Templar Sun King

Chapter 545 Fire Element: Burning Flame

Chapter 545 Fire Element: Burning Flame

The local universe is different from the geocentric theory and heliocentric theory experienced by Adam in the interstellar universe before, and has always followed the principle of the continent center.

In other words, the main material plane is the center, surrounded by six inner planes, numerous transitional planes and the vast outer plane.

Therefore, when Adam stood at the Temple of the Sun and looked down at the northernmost point of Upler, he could easily see the cold wave in the Arctic region without using his divine eye ability too much.

It was so easy to recognize.

Because the space between the ground and the altitude of ten kilometers is filled with thick clouds, which is extremely oppressive. It slowly moves southward with freezing air, like a white curtain that is slowly opened.

The sea area between the polar region and the ice and snow kingdom is disappearing little by little, and is quickly covered with ice and snow, evolving towards the ice sheet.

Kingdom of Destiny.

"It's finally starting!"

"Once the cold wave breaks out, its power will only become stronger and stronger, from silver to gold, then to legend, until the birth of the six original gods and the opening of the pantheon."

Unlike the two younger sisters, who were watching the show, Mrs. Grace frowned when she thought of the Lord of Law in the Kingdom of Truth, and her face became more and more like a piece of bark:
"However, I always feel that the truth is also intentionally or unintentionally affecting the opening time of the Pantheon. I hope it is my illusion."

Ditney and Feite looked at each other and thought of an idea: "In this case, let's try it out and make the form more complicated."

The three goddesses smiled lightly, and took out a golden apple, inside which was a blue divine fire swaying from side to side.

A blue divine light appeared in the void out of thin air, dragged its long tail, flew out of the outer plane in an instant, passed through the inner plane, and fell towards the north of the Yasha Continent.

"Golden Apple!"

The gods who have been paying attention to the cold wave situation immediately saw the golden apple with a water-attribute divine fire inside.

The gods who can stand out from hundreds of millions of creatures and ignite the divine fire are not mediocre.

The moment he saw the golden apple, he knew that as long as he ate it, he could create a demigod in the field of water element!
Reminiscent of the demigods who ignored the space characteristics of the outer plane and successively achieved demigods in the kingdom of God, such as the lie demon, the knight of peace, the goddess of torment and whipping, and immediately realized that they probably relied on similar gods to become gods at that time.

Even, it is a golden apple!

After all, igniting the divine fire and absorbing the divine fire are two completely different things.

At a place where the gods haven't noticed yet, a chaotic radiance of the main god and a blue radiance of the main god collided violently.

In the next moment, the emerald, black, scarlet, and azure four main gods, Guanghui, joined the battlefield together.

The emerald, chaotic, and azure three main gods are in a group, and the scarlet, black, and blue three main gods are in a group. You come and go, fighting each other.

With the battle of the six main gods, the trajectory of the golden apple falling towards the North Pole is constantly changing, and finally hangs at the junction of the main material plane and the inner plane, radiating light that dyes the entire sky dark blue.

"Good opportunity." The three goddesses of prophecy saw the timing and seized the opportunity. The three dice spun quickly above their heads, and the blue divine light finally fell smoothly to the Arctic region.

A huge blue flame rose up, and the appearance of the golden apple seemed to pour a spoonful of water into a frying pan, causing an instant violent reaction.

In the entire Arctic region, where the cold wave of the main material plane originated, the already rich water element immediately went into a state of rage.

The clouds accumulating a large amount of water vapor and freezing air almost materialized and pressed down on the ground, and there was a constant crunching sound in the air.

"Adam?" Isabella looked suspiciously at the blue divine light that flashed over the silver Eden just now.

"Golden apple, one of the last two golden apples in the multiverse. There is another one in Silver Eden, which I mentioned to you last time." Adam quickly explained, "The divine fire attribute in this golden apple is... Water attribute!"

Needless to say, it must be the original god of the water element and the handwriting of the three goddesses of prophecy.

However, Adam rubbed his chin, which may not necessarily be a bad thing for him.

The outbreak of the cold wave and the prophecy behind the three goddesses made the gods understand that they did not exaggerate, or even went too far. If the law of water is allowed to continue to grow, the Ice Age is inevitable.

A cold wave is still within the tolerance range of the gods, but after all, they are not the main gods of the Ice Age, and they cannot sit back and watch the sharp decline of faith without being indifferent.

Whether they like it or not, the gods will inevitably promote the beginning of the battle for the source of light.

In this way, Adam can better take advantage of the situation to deal with the Lord of Dawn and Order.

The golden apple fell to the North Pole, and after the cold wave intensified and erupted, it became a foregone conclusion that the main god, the main god of the water element, disappeared in a flash, leaving only the other five in place.

Standing in the Temple of the Sun, Adam himself, who was lucky enough to capture the glorious bucket image of the six main gods just now, was thoughtful: "The main god Yasha, the main god of the elves, and the main god of Titan are obviously preventing the golden apple from falling to the main material plane..."

