the storm blade, and before the three blood races had time to react, they were already entangled by the three air streams, wrapping around their bodies several times.

Under Leo's control, the three streams of air gradually became stronger, and a very sharp wind blade was born.As long as he is willing, these three blood races will be cut to death by countless wind blades in an instant.

This is the combined application of the two storm spells Wind Bind and Wind Blade. Adam could see that Leo's attainments in storm spells were indeed very high.

No matter what school of magic it is, the joint application of two or more spells requires strong mental power and control as the basis, which is not something ordinary mages can do.

"Strigoi, now is the time for me to ask you an answer, otherwise..." At this point, under Leo's control, a wind blade in the airflow wrapped around the Strigoi's body broke away from it and drew a deep visible line on one of the Strigoi. bone wound.

"This is just the beginning. If necessary, we will cut off your flesh and blood one by one. Believe me, this is not a joke." Leo threatened the blood race, and then said to Arman, "Now you can start."

Five minutes later, Alman got all the news he wanted to know from the blood clan.

The three vampires in the stone chamber had all been killed, one died under Adam's sun beam, and the other two were cut into two skeletons by Leo's countless wind blades because they did not cooperate.

The amazing thing is that even after being cut into skeletons, the strong vitality of the blood race still kept them alive, and they finally died when their hearts were pierced by Leo's wind blade.

Such a tragic situation made the last blood race to tell all the things he knew very cooperatively, such as the abnormalities that happened in the cave, such as the rebels who disappeared after entering the underground palace.

Alman could finally breathe a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect there to be other entrances here. Fortunately, the blood race didn't find this underground palace."

"However, the traitor who has been imprisoned for 13 years kills the vampire who guards him and enters here. Maybe we will meet her again." Master Helen said.

"It's no big deal, the strength of the rebels is not high." Lance didn't pay too much attention to the rebels in the three prophecies, after all, the opponent's strength is limited.

"Let's move on, the most important thing is to find the main building of the underground palace."

Just when everyone was packing up and ready to start again, the stone room welcomed another guest, this time a little girl who didn't look more than teens.

The moment he saw the little girl, Adam knew who the person standing in front of them was, the descendant of the vampire and the werewolf, the rebel who flowed the blood of the two races and would step on the bones of the two dark races to be crowned in the prophecy.

(End of this chapter)

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