Templar Sun King

Chapter 57 The Ruins

Chapter 57 The Ruins
When the last person entered the bone gate, the gate closed and turned into a stone wall again, only the angry shouts of the blood clan elders and the roar of the bone dragon could be vaguely heard in the valley.

Who would have thought that the underground palace built by undead creatures would appear under the action of white magic.

Slightly sighing the magic of the Bone Gate, Adam used the light technique to summon a ball of light to illuminate, and looked at the legendary underground palace built by the Bone Lord.

A passage two meters wide and three meters high appeared in front of everyone. There were still torches left on the walls on both sides of the passage, but they had been extinguished for a long time.There was a very unpleasant smell in the air, like the smell of rotting corpses mixed with salted fish, which made Adam feel very uncomfortable.

Lance took out his wand and waved it, and the torches in the entire passage were re-lit, and the dancing red flames illuminated the passage.

"Here we come, the underground palace built by the Bone Lord." Leo laughed happily, "That bone dragon is really scary."

Thinking of the bone dragon summoned by the necromancer in the valley, even though he didn't have to go up to fight him, Leo was still startled. The power of the golden rank is too powerful.

"It's no wonder that Dragon's Breath is a golden spell. It's really terrifying." It was obviously the first time Mage Helen saw a spell of this level, and he was even more frightened.

After entering the underground palace and the outside members of the blood race and the Scourge Church are temporarily unable to enter, everyone can finally vent their fear and horror about the bone dragon with confidence.

"Let's go." It took a few minutes for Arman to end the exchange about the bone dragon and walk in the forefront to explore the ruins.

The passage was very quiet, only the echoing footsteps of the crowd.

There was nothing in the passage. In the next 10 minutes, everyone saw rusty weapons, dried corpses, and other things that had existed here for at least a hundred years.

"There is a stone room ahead." Arman, who was walking in the front, finally realized that he had come to the end and entered a stone room.

Lance lit the torch in the stone chamber as before.Everyone took a closer look at the stone room, and there was nothing worth noting except for a statue of a skeleton warrior in armor holding a bone spear on each side.

At the other end of the stone chamber was another passage, which looked dark and scary because the torch hadn't been lit yet.

However, the weakest person present was also at the elementary level of bronze, so he didn't feel any discomfort, and continued to move forward after leaving the stone room.

It was another passage for nearly 15 minutes, and then a stone room appeared in front of everyone again, with the same layout as the previous stone room, with a statue of a skeleton warrior in armor holding a bone spear on each side, and flames dancing on the torches on both sides Light up the stone chamber.

Also at the other end of the stone room is another passage leading to an unknown place, and the torches on the walls on both sides of the passage can be vaguely seen dancing with flames.

Adam was a little bored. After entering the so-called ruins, he didn't encounter any danger or treasure for nearly half an hour.

Adam sighed, and the other four mages seemed to have the same idea.

Just about to move forward, Adam was grabbed by Andrew.

"It's weird." Andrew said softly.


Arman and the others also looked at Andrew suspiciously, waiting for Andrew's explanation.

"This stone room is exactly the same as the one just now." Andrew said.

Others, including Adam, nodded and said that was indeed the case, but is there anything strange about it?
Andrew pointed to the torch in the stone room, "Before we came in, the torch here was already lit. This cannot be explained."

Andrew's words flashed like lightning, and Adam immediately became alert. He didn't notice such a weird place just now.Not only Adam, Arman and others also found that they didn't notice such obvious weirdness with their rich adventure experience.

They gasped, if Andrew hadn't reminded them they would have continued to walk like this.

Adam immediately added a sacred shield spell to himself and Andrew, and after thinking about it, he also added one to several other mages.

The three silver mages are all experts with rich adventure experience, and they immediately understood after Andre reminded, "We are going in circles."

"It seems that when we entered the stone room for the first time, we had some kind of illusion and lost part of our alertness." Alman looked at the stone room, "There must be something in the stone room that is affecting our spirits."

