Chapter 442
Merika, Boreal Icefield Valley, Zion.

Summers looked nervously at the two sides that were facing each other not far away, praying silently.

The opposing sides are the Legendary Alliance of the Nine Pillars God Kingdom, and the Holy Inquisitor and the Holy Spirit on the other.

Judging from the number of people, it is obvious that the League of Legends on the side of Nine Pillars has an absolute advantage. They have a total of six legends and eight gold professionals.

The leader is the High Priest of the God of War. His scarlet cloak fluttered in the wind, and his deep and cold voice echoed in the blizzard and spread throughout Zion:
"According to the common oracle of His Majesty Odin, the Lord God of War, and the other seven Highnesses, come to exterminate the heretics. Anyone who dares to believe in the Sun God will be sent to the stake to be burned to death!"

This is the third siege that Zion has faced since the last incarnation of God came.

The first time was an army from the Feathered Serpent Principality, but under the leadership of Summers, a priest with a career level of 8, he barely held Zion.

Perhaps learning the lesson from the first time, the feathered serpent principality dispatched three gold professionals the second time.

It was also at that time that Summers finally met the other two servants of God, the Holy Inquisitor Simon and the Holy Spirit Grail.

If the previous two times were the independent actions of the Feathered Serpent Principality, this time it was the joint action of the Nine Pillars Gods.

Summers saw priests or warriors from the Odin Empire, the Slaughter Kingdom, the Blacksmith Kingdom, the Plague Kingdom, the Feathered Serpent Principality, the Space Principality, the Spring Principality, and the Winter Principality on the enemies facing him.

Of course, there were no priests, warriors, or mummies from the desert principality who hunted them down.

Of course not, because not long ago the owner of the Desert Principality, the God of the Desert, died at the hands of God.

The desert principality was smashed to pieces by the kingdom of gods that fell from the sky, and the aborigines (mummy) of the desert principality almost died after this battle.

"That's what the three idiots told me last time. As for the result, I don't need to explain it clearly."

Summers heard Simon's unyielding response in the distance, and remembered the fate of the three golds of the Feathered Serpent Principality.

Under the entanglement of the three thorns, they completely turned into a light spot and fell on this land together with snowflakes.

"Go!" The six legends swarmed up together, and a terrifying wave of energy rose on the spot.

At the same time, there was also a holy light that blocked all these energies.

Summers, who was familiar with the scriptures, was very aware of the horror of the aftermath of the battle of legendary professionals. The battle of eight legends was enough to raze the entire Zion to the ground.

In fact, even gold professionals can achieve this effect without legends.

Fortunately, the Holy Spirit Graili laid down the holy light for defense, otherwise...

"It turned out to be a priest who surpassed the peak of legend!"

There were originally three countries closer to Zion, namely the Desert Principality, Feathered Serpent Principality, and Thunderbird Principality located in the north of the Merika continent.

Now it has become two, Feathered Serpent Principality and Space Principality.

The Lord God of Space could only see the strong will and strength emanating from Simon at a glance, and knew that this encirclement and suppression might end in failure again.

Sure enough, under the siege of the four legends, Simon was able to do a job with ease. He used the Holy Flame of Light and the Seven Star Heaven alternately. Within two rounds, the legendary sword master of the Blacksmith Kingdom was wrapped in a platinum flame and burned to a mass of ashes.

"God, your devout servant Summers begs for your protection, and I hope Zion can survive this disaster safely."

After all, Summers' eyesight was not comparable to that of the main god of space. When he saw that Simon was besieged by the four legends, and the Holy Spirit was also besieged by the two legends and the eight gold sieges, he couldn't help praying anxiously to God in his heart. begging for help.

He is not afraid of death, but the spark of faith in God cannot be cut off today.

Just like the last time he prayed desperately on the ice field, this time, his prayer was answered again.

Just after he finished praying, a holy portal quickly appeared over Zion. The platinum holy flame and milky white holy light marked that this was the handiwork of a temple or even a god.

"what is that?"

"A passage from another continent to America?"

