Templar Sun King

Chapter 446 The Seventh Hero

Chapter 446 The Fifth Hero
Adam then looked down. It was a career system that was automatically unlocked when the career level reached the upper limit.

The temple power-based occupational system is divided into knights and swordsmen, and the advanced routes are as follows:

Knight Attendant (Black Iron, Bronze), Knight (Silver), Honor Knight, Sun Knight;
Swordsman (Black Iron, Bronze), Divine Swordsman (Silver), Juggernaut (Gold), Cross Juggernaut.

The temple spell-type occupation system, that is, priest, the advanced route is priest (black iron, bronze), priest, priest, and patriarch.

Four advanced occupations: paladin (brilliant fighting spirit), revenge iron guard (excellent fighting spirit), holy judge (offensive faction spell), confessor (auxiliary faction spell).

Looking at the information given by the Holy Church, Adam gradually understood that through the study and training of the Seminary and the Knight Academy, people in this universe can also obtain various occupations in the two major occupation systems of the Holy Church.

Glory Knight, Sun Knight, and Cross Juggernaut, when they appeared as the Templar champions, they were already in the Gold rank and the Legendary rank respectively.

The generation of two advanced routes provides the possibility for future students to become honor knights and cross sword masters in the future.

Even in the near future, there will be a second and third paladin in Celtic.

Knights and priests can choose advanced occupations for targeted training when they are in the silver rank.

A knight can choose to continue to develop in the direction of a glorious knight, or he can choose to become a paladin who is good at defense or a revenge iron guard who is good at attacking.

Of course, the choice of an advanced profession requires extraordinary talent and rigorous training beyond ordinary people's imagination, and the same is true for the Holy Inquisitor and the Confessor.

Continue to look down, it is the automatically unlocked unit building training system.

The core building Barracks, Shooting Range, Elite Building Church, Champion Building Hall of Glory, Sun Altar, and Cross Arena can be opened to those who have been approved by the agent, and each entry is a consciousness.

The buildings of the temple units are places for training units, and now they can be opened to the public!
But it's a good thing, Adam thought.

In fact, when his professional level is raised to level 21, the development of church and kingdom power becomes more and more important.

In participating in the continental hegemony and the battle with the churches, advanced combat power is of course important, but the backbone combat power is also indispensable.

Moreover, as Adam's professional level reached the upper limit, the number of Templar arms basically reached the upper limit at the same time, and there was a situation where the strength of the arms was weak.

Fortunately, the professional system is now open together with the arms building system, coupled with the already established seminary and the soon-to-be-established knight academy and magic school, in order to ensure that the strength of the Griffon Kingdom will continue to rise to a higher level.

If the first two news made Adam smile, then the third news is not so wonderful, the automatic respawn function of the arms is cancelled.

From the day the temple is obtained, no matter if it is a temple unit or a hero, after encountering death, they can be reborn when Adam's professional level increases.

But now this function has been cancelled, and Adam needs to consume his own divine power to be resurrected (this method is limited to Templar units).

Adam quickly skimmed over the message, checking the last message from his professional level promotion.

"You can exchange your divine power for spell scrolls and magic books from the magic temple." Adam read it word by word, and sighed, "This sounds very good."

Adam walked into the magic temple and decided to try it.

Ever since he found out that he can obtain divine power from the Angel of Dawn and the Angel of Gospel, Adam's divine power storage has been full. For example, he now has a full 2000 units of divine power.

Just like entering the magic temple for the first time, Adam saw a statue of a magic eagle ready to fly at a glance.

Under the feet is the vast starry sky, the galaxy is shining brightly, and the magical lights of different colors are flying and twisting around, and they are born and disappear every second, and there is no end to the cycle.

Call up the exchange interface, there are two options on it, one is the magic book, the other is the spell scroll, and the price is clearly marked.

A bronze level evocation spell book, containing ten black iron spells and five bronze spells, requires 450 units of divine power to exchange.

A bronze-level spell scroll requires 100 units of divine power, which is a bargain compared to the magic book.

Adam had very few chances to use spell scrolls, and Andrew or other heroes would usually solve any problems on the spot. It was Isabella who really needed the spellbook.

It is very difficult to deduce spell models and spells from spell scrolls, but if you have a spellbook in hand, the situation is very different.

Spellbooks contain detailed spell models and incantations with simple explanations.