"Don't be so troublesome." Lance, who woke up immediately after Andrew reminded him, looked a little annoyed and angry. A large area of ​​flames spewed out from the tip of the wand, and soon the entire stone room became a sea of ​​flames.

Although there was a holy shield to keep the flames out, Adam still felt as hot as being locked in an oven.

The flames dissipated, and the stone room was completely quiet, without any movement.

Lance felt awkward holding his wand.

Arman and Leo looked at each other. When Lance released the flame magic just now, they had already scanned the entire stone room with the huge mental power of the silver rank, but found nothing, just like the most normal stone room.

"Let me try." Adam raised his wand and said a spell, and a holy light shot out from the wand and landed in the stone chamber.

The soft and holy light instantly illuminates the entire stone room, clearing away all the dark breath of the undead that is opposed to the light energy.

Just as the holy light swept across the corner of the stone room, the holy light reacted violently, and all the holy light in the stone room converged towards the corner.

At first, Lance, Adam's spell, didn't pay much attention to it. After all, none of the three silver mages found anything abnormal.But now something strange really happened in the stone chamber!

A monster was forced out from a corner, and it was unknown what spell he had used before to hide the perception of the three silver mages.

The reason why he is called a monster is because he looks so strange, lying on all fours like a beast.

The body is very thin, the red skin is exposed, but the head is very huge, almost occupying one-third of the whole body, and it is bald without a single hair, and the hideous blood vessels and tendons on it can be clearly seen.

Seeing that he was forced out by the holy light, the monster let out a strange cry, and a wave of mental fluctuations invisible to the naked eye rushed towards everyone.

Under the effect of this shock wave, Adam felt that his whole head was not his own, and he felt dizzy and uncomfortable.Even the three silver mages frowned tightly as if they were very uncomfortable.

"Storm blade!" Leo quickly chanted a spell, and a large piece of blue wind blade attacked the monster in the corner.Stormblade is an upgraded version of the single-body spell Windblade, with a silver level, and group attacks have always been very easy to use.

The thin monster didn't seem to have much strength, but it was very fast. Under the attack of the storm blade, it quickly jumped in the stone room to avoid the attack of the storm blade.

The monster's outstretched limbs firmly grasped the stone on the roof of the stone chamber, and its whole body hung upside down, making a strange laugh.

Countless vortexes appeared in front of Adam, and his whole mind seemed to be turned into it, his head became more and more heavy and he wanted to sleep.Before his eyelids closed, he felt someone catch him behind him so that he would not fall to the ground, and then there was a scream above his head.

The scream brought Adam back to his senses, and he saw Andrew holding a long sword in his hand and looking at him with concern.

"Master, are you alright?"

"No." Adam shook his head, it was a powerful mental attack, and the simple laughter almost made him fall asleep.

The holy shield can only defend against energy and physical attacks, and does not work against this kind of spiritual spells.Facing the monster's weird attack, Adam was hit with just one hit.

At this time Arman was fighting the monster in the stone room.

It turned out that just now when the monster was hanging upside down and making a sound to launch a mental attack, and both Adam and Helen were hit, Arman made a move.Five or six stone thorns shot out from the top of the wall in an instant to pierce the monster.

Adam looked at the stone thorns that were still dripping with blood on the top of the wall, and felt a little numb. As long as his feet were still on the ground, it would be difficult to defend against the attack of an earth mage.

As long as they are willing, the soil under your feet can instantly turn into stone thorns to pierce your body.More importantly, such an attack method is difficult to defend against, unless a person is floating in the air all day long.

Just when Adam was thinking wildly, Arman had already taken down the monster.The monster was pierced by five stone thorns, and its entire body was hanging in the air, dying.

With Arman's consent, Adam ended his life with a Sunbeam.

Needless to say, killing the monster brought Adam a lot of upgrade progress, almost comparable to that of the Silver Bishop that day.

On the other hand, Master Helen gave Adam a strange look. He didn't expect the young and handsome Adam to have such a hobby.

(End of this chapter)

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