Templar Sun King

Chapter 445 Level 25 Priest

Chapter 445 Level 25 Priest

"My lord, the law has changed!"

It is now 3 minutes after the death of Feathered Serpent, the sky is still raging due to the energy storm generated by the collision between the stars of the temple and the city, the Angel of Dawn and the Angel of Gospel are keenly aware of the difference in the laws of the world.

"What changes?"

"It may be because of our frequent arrivals and the continuous fall of the local gods in Merika, which caused the laws of the entire plane to adjust themselves. If all gods did not establish a kingdom on the earth, they would be permanently repelled to the void and chaos, and they would not be able to directly interfere with the earth."

"Just like the main material plane rejects gods and legends, you can think of it as a means of maintaining the order of the plane." The gospel angel added.

Not only the two Seraphs, but almost all the gods on the entire Merika continent felt the changes and adjustments of the laws at the same time.

The God of Winter in the South roared excitedly: "Great, it should have been like this a long time ago! Since you have come to Merica, you have to obey the rules of Merica."

Seeing the Thunderbird God, the Desert God, the Spring Goddess, and the Feathered Serpent God all died one after another due to the gods of different continents, he, who is also a demigod, was almost covered with a veil of death, and he was worried.

Now the law has finally adjusted, indicating that the danger is temporarily far away from him.

"It would be great if we made adjustments earlier." After the excitement, the God of Winter sighed.

The Principality of Spring Water is adjacent to him, and there are occasional frictions, but seeing the other party being killed by the true god of another continent with his own eyes, the God of Winter still can't help but feel a bit of sadness.

"Where's the Shadow Knight?"

"He's still thinking about it...he's started, he's blending divine power with the Spring Water Principality."

The land of the original spring water principality was covered with a layer of shadow, and a huge light curtain rose.

"I will establish the Shadow Principality for Shawn the Shadow Knight!"

In just a short moment, a brand new Principality was born.

Shadow Principality, Lord of the Principality, Shadow Knight!

"It seems that the Shadow Knight intends to stay in Merika for a long time to open up the territory for Lord Yasha. If so, Raphael!"

"Yes, my lord."

The evangelical angel Raphael stood in the air, and the milky white and holy power fell like raindrops, covering the land of the original Feathered Serpent Principality.

Divine power permeates every inch of land, every grass, and every foothill, and the will spreads all over. In an instant, a curtain of holy light rises from the earth.

After the divine power enveloped the entire Feathered Serpent Principality, Raphael did not stop, and continued to spread to the north, including the harsh northern ice field, until Zion became a part of it.

"It's the holy light, this is the kingdom established by our lord!"

Zion, the legend under Adam, Summers and other people looked up at the holy light curtain extending from a distance.

Seven, who was born in Dimension Tallinn, immediately recognized that this is a brand new country that is gradually taking shape.

"For the Gospel Angel Raphael, I established the Principality of Griffin!"

The Principality of Griffin, the owner of the Principality, Raphael!
Two brand new duchies replace the Duchy of Springs and the Duchy of Feathered Serpents in Merica.

"Wars will break out." The space lord looked at the two brand new duchies in the south and the north with emotion.

At the level of the True God of the Shadow Knight, a kingdom should have been established, but due to the size of the Principality of Spring Water, only the Principality can be established for the time being.

It is conceivable that after the Shadow Knight integrates the principality, it will inevitably expand outwards and occupy more land and believers in order to fully exert the power of the true god.

And the Griffon Principality in the north is not a good stubble either. At the beginning of its establishment, the Principality greedily included the inaccessible and harsh northern ice sheets, with great ambitions.

The only gratifying possibility is that the God of Nine Pillars no longer has to worry about being suddenly attacked and killed by gods from other continents.

"Not good!" The space lord suddenly came back to his senses, because Adam came again and the shadow knight appeared, the time for the fusion of the two crystal walls was shortened by two years again!

Adam entered the church with the Angel of Dawn, and clicked on the prompt that popped up just now.

"Kill the demigod, get 15% of the career progress, and 20% of the cumulative progress!"

As always, the higher the career level, the less progress you can get.

Adam has long been familiar with the strangeness, but fortunately he still has two things, a golden divine fire and a light golden divinity, both of which are the remnants of Feathered Serpent.

"Discover the divinity of light * 100, the agent hopes: 1. Store the divinity; 2. Integrate the divinity and strengthen the source of life."

100 units of light divinity!
At this moment, Adam could clearly hear his rapid breathing.

Although the God of the Desert also provided 100 units of divinity last time, because it is the opposite of the dark attribute, it needs to be transformed into a light divinity before it can be absorbed normally.

But even then, the remaining one-fifth of divinity after transformation still pushed Adam to level 24.

The Feathered Serpent God is different, she is also a god in the field of light, and her remaining divinity can be directly absorbed.

