Templar Sun King

Chapter 544 Water Element·Cold Wave

Chapter 544 Water Element·Cold Wave

Yes, a revolution called "industrial" rose up in the western island countries and made empires. Now, let the transformation of arcane and magic nets also start from the western island countries in the mainland. Adam answered Isabella in his heart. The problem.

This is not to say that the mages in this universe are not good at research, but they are more from the perspective of mages, limited to the spell itself, and the research results lack universality, so they are not suitable for promotion.

Unlike Adam, who has a clear purpose of war applicable to the army-for mages, problems that can be solved directly by using spells are not problems, and it is never worth investing time, energy and materials in research.

If the timing is not ripe enough, Adam would like to popularize a series of industrial concepts such as assembly line operation in the sky garden and the silver and white light conference, so as to promote professional division of labor and improve efficiency.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, and this is the truth.

In order to motivate and promote the research enthusiasm of the Silver Light Guild and the Hanging Garden, Adam also took out two rune fruits with a golden spell rune as rewards.

As long as the professional level reaches level 11 (Silver Elementary), immediately after consuming it, you can permanently gain the ability to cast a golden spell!

If the research results are gratifying, Adam is also not stingy with giving out a silver apple that contains a legendary spell or even a divinity as a reward.

The realm of the gods is certainly desirable, but for 99% of legends, they may never touch the day when the fire is ignited, so such rewards definitely belong to the highest level and can make people crazy.

The facts were exactly as Adam expected. When Arman announced that the sun god would reward him with two rune fruits with golden spells, even the golden mages felt a strong desire to possess, and then their fighting spirit was high.

"Mr. Minister." It was Stephanie, a professor at Themis School of Magic, who spoke, "I think that as professors of magic, we can also undertake part of the research tasks."

The rest of the professors nodded in agreement. The magic school's courses are not heavy, and they have enough time to devote their extra energy to magic research.

Whether it is to improve one's spell level or to contribute to the Griffin Kingdom, there are certain benefits.

What's more, if you perform well, you can also get a rune fruit as the most reward, why not do it.

In this regard, Arman did not refuse, and then handed over the research project of the magic airship to several professors from Themis School of Magic to study together.

Just like the Ministry of Magic also undertakes the research project of Mystic—the Ministry of Magic already has a Department of Magic Research that specializes in the study of spells, located on the sixth floor.

As for the remaining golems and rune bombs, the Sky Garden with the largest number of people is responsible.

When the meeting was about to end, a seven-ring arcanist asked: "Mr. Minister, I wonder what effect the arcanist will get after eating the rune fruit?"

Can the newly obtained golden spells be released at any time, or will they be integrated into the magic net arcane system and follow certain spell slot rules?

"Then strive to obtain a rune fruit, and then use it to experience it yourself." Arman did not answer the question directly, "There is no better way than this."

Although the doubts have not been solved, it has to be said that there is one more reason to concentrate on the research of the spell project.

Wait, in Silver Eden, Adam's incarnation of will slapped his head, remembering something that he had ignored for a long time.

Due to the rules of the Lord of Dawn and Order, the main material plane cannot accommodate legendary masters. Once a gold professional advances to legend, they will be immediately excluded by the rules to the outer void.

But it doesn't mean that legendary spells cannot be used on the main material plane, such as magic scrolls that seal legendary spells, or legendary spells in rune fruits!
The golden apple tree transplanted to the Garden of Eden appeared in Adam's mind, with nine silver apples and eighteen rune fruits on it.

Among the eighteen rune fruits, a total of six have legendary spell runes.

Six rune fruits can create six quasi-legendary masters, the kind that are not affected by the rules!
Rossi, it seems that I will win this battle, get ready to accept the impact of a sharp drop in faith.

Today's Celtic is no longer what it used to be. If the power of this island located in the waters west of Upler is to be subdivided, it can be roughly divided into two groups, one is the Holy Church, and the other is the Kingdom of the Holy Griffin.

Of course, for Adam, there is not much difference between the two. Whether it is the Holy Church or the Holy Griffin Kingdom, he is the most respected.

In the recent period, both the church and the kingdom have achieved a leap in strength.

After Simon became the Angel of Judgment in the Holy Church, the number of angels of power increased by 2 again, and based on the rank of Adam's true god and the 6 brought by Andrew's promotion to the god of knights, Adam can obtain 8 angels of power again through the reincarnation pool, corresponding to 32 angels .

Now two places have been consumed, and 2 angels and 8 angels have been obtained.

Andrew's battle magic evolves the templar in the temple, and evolves the two powerful professions of the swordsman in the army, plus the hand of justice and the crusader. The recently booming arcanist, Celtic has already done a good job of sending troops Lance's preparations.

