Templar Sun King

Chapter 534 Judgment Angel

Chapter 534 Judgment Angel
At the moment when the angel of the Gospel was resurrected and returned to the New World, not only the faith of the church priests on the continent of Merica was sublimated, but the fear and anxiety suppressed by the ordinary people for seven days because of the loss of the protection of the gods by the Principality of Griffins were all vented at this moment. The excitement and shock transformed into pious belief.

Waves of surging power of faith rose from all over the Principality of Griffin, gathered at the nearest church, broke through the barrier of the crystal wall, poured into Adam's divine fire, and transformed into a mighty sun power that traveled around the body.

In just a short moment, the divine power of faith gained by Adam is almost comparable to the sum of the previous week, which shows how shocking the resurrection of a demigod is!

But so far, the resurrection of the angel of the gospel is only known to the gods of Merika and the kingdom of truth. In Adam's view, this is not enough, far from enough.

So Adam had another crucial plan in the multiverse when the Angel of the Gospel was resurrected in Merica.

Paradise Mountain, by the Reincarnation Pool, Adam stretched out his right hand, and a beating, sealed divine fire emerged from his palm—this is the virtual divine fire that was put away by the punishment angel when he escaped from the shadow plane!

"Simon, are you ready to officially 'resurrect' in the multiverse?"

"My lord, it's already ready."

The two looked at each other, and both saw a strong look of confidence in each other's eyes.

"Okay!" Adam laughed, pointed at the virtual god fire, the seal was released, and the god fire turned into a stream of light and sank into Simon's spiritual sea.

Because Archmage Morgan was trapped in the shadow plane, the ignited divine fire could not get in touch with the ocean of force to complete the final transformation, so it could only be a virtual divine fire, not a real divine fire, so it had no attributes.

Now being driven into Simon's spiritual sea by Adam, he immediately merges with Simon's own 97 rays of light and divinity, accepts the baptism of the world's force, and instantly sublimates into a real divine fire, the divine fire of light!
"Holy Inquisitor Simon absorbs divine fire...Simon is promoted to demigod..."

A bright pillar of holy light enveloped Simon, and the aura of a demigod erupted from him, rushing out of the Sun Temple, out of Heaven Mountain, and showing it in the multiverse for the first time.

"A new god is born!"

"Heaven Mountain, why is it lighting the divine fire in the Kingdom of God again, and ascending to the throne of God?"

The eyes of the gods were immediately attracted. Last time, the eight gods were born together and the god of nature returned. Today, Tiantian Mountain welcomes a demigod again.

"What else can I say? Your Highness Adam is really..." The Goddess of Autumn patted her chest, surprised and delighted.

The situation in the multiverse is becoming more and more complicated, especially the power of the four main gods has reached an unprecedented level. The goddess of earth and abundance has a good relationship with Adam, and the growth of the power of Tianshan Mountain is beneficial to them.

"I don't know who is promoted to demigod this time?"

The Goddess of Spring recalled that the most likely candidate for promotion to demigod in the Holy Church was Teresa the Confessor or Garon the Vengeful Iron Guard.

Fiery and bright rays of light emerged from all directions, intertwined beside Simon, forming a huge cocoon of light.


In view of the fact that Andrew became the God of Knights directly after absorbing the divine fire last time, Adam was somewhat surprised by Simon's abnormality.

But at the next moment, the light cocoon shattered, turning into countless extremely beautiful feathers of holy light.

Holy light feathers fluttered in the entire apse of the Sun Temple, one piece, two pieces, three pieces...a total of six bright white wings stretched out from the shattered light cocoon.

The six pure white and holy wings fluttered slightly, and their master, Simon who had undergone an astonishing transformation, reappeared in front of everyone.

"Simon was promoted to demigod, his essence was sublimated, and the angel of judgment was born!"


Three pairs of bright light wings thousands of meters long spread out on Mount Paradise, radiating waves of milky white light patterns towards the outer plane, revealing the identity of a new demigod to the multiverse.

"Seraphim!" The cave god of the dwarven pantheon called out a name.

Uther, the Angel of Dawn, Uther, the Angel of Punishment, these beautiful creatures with six wings on their backs are all demigods with similar strength.

He looked at the God of Forging with difficulty. A few days ago, they were still discussing the origin of the angel, whether it was Adam's creation, and now, a brand new Seraph was born in Heaven Mountain.

The God of the Cave looked at the three pairs of light wings fluttering in the void with a complicated expression: "We just rejected the possibility of cooperating with Heavenly Mountain, and there is another demigod under the command of the Sun God..."

Compared with the dwarf pantheon with only one true god and one demigod, Heavenly Mountain is far more powerful than them.

The cave god even felt a bit remorseful, secretly doubting whether the decision made by the dwarf pantheon was correct.

"It's just a seraphim, no matter how powerful it is, it can still be compared with the kingdom of truth."

The God of Forging was also a bit absent-minded, but he was the true god of a race after all, and he quickly found a way to convince the cave god and himself at the same time.

"Wow!" Adam looked at the fourth Seraph of the Holy Church, the Angel of Judgment, and couldn't help but let out a cheer.