20 units of divinity brings 60% career progress, now 100 units...

"Fusion of divinity!" Adam's voice trembled uncontrollably because he was too excited.

Silk threads from the light golden divinity fell on Adam's forehead, and the vast and warm power instantly wrapped Adam, strengthening and transforming every muscle, every bone, and every drop of blood in this body.

Adam's body slowly floated up, emitting a dazzling radiance, and automatically entered the state of the holy spirit, with the sun cross symbol appearing in the pupils of his eyes.

Countless luminous energies are attracted by this and continue to gather from all directions, vying to become a part of Adam's body.

A little bit of pure to the extreme holy light was born, and soon spread throughout the whole body.

After 10 minutes, the process of merging with divinity is over.

"Integrate divinity, career progress increased by 100%, cumulative progress 120%, career level increased!"

Adam didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to why he still stayed at the stage of intermediate divine creatures after absorbing a full 100 units of light divinity.

There is only one sentence in his mind that keeps repeating: professional level promotion!
"Your occupation level has been raised to 25!"

"Level up, automatically learn spells, blessings of the gods, doomsday apocalypse!"

"Level up, get 1 action point!"

"Level up, Infantry +49, Shining Spirit +49, Silverback Wolf +49, Guard +25, Marksman +25, Priest +9, Royal Griffin +9, Sun Knight +2, Patriarch +2, Holy Spirit +1, Cross Juggernaut +1, Blazing Angel +1, basic magic scroll *7, primary magic scroll *5, intermediate magic scroll *3, advanced magic scroll *2, legendary magic scroll *1!"

"The career level of the agent reaches the upper limit, and the career system will be automatically unlocked. The power-type career system will be generated, the spell-type career system will be generated, and the four advanced career systems will be generated!"

"When the agent's professional level reaches the upper limit, the unit building training system will be automatically unlocked, and it can be connected to the Seminary and Knight Academy!"

"The occupational level of the agent has reached the upper limit, and the automatic rebirth function of the arms is cancelled. It is necessary to use divine power to regenerate with the help of the arms building!"

"The professional level of the agent has reached the upper limit, and he can exchange his divine power for spell scrolls and magic books from the magic temple!"

A total of eight messages were unfolded in front of Adam.

In two years, Adam went from the occupation level 0 at the beginning of his own universe, step by step, and finally reached the upper limit of the occupation system of the temple, occupation level 25!

A level 25 priest, an intermediate divine creature, this is Adam's current identity.

One step further is to ignite the divine fire, break away from the realm of mortal things, and officially enter the realm of gods.

If it is said that Adam's fight for a territory in Falcon City at the beginning was only out of self-preservation instinct and simply being attracted by power and power, after all, these two things are too tempting for ordinary people who suddenly obtained the Holy Church.

But then the purpose became more and more pure, to collect the power of faith to prepare for the future igniting of the divine fire.

The establishment of the Griffin Kingdom to unify the Celtics is the same as the acquisition of overseas territories in Yuppler, and the layout of Merica.

An immortal opportunity is at hand, why not fight for it?

Now, he is stepping on the threshold of immortality, and just waiting for a step at the door, he can hold the throne high and look down on all living beings.

Adam took a deep breath, calmed down, and carefully checked the benefits brought about by the last professional level promotion.

In terms of spells, the latest ones to learn are Gods' Blessing and Doomsday Apocalypse, two of the most powerful spells known as priest-assisted and offensive factions.

The gods blessed the small promotion in the first chapter, the ark in the second chapter, the holy light weapon in the first chapter of the doomsday apocalypse, and the holy light torrent in the second chapter, all of which impressed Adam deeply.

Then, a little action point given by the temple—most likely the last point of action point—can be used to build a knight academy.

"Build a knight academy!"

There was a slight tremor on the ground, and as the holy light fell and dissipated, a knight academy rose up next to the seminary.

Knight Academy: An academy that cultivates powerful professional knights for the temple. After consuming 1000 units of divine power, it can be projected to any area on the material plane.

"The First Theological Seminary of the Holy Church, the Royal Knight Academy of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, and Themis School of Magic are fantastic. This will be another step for Celtic's strength to take off."

The three major schools represent three professional systems, the priest of the seminary, the knight of the knight academy, and the mage of the magic school.

The establishment of the school means the birth of a brand new cradle of professionals. From then on, the talented people in the Holy Griffon Kingdom can receive the most formal and scientific systematic education provided by the government.

Batch after batch of professionals who are loyal to the Sun King, loyal to the Griffin Kingdom, and believe in the Sun God will walk out of the three major schools, out of Celtic, and step into the main material plane, and their fame will shake the world.

 Thanks to the acridine family, the stupid and naive pig, GUOLV, Captain Daqin, and rm are all registered, Ziyouhua, Wuyi, Shuiqincheng, and Wulang for their rewards (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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