Templar Sun King

Chapter 443 Shadow

Chapter 443 Shadow
With the help of two Seraphs, Adam finally saw the scene over the South Pole of Merika.

It was a huge vortex, and dark clouds and lightning were involved in it.The space in the center of the vortex was shattered, revealing a deep and dark "eye".


The Lord God of Space keenly discovered a familiar space fluctuation, but it was quite different from the space power he usually mastered.

The will of the Nine Pillars gods came to the same place together, and the expressions on the faces of each god were not good-looking, even the God of War who possessed the power of the main god was no exception.

"Another space channel?" God of War asked.

"I'm afraid so."

Among the nine pillar gods, no one is more proficient in the laws of space than the main god of space. If even he thinks it is a space channel, then there will definitely be no second answer.

"Another god from another continent?"

The threat of Adam and the two six-winged demigods has not been lifted, and now there is another one, and the goddess of the spring is almost driven crazy by this long-lost powerlessness and fear.

She worked so hard to ignite the divine fire and climbed to the god's throne to enjoy the right to look down on all living beings and immortal life, not to be chained to the earth with fear and become the prey of other continental gods.

"Your Highness Hillsey, if you want me to say that you shouldn't have brought that bastard Adam back from another continent."

Otherwise, Adam wouldn't have come to Merika twice and three times, and every time it was a disaster.The last time it was the death of the God of the Desert, this time there is a second unknown passage. God knows what level of gods will rush out of the vortex.

"What's the use of complaining to me?" The Lord of Space sneered, cursed the idiot secretly, and looked at the goddess of spring water with unfriendly eyes.

"In any case, you are to blame."

The Goddess of Spring Water was terrified by the cold gaze of the Lord God of Space, coupled with the remaining prestige of the Lord God, she couldn't help taking a step back.

However, thinking that the other party is no longer a main god with a godhead, but a demigod like her, and even slightly inferior to her in terms of priests and believers, she suddenly feels confident again.

"Enough!" God of War scolded, turned around and continued to ask the Lord God of Space, "What can you do?"

"There is no way. Since the establishment of the space principality, I have been bound to the earth again, otherwise I can destroy the entire vortex now."

"Then give up the Space Principality and destroy the whirlpool first."

Because of the appearance of the second space channel, the conflict between the Nine Pillars Gods that had been suppressed with great difficulty broke out again.First, it was the Goddess of Spring who launched the attack, but now it has become the order of the God of War.

The other six gods distanced themselves from the main god of space and God of War without any trace.

"It's not impossible." The Lord God of Space sneered again, and had several thoughts in his heart, "Give me the space anchor."


"Then our Nine Pillars God is here to watch the gods from the other continent come out of the vortex." The Lord God of Space ignored the gloomy gaze of the God of War, "It may be a demigod, or it may be a true god, and we..."

The main god of space pointed at the gods: "It's the prey."

After being said by the Lord God of Space, the other six gods looked at the God of War with a little more expectation.

"Your Majesty Odin, for the sake of Merica, it is better to hand over the space anchor to His Majesty Hillsay."

The God of Plague loses his godliness and becomes a loner. He can best understand the helplessness and pain of being hunted down.

"Furthermore, the Space Anchor was originally an artifact of His Majesty Hillsey, and it is not inappropriate to return it to its original owner."

"Hilsey, listen carefully. First, this is an order, not a bargain. Second, it is you, not me, who fear the gods of another continent."

"Whether you want to go or not is up to you."

After finishing speaking, the God of War withdrew his will, dispersed his avatars, and left the other gods with earthy faces.

That's right, the God of War is the main god. With the strength of his divine kingdom, even if it is a main god who descends this time, he can't think of breaking the Odin Empire in a short time.

But they are different, no matter if they are true gods or demigods, who can guarantee that they will not be the next thunderbird god or desert god.

Demigod is okay, what if it is a real god?

"Give up the kingdom of God, how can I protect myself without a space anchor?"

The Lord God of Space didn't give the other gods a chance to persuade them, so he left a word and dispersed his avatars as well.

"But for the sake of being the Nine Pillars God of Mirika, I have an alternative method here."

boom!There was lightning and thunder, and a figure appeared in the "eye" in the middle of the vortex. It was a knight wearing a gray cloak and riding a gray horse.

"Shadow Knight!" Adam recognized him, having met him during the Pantheon meeting.

Together with the Soul Knight, Ash Knight, and Death Knight, they are called the Four Knights of Truth.

Sure enough, just as Adam was able to secretly open the gate of heaven to go back and forth between the two continents, the God of Truth also has a way to come to Merica again, but he just sends the Shadow Knight.

It is not difficult to understand that, as one of the four main gods, unless the God of Truth stays in the Kingdom of God, his every move will inevitably be watched by the gods, which is fundamentally different from the situation where Adam went to the Kingdom of God to hide and everything will be fine.

