Chapter 535 Day
"Holy Inquisitor Simon!"

Those who also recognized Simon were the forest goddess Gadriel and the goddess of reproduction Vera in the kingdom of Avalon.

Before they sent two moon elves to Celtic on Judgment Day to invite Adam and Teresa to save the Mother Tree of Life, they conducted a survey of the church personnel, including Simon.

Holy Inquisitor, a legendary priest who is good at attacking, is called together with Paladin Andrew and Confessor Teresa.

When Simon first appeared by Adam's side, he was only in the silver rank. Later, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he finally died of the order magic of the Lord of Dawn and Order.

And when they saw each other again, the other party was already a demigod like them!
After listening to the story of the Forest Goddess, the God of Nature, who thought he was well-informed, was a little surprised, and asked the Goddess of Life for proof: "The law of light also has the meaning of resurrecting people?"

Why didn't he know, or that he was absent from this world for too long and couldn't keep up with the times, after all, it was a long time of nearly an era.

"The law of light has always been good at healing and defense, plus His Royal Highness Adam has a special background..."

The Goddess of Life would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised, but she wasn't too surprised.

After all, she is the main god in charge of the laws of life in the multiverse. No matter how shocking Simon's resurrection is, he is only a demigod. Words of the New God of the Moon.

"It's time for the elven gods to formally conclude a covenant with Heaven Mountain and watch each other, in view of the increasingly chaotic situation in the multiverse and the coming end of the era." The goddess of life suggested.

To this, the God of Nature was the first to agree: "I have no objection, His Highness Adam is a true God with the authority of resurrection."

"no comment."

"As it should be."

All the gods of the elf gods nodded, except for the moon and the goddess of hunting.

"Of course I have no objection, but—" the goddess expressed her point of view, "His Highness Adam has not yet established his own god system."

"It seems to be the truth."

The gods of Heaven Mountain have always been headed by Adam, and they have never had a second opinion, so that they subconsciously ignore the fact that Adam has not yet established a pantheon.

When the outer plane fell into a strange state because there was an extra demigod in Heaven Mountain, or the resurrection event itself was surprised by the identity of Simon, or the origin of Seraphim was explored, the publicity of the main material plane sanctuary was officially launched.

What could be more inspiring than a well-known and revered man like Simon who died at the hands of the true God and is finally resurrected—maybe it is the fact that Simon is not only resurrected but also ascended to the throne of God as a Seraphim itself?
Of course, for the pastor and the people, they prefer to describe it as a miracle.

The former Holy Inquisitor, now the Angel of Judgment!

Born from death, become a god in one fell swoop!
Isn't this a miracle?
In other words, this is the real miracle.

Compared with other gods simply sending down a will to manifest in the main material plane, it is obvious that the resurrection from the dead, which only exists in ordinary illusions, is real and worth pondering.

In the next few days, the entire sanctuary and the Griffin Kingdom were a sea of ​​joy.

Even those who have never been interested in the church's beliefs rarely show a little interest, and the resurrection that breaks the shackles of life and death, I have to say that this is really shocking and imaginative.

Lord Simon can be resurrected as Seraphim, does it mean that my lord can bring back more people who died due to various accidents.

In just a few days, similar thoughts repeatedly appeared in the minds of many people.

"On April 4901 (Sunday), 4 A.D., Lord Simon, the Holy Inquisitor who died for the Holy Church because of the Lord of Dawn and Order's raid on Lyon, was resurrected and ascended to the throne of God, becoming the fourth Seraph of the Holy Church!"

As the most common decorative element in church statues, murals, etc., the public is no stranger to beautiful creatures such as angels.

What's more, there is also the propaganda of the temple, so almost everyone who believes in the gods of Tiantangshan knows that angels are a kind of divine creature living in heaven, and they are the creation and messenger of the sun god, symbolizing light, hope, beauty and holiness.

Not to mention, when the gate of heaven opened above the Holy Radiance Cathedral on God's birthday, they were the first to come out.

Among the angels who are qualified to stand in front of the Sun God's Throne are the Seraphs. There are four of them in total, namely Uther, the Angel of Dawn, Raphael, the Angel of Gospel, and Uriel, the Angel of Punishment.

Now, there is another one, the judgment angel Simon.

On April 4th, the seventh day after the resurrection of the Angel of Gospel and the Angel of Judgment, a message spread from the Holy Radiance Cathedral and the Dawn Cathedral, and at the same time spread rapidly in the main material plane and the continent of Merica.

"To commemorate the resurrection of His Royal Highness Raphael the Gospel Angel/Simon the Judgment Angel, the church has decided to designate the first Sunday in April every year as Easter, a major festival that symbolizes rebirth and hope."

A businessman looked at the news published in the "Celtic Times" and smiled happily. On the one hand, it was because of Simon's resurrection, and on the other hand, he found another business opportunity.

"In this way, our Griffin Kingdom has four major festivals."

In chronological order, they are New Year Celebration, God's Birthday, Easter, and National Day.

Of the four festivals, two are related to the sanctuary and two are related to the kingdom.

"The New Year's celebration on January 1 is the beginning and beginning of the year."

This is a festival set after Adam entered the Federation of Seven Cities and established the Griffin Principality. It was definitely a day worth looking forward to for the people who were lacking in spiritual life at that time.


During this week, people don't have to work, let go of all shackles, and enjoy the happy time with their families.

"July 7st is the day when the Sun King ruled Celtic and the Holy Griffon Kingdom was established, representing the rise of the kingdom in Upler and the main material plane."

"And starting today, you can add an Easter."

Festivals mean huge business opportunities and profits, and merchants have understood this truth since the first New Year celebration in the Griffin Principality.

If ordinary people get a piece of happiness just because of the festival itself, merchants often get double the happiness at this time, with those jingling, charming golden cuties.

"Having said that, there are only three months left until the Kingdom's first National Day, and September will be the opening day of the Kingdom's Royal Knights Academy and the First Seminary. By then, we will definitely be able to make another fortune."

The businessman smiled and narrowed his eyes, even a month of continuous torrential rain couldn't stop him from being in a good mood.

 Overtime on the first day of work, me. . .

  In short, I failed to make up the update, and I still owe 2000, and the total is 4000. I will try to make it up in these two days. Please trust me again QAQ
  In addition, if there are no accidents, the one-day double update will resume on the 13th (it should work)
(End of this chapter)

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