At this moment, Simon's image of an old man with white beard and white hair completely receded, and what reappeared in front of everyone was a stern-looking Seraph holding a cross scepter, with a temperament somewhat similar to that of a punishing angel, young, handsome, and powerful!
The difference is that the punishment angel Uriel is somewhat gloomy, while the judgment angel Simon is extremely oppressive and majestic.

"My lord!" Simon retracted three pairs of wings, landed on the ground, and saluted Adam.

At the same time, Simon's new information is automatically unfolded in front of Adam:

Name: Simon

Rank: demigod, blazing angel
Title: Angel of Judgment

Rating: 30
Ability 1. Speed ​​of light: As a powerful divine creature born from infinite brilliance, angels have the ability to move at the speed of light, which can cause fatal blows to the enemy in an instant.

Ability 2. Immortality: The body of an angel can be destroyed, but its will is immortal, and it will be reborn in the church seven days later.

Ability 3. Resurrection: The highest mystery of the sanctuary, the angel of judgment can revive any sanctuary unit and believer of the sun god (the number of resurrections, one per day).

Ability 4. Absolute purity: The holy light emanating from the angel has the ability of absolute purification and the defense ability of divine protection. Any dark, undead, and evil creatures will be purified as soon as they shine, and there is nowhere to hide.

Ability 5. Flood: The liquefaction of holy light and light energy, mixed with the power of the law of light, creates an energy torrent.

Ability 6. Judgment: Initiate original sin and actual sin, and make a judgment on the level of spirituality and belief.

Ability 7. Doomsday Judgment: As a Seraphim representing judgment, Simon can cast down thirteen terrifying beams of light to judge the target.

"Simon gets the trial domain!"

"The lord of the temple has acquired the domain of judgment!"

"The lord of the temple gained the domain of judgment, analyzed the law of light, and his comprehension of the law of light has risen to 36%!"

Unlike Andrew who shared Adam's authority to obtain the knight domain, this time Adam obtained a brand new domain from Simon, and the trial received it!
Seeing the prompt flashing in front of his eyes, Adam was in a good mood, which was definitely a pleasant surprise.

"Since that's the case—Simon, let's officially resurrect and return."

In the Kingdom of Truth, the Ash Knight looked at the beautiful and bright wings of the Holy Light on Mount Paradise in astonishment.

He once told the ether knight that Adam's escape from the shadow plane was just an accident. Who would have thought that the original god of the water element would hide in the river of fate that predicted the three goddesses to be summoned.

However, this brand new demigod breath told him that the shadow plane incident was far from accidental, and that was Adam's strength.

Adam himself, the four blazing angels, the god of knights, unknowingly, the strength of Tianshan Mountain has expanded to the point where there is one true god and five demigods.

After the four main gods, the Titan gods and Heavenly Mountain are the strongest.

"That idiot Losey."

The Goddess of Wealth and Trade, Vol'jin, shuddered because of the undisguised murderous intent on the God of Truth.

But her intuition told her that Adam, the sun god, had jumped out of the category of being able to kill if she wanted to.

The Goddesses of Earth and Fertility of the Titan Gods and even the Goddess of Life of the Elven Gods are all his allies, watching each other, and how can they be allowed to ravage them unless the God Lord finds an opportunity to do it himself.

Outside the Paradise Mountain, three pairs of light wings with a length of thousands of meters curled up and turned into a phantom of an old man with white beard and white hair - Holy Inquisitor Simon!

The wings of light were retracted and unfolded again, and the old man transformed into a Seraphim holding a cross scepter—the Angel of Judgment!
"A brand new Seraph is born!"

"Two-winged angels, four-winged angels, seraphs, where do these angels come from?"

The gods lamented and doubted the birth and origin of the angels, but the Kingdom of Dawn, the Lord of Dawn couldn't help standing up from the throne.

Although he was an enemy, he had to admit that when he easily killed Simon with the law of order, the Holy Inquisitor who dared to attack the true god with divine magic had left him with such a slight impression.

Therefore, when he saw the phantom of the old man flashing past on the huge star that was almost comparable to the kingdom of the Lord God, the Lord of Dawn had an ominous premonition.

A coincidence must be just a coincidence, the Lord of Dawn could only convince himself this way.

There is no doubt that the mortal with only legendary strength has long since died under his divine attack.

Although during this period of time he was overwhelmed by the Sanctuary, the Griffin Kingdom, and the three major natural disasters, the Lord of the Dawn still had the confidence to completely kill a legend.

But then, he heard the new god begin to announce his divine name to the entire multiverse: "I am Simon, the angel of judgment!"


His name is Simon!
clap clap clap!
The divine power escaped from the Lord of Dawn, causing a series of explosions around him, proving how restless this true god who is in charge of the two priesthoods of Dawn and Order is.

"Simon!" The Lord of Dawn fixed his eyes on the seraphim on Mount Paradise. I don't know if it was a coincidence. The angel of judgment just raised his cross scepter and pointed at the Kingdom of Dawn, which was full of provocation.

Now Losey can finally be sure of one thing:

Simon, the Holy Inquisitor who died from the magic of order, was resurrected, in the form of a seraphim!

(End of this chapter)

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