"True God!" Nine-Pillar God sensed the opponent's strength the moment the Shadow Knight appeared, and was a whole step higher than Adam's two six-winged demigods.

The Goddess of Spring Water was pale, and the Spring Water Principality and the Cold Winter Principality were the closest to the True God of the Foreign Continent and the most vulnerable to attack.

"This is the Mirika that my lord speaks of."

The shadow knight's divine eyes swept across the New World, and saw an empire at the level of a main god, three kingdoms at the level of a true god, and four duchies at the level of a demigod.

"Huh?" The Shadow Knight was obviously taken aback when he saw Adam, the Angel of Dawn, and the Angel of Gospel, but immediately showed a clear expression, "My lord expected it. The last time was the space channel opened by Adam."

Across a whole continent, Adam stared openly at the Shadow Knight in the Antarctic at the North Pole without dodging.

Since the Shadow Knight can come to the New World, it will be a matter of time before he learns about Adam, including how many Seraphs he has under his command.

The shadow knight nodded to Adam, patted the horse's back, turned into a gray light and rushed north.

"It's actually two seraphs, interesting."

"But the most important thing now is to establish a stronghold for our Lord in Merika."

"My lord once said that the rules of the Merika continent are special, and the defense level of the Nine Pillars God Kingdom is one level higher than usual."

The gray divine light flashed across the air, quickly selected the target, and fell down.

"The Principality of Spring Water!" Angel Dawn said to Adam, "The Goddess of Spring Water is the Shadow Knight's target."

Adam looked away, thinking quickly about the impact of the Shadow Knight's arrival on his plan.

The three goddesses predicted that the establishment of the temporary channel would speed up the time for the new continent to descend to the main material plane. I don’t know how long the opening of the gate of heaven and the existence of the Shadow Knight channel will shorten.

Because the spread is too wide, Adam must always consider the progress of the development of the New World, the expansion of the French territory, and the personnel arrangements for dealing with various matters such as the arrival of the New World, and make timely adjustments.

Gotta find a way to find out about Mrs. Grace when I get back, Adam thought.

"Let's go to the Feathered Serpent Principality."

In the Principality of Spring Water, the Goddess of Spring Water looked at the gray divine light falling rapidly towards the Principality from a distance, her facial muscles twitched, and the battle between heaven and man was in her mind.

Do you want to use the method given by the space lord god?

The Fountain was lost in thought until a series of hisses awakened her attention.

Outside of God, the Shadow Knight was condescending, with his hands outstretched, and beams of gray light swirled and fell towards the Principality of Spring Water.

These lights cast a layer of shadows as they swirled, and soon plunged the entire Spring Water Principality into darkness.

Immediately afterwards, a strange thing happened, and the shadow of the entire Spring Water Principality began to glow with a gloomy light.

Whether it is the shadow of a person, an animal, a tree or a building, the larger the shadow area, the more permeating and creepy the glow will be.

Gradually, someone was surprised to find that through the gloomy shadow on the ground, another world could be seen, a world hidden behind the shadow.

A priest bravely looked at the shadow of the temple. On the opposite side of the shadow, the light was distorted, making it impossible to see clearly.

The sun was black, and the whole world was dark and spinning continuously, making him dizzy.

Suppressing dizziness and nausea, he continued to look: what should have been a magnificent temple was a ruined wall, and the statue of the goddess of springs was smashed into pieces and thrown into the darkest stinking ditch, where there were still A group of mice was running around.

"Blasphemy, this is blasphemy!" he muttered.

"How can it be considered blasphemy? Press that tall woman to the ground, hehe..." A lewd and lewd voice came from the opposite side of the shadow.

The priest's eyes widened, full of disbelief, it turned out to be his voice!

A slimy, disgusting liquid-stained snake-like thing twisted and hissed from the stinking gutter. The monster raised its head and had a human face.

Although the human face was distorted beyond human appearance, and the eyes had no eyeballs and were only white, but the priest recognized that this was him, as if that was his true face.

The two people on the side of the shadow and the other side of the shadow looked at each other, and a chaotic will was transmitted from the other side.

The priest suddenly realized that everything in the world opposite the shadow was upside-down and chaotic, beautiful things were abandoned like shoes, ugly things were popular, order collapsed, virtues did not exist, even the goddess of the spring...


Suddenly the priest hissed, his whole body was limp, and he fell to the ground. A trace of shadow crawled out of his brain, glowing with a faint light, and merged into the shadow on the ground.

The shadows grow stronger and connect with each other, and the chaos from the world opposite the shadows begins to project in the spring water principality, distorting the light, distorting vision, distorting people's hearts...

Boom boom boom!
"What happened?" Adam, who had just arrived at Feathered Serpent Principality and hadn't started attacking yet, looked up to the south, only to see a city rising from the ground surrounded by a layer of blue divine power.

 There will be another update later, which is to make up for the last leave.It might be a bit late, so you can watch it tomorrow morning.

(End of this chapter)

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