Now there is only a chance to attack Frans.

But before Adam waited for that opportunity, the cold wave that was brewing in the northern part of Uppler and Yasha finally broke out on April 4th!
The moment the cold wave broke out, the gods immediately sensed it and turned their attention to the main material plane.

Although the gods believed in the prophecy of the three goddesses, they did not fully believe it.

They need to watch the cold wave carefully to determine whether the ice age will really come, anyway, they will not be the first to suffer from the cold wave.

The whining wind and the blizzard are just insignificant embellishments when the cold wave breaks out. What is really deadly is that the temperature is at least below minus [-], and the frosty white air in the air, together with the thick funnel-shaped clouds in the sky Go south slowly.

Animals, monsters, and magical creatures living near the polar regions are the first to feel the outbreak of the cold wave. Beasts with natural intuition choose to migrate away as early as the cold wave is brewing, looking for a chance of survival.

And for various reasons, those who are still here at this time, unfortunately become the first batch of creatures on the main material plane to experience the power of the cold wave.

Megalodon is a bronze-ranked monster that lives in shallow seas. It can always set off a killing feast in the ocean. They live in groups and even dare to challenge silver-ranked monsters.

But at this moment, a group of megalodon sharks were swimming and sinking anxiously in the sea.

Not far behind them, a stream of frosty air hovered, and the sea surface was quickly covered by a thick layer of ice, which spread into the sea.

Ka Kacha -

A megalodon shark at the end of the line shook its body violently and tried to escape from the spot, but the heavy sea water in all directions squeezed him in the middle due to the drop in temperature, and gradually froze. He could not escape a step, and could only watch the god of death come. .

The struggle became weaker and weaker, his vitality was rapidly drained, and soon, even the water in his body solidified, delivering a fatal blow.

A megalodon shark with the strength of the bronze rank was frozen to death alive in this way.

"Although the power of the cold wave is only at the silver level, if you consider the range of action, there is nothing wrong with positioning it as a legendary spell."

There has never been a spell on the main material plane whose range of action can reach this level.

"When will it affect the kingdom?" Isabella asked.

Adam pondered for a while: "Celtic will not be affected by the cold wave for the time being, but the five cities of Upler need to prepare in advance."

The five cities obtained from France are basically located in the north of France. Although there is still the territory of the Romano Empire acting as a natural barrier when continuing north, it is always right to prepare in advance.

Worrying and taking precautions are the common thoughts of other forces. Only Naga, who has been making waves in the northern seas to attack the Ice and Snow Kingdom, was extremely excited at the moment when he felt the changes in the North Pole.

"All four-armed naga, come with me." The leader was a six-armed naga, holding two magic wands, "The time has come to attack the Ice and Snow Kingdom."

The glory they lost will be retrieved from this kingdom in the form of blood!


The loud and deep horns echoed in the wind and snow.

"Naga, Naga is coming to attack the city again!" Panic voices resounded everywhere in this seaside city.

Since the Ice and Snow Goddess and Sea God fell together, this group of Naga acted like crazy and set off storms and floods in the northern seas to attack the coastal cities of the Ice and Snow Kingdom.

In just two months, no less than ten cities have been slaughtered by the crazy Naga.

The Ice and Snow Kingdom, which lost the blessing of the gods and was facing the attack of the Romano Empire, was simply unable to allocate extra troops to wipe out this group of sea creatures.

Thomas was the lord of the city, a middle-ranked silver knight, and when the rapid warning bell rang, his entire face darkened.

Just ten days ago, he experienced a battle with the four-armed naga. Although he killed the opponent, he was also seriously injured.

In the case of losing the support of the Ice and Snow Church and the Storm Church's healing magic one after another, ten days can only be said to be just enough for him to recuperate.

"Damn Naga, can't they stop for a while?"

Could it be that the blame for the fall of the Sea God is all on the Ice and Snow Kingdom? Where should the blame for the annihilation of the Arctic gods go?

While cursing, Tomash felt a strong wave of magic power and elements, a wave that was beyond the range of his middle-level silver!

No, it's a natural disaster spell!

At least one six-armed naga participated in the siege this time!
Run, what can he do for a piece of silver to resist the terrible six-armed naga.

However, it was too late.

The thick dark blue mist covered the sky, as if the tide was rolling up high, roaring and rushing, and then took heavy pictures of this coastal city.

Before his consciousness was overwhelmed by the cold wave of death, Thomas seemed to see a blue streamer dye the sky dark blue.

"Golden Apple!"

 There is also Chapter 2, but it is a bit late, friends who go to bed early can watch it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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