This is not surprising. What really surprised him was that he should have been equally worried about the destruction of the cold wave that would evolve into the Ice Age, and that the Flame Demon God would stand on the opposite side. Adam couldn't think of the Ice Age being even beneficial to the Jiaoyan Dynasty.

Also puzzled was the Goddess of Life: "Your Majesty Baimeng, this will not do your Jiaoyan Dynasty any good."

"Whether it is good or not, you will know soon."

The Demon God of Destruction and Flame grinned, glanced at the golden apple at the North Pole, and returned to the Kingdom of God.

At the same time, the main material plane, the former territory of France, where the Jiaoyan Dynasty now resides, erupted with strong fire elemental fluctuations.

"Burn everything with fire!"

"Set the world on fire!"

"Great ruler of demons, the world will tremble in your name!"

The voices of demons praying loudly and chanting spells resounded through the sky.

"The devil is planning to..."

Adam looked at where the Jiaoyan Dynasty was, and saw that the dense army of demons was leading a joint spellcasting under the leadership of the great demon, and the huge spiritual force rushed out of the body and combined with the surging fire element.

In the sky, fiery red clouds tumbling violently, descending clusters of huge flames.

Natural disaster spell, meteor fire rain!
On the earth, volcanoes with tumbling magma sprang up one after another, spewing hot volcanic smoke and dust.

Natural disaster spell, volcano spell!

In just a short moment, flames, magma, and ashes became the theme of the Jiaoyan Dynasty, as if the lava field descended directly on the surface world!

The demons of black iron and bronze ranks who participated in the casting of the spell could not bear the backlash caused by the forced joint casting of the spell when the meteor fire rain and the volcano spell were in progress, and were engulfed by the flames, or directly torn to pieces by the berserk fire element.

In just a short moment, at least more than [-] low-level demons died due to the backlash of magic.

"The Demon Lord deserves to be the Demon Lord!"

If it were Adam, he would be reluctant to lose a whole hundred thousand professionals.

However, this also reflects from the side how powerful the demon clan occupying the third lava area of ​​the underground world is!
However, this is not the end. Immediately afterwards, the ground in the Jiaoyan Dynasty continued to crack, and hot magma gushed out from the depths of the ground and flowed on the surface of the ground.

A few minutes later, most of the Jiaoyan Dynasty became a field of ruins and brimstone fire.

After hearing Adam's description, Isabella retorted: "Meteor fire shower and volcano technique alone will definitely not achieve such an effect."

This is completely beyond the scope of golden spells, and even legendary spells may not necessarily transform the landscape of most of the Jiaoyan Dynasty in a short period of time.

"Immortal Stele!"

In the Kingdom of Greed God, the spherical demon god looked at the lava field and said the name of a high-level artifact with a grim face.

Just a few minutes ago, more than [-] sheep-faced demons and chain demons were sacrificed by blood—they are all believers of the Greedy Demon God—in order to attract a three-meter-high stone tablet, cooperate with the joint spell of the surface world, and transform the coke. The landforms of the Yan Dynasty.

High-level artifacts correspond to the main gods, and ordinary true gods cannot be refined by exhausting all their abilities.

This stele named Immortal is a high-level artifact refined by the second god-lord of the Titans, Mother Earth. Changing the landscape is just the most basic ability.

The Greedy Demon God knew that this was what the followers of the Destruction and Flame Demon God found inside when the Elemental Kingdom was opened last time.

However, even if it is a high-level artifact, after thousands of years of calcination by the four elements in the elemental kingdom without the protection of the owner, the grade will inevitably decline to a medium-level artifact.

But fortunately, the immortal stele has been reduced to a medium-level artifact, otherwise the sheep-faced demons and chain demons that need to be sacrificed by blood would not only be [-], but at least several times higher!
In the surface world, the demons jointly cast spells, and in the underground world, hundreds of thousands of demon blood stains attracted the immortal stone monument, turning the Jiaoyan Dynasty into a veritable Jiaoyan fire domain.

In this way, even if the cold wave comes, the demons can hide in the volcano to avoid the impact.

It is true that it is one of the dreams of the Greedy Demon God to capture the surface world, but it is his believers who suffer the blood sacrifice!

Mammon stroked the brass ring on her index finger, trying to calm down her anger.

There will be a chance, Mammon, as long as you are patient enough.

The Lord of the Rings will secretly expand Baimon's already extremely arrogant character, making the Destruction and Flame Demon God even more defiant and domineering.

When the influence reached a certain level, the time came for the Lord of the Rings to corrode the soul a little bit.

"Sooner or later, I want the entire demonic pantheon to become ring spirits!"

 Well, this week's update may be unstable, so let's take a precaution first.In addition, I just saw a friend talking about the performance of the book in the comments, and guessed that the subscription is only one thousand and seventy-eight.I want to say that if you remove the word "one thousand", you almost guessed right 233
(End of this chapter)

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