Adam hesitated, and spent 1300 units of divine power to exchange for a silver-level magic book (including 15 basic spells, 10 primary spells, and 5 intermediate spells) from the magic temple, and prepared to give it to Isabella.

After dealing with all these, Adam came to the castle to get the biggest benefit from this career level promotion, summoning heroes!

Recruit Paladin Andrew at level 5, Inquisitor Simon at level 10, Confessor Teresa at level 15, and Vengeful Iron Guard Garon at level 20.

Now, with career level 25, it's finally time to recruit the fifth hero of the Sanctuary!

Click on the hero recruitment interface, and a turntable appeared in front of Adam. Various avatars of men, women and children divided the turntable into [-] equal parts.

Among the five advanced professions in the Holy Church, there is still a lack of a crime-killing officer.

But soon, Adam knew who his fifth hero was.

A slender middle-aged man who was hidden in a gray robe appeared in front of Adam after a beam of holy light descended.

The middle-aged man lifted his hood, revealing a sullen face, and knelt on the ground on one knee: "My lord, Sinner Sergey sends you my greetings."

Executioner, Sergey!
Name: Sergey
Occupation: Criminal Executioner (advanced from a powerful professional knight, good at assassination)

Level: 25+5 (refined Judgment Fighting Qi)
Specialty: Heresy Judgment (Judge who is proficient in various interrogation and punishment techniques), Stealth Mastery (Assassin master who walks in the shadows)

Alienation Ability [-], Holy Sword: One cut in two is the best evaluation of the Sinner's Holy Sword, it can easily cut through various energy shields and magic shields.

Alienation Ability [-], Seven Deadly Sins: Sinners can always influence and attack the hearts of enemies through their arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, lust, and gluttony.

Alienation Ability [-], Eternal Punishment Hell: Project an eternal punishment hell in the mind of the target, causing them to perish forever in the punishment of hell.

Like his four companions, Sergey's career level is 25+5, and his absolute strength can make any legend despair.

As for the outcome of the battle against demigods, Adam still doesn't know.

However, he felt that the number of 25+5 should not disappoint him too much. It might be impossible to face the demigod directly, but at least he would not be killed by a single move like before, and self-protection should not be a problem.

Of the two hero feats, Inquisition of Heresy and Mastery of Stealth, as his class name states, he conducts a trial of heresy.

In fact, the advanced profession of the Sinner is similar to the inspector set up by the Church of Dawn. They both walk in the dark and use special means to maintain the faith of the church and the stability of the kingdom.

If paladins, revenge iron guards, holy inquisitors, and confessors are regarded as heroes who are respected by thousands of people in the church, then the criminal judges are the heroes who have paid silently for the temple in secret.

The heretics with ulterior motives and the conspirators who tried to overthrow the royal power all went to hell under the sword of the criminal judge.

Among the three alienation abilities of the Sinner, the holy sword that can be cut in two is perhaps the most ordinary, reflecting the sharp attack of the Sinner.

From the second alienation ability, the professional nature of the criminal officer began to be revealed.

The spiritual attack of the seven deadly sins and the endless punishment of eternal punishment hell all carry a cold and dark atmosphere, which is incompatible with the usual bright and upright sanctuary.

But this is exactly the characteristic of the Sinner, the sharp sword of the church in the dark!
"My lord!" The disciplinary angel Uriel brought two power angels and eight angels to the third floor of the sanctuary.

"Recruit Angels of Discipline, and the agent domain can continue to merge with the sanctuary space!"

The character interface is automatically unfolded in front of Adam, and Adam's latest information is displayed on it.

Name: Adam Weaving
Occupation: Actress of the Sun God, Lord of the Temple, Priest

Rating: 25
Faith: 1262568

Magic Pet: Bird of Paradise (level 25)
Adam looked at the five hero icons that arc around the character projection, the filled unit icons and the numbers on the unit column with some emotion.

He still remembers the hesitation and cautiousness when he first came to his universe with 7 militiamen. In just two years, the militiamen were upgraded to infantry, and the number reached 1200+.

And he has also grown from an ordinary youth to the king of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, the holy son of the temple, and a priest with a career level of 25. He is famous all over the world!
Now, except for the Bright Spirit, Silverback Wolf, and Royal Griffin, who can continue to increase their numbers through Great Seal and Creation, the numbers of other templar units are fixed.

62 gold, 15 legends, 5 heroes, 3 demigods!
This is Adam's advanced combat power!
(End of this chapter)

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