The eyes of the Nine Pillars Gods turned to the gate of heaven that suddenly appeared.

"It's a space channel, that's right."

The space lord felt a familiar aura on this portal, which belonged to Adam.

"The gate of heaven, the coming of the Son!" Simon and the Holy Spirit repelled the enemy's attack and shouted.

"The Holy Son is coming!"

Led by Summers, nearly [-] Sun God believers in Zion knelt down piously, watching the familiar holy light and flames flickering on the gate of heaven, praying loudly.

"It's Adam!" The Goddess of Spring and the God of Winter exclaimed with fear on her face.

Before they met Ya, they never thought that the dignified demigod would fear the legend one day, because it was too absurd.

But after Adam led the two six-winged demigods to break through the desert principality and kill the desert god, no matter how absurd things were, they became a matter of course.

Adam has this qualification and ability.

When he comes again this time, who is his target?
Now there are still four demigods among the Nine Pillars Gods. It is them, the Feathered Serpent God, or the Space Master God.

"Destroy this portal!"

The God of War made a prompt decision, anchored the space of the northern polar region with the artifact space anchor, and descended the incarnation of the demigod's strength.

The incarnation wears golden armor, holds a long sword, surges with divine power, and stabs at the gate of heaven.

At the same time, the gate of heaven opened, and the sword light that hit the soul was cut out from the other end of the gate of heaven accompanied by a strong holy light.

"Your Majesty Odin, we meet again."

The light and rain are colorful, and the holy light is blooming. Under the protection of the angel of the Gospel, Adam came to the new land of Merika for the third time.

Two blazing angels with six wings on their backs, one on the left and one on the right, protect Adam in the middle, facing the incarnation of the God of War's will.

"It's God!" The believers in Zion were overjoyed, and all the anxiety and fear in their hearts disappeared after Adam appeared.

"Come here."

The three heroes Andrew, Teresa, and Gallon, the Bird of Paradise, the three Holy Spirits, the three Sword Masters, Seven, and the two mage lords of the Hanging Garden, a total of thirteen legends walked out of the gate of heaven, Line up behind Adam.

The main material plane (Yupler, Yasha, and the third-level underground world) rejects legendary professionals because of the law. The legends that survived the space turbulence are either led to the kingdom of God by the gods, or they are from the inner plane. Find a suitable place to live in the transitional plane.

However, generally speaking, these transitional planes are still in a state of evolution for the time being, and the elemental energy is very violent and chaotic. It will take a period of time for them to subside before they become places suitable for all major races to live in.

As for now, there is no problem for legends to survive in it, but it is not very friendly to other creatures below legends.

Therefore, Adam did not start to prepare for the idea of ​​seizing the transitional plane. He directly divided into two groups, transferred all the legends under his command to the new continent of Merica, and opened up the territory of faith with Simon.

The Templar arms and professionals of the golden rank are sticking to Celtic while expanding outwards on the territory of France based on Lyon.

Make the most efficient use of Templar units and other professionals.

Moreover, there are four and a half gods in the Nine Pillars God, aren't there?

He has been looking forward to career level 25 for a long time.

"Two six-winged demigods!"

The Goddess of Springs has a gloomy face, and the only thing she can use to comfort herself is that her divine kingdom is located in the south of Merika, very far away from Zion.

I hope that this guy, Adam, will attack Feathered Serpent God and Space Lord God first, instead of her.

When she realized what she was thinking just now, the face of the goddess of spring water became even more ugly.

This kind of fluke and fear made her feel that the self-esteem of the god was instantly crushed by Adam, and she couldn't help being angry and angry, but she also became more and more restless.

"Kill him!"

The Goddess of Spring saw Adam's haughty order, and the two six-winged demigods attacked together without any hesitation to besiege the incarnation of the God of War.

"And them, catch them all."

The five legends and eight gold figures who had come to exterminate Zion had an ominous premonition when they saw the gate of heaven open. Sure enough, Adam, the notorious foreigner from another continent, and two six-winged demigods, Thirteen legends descended on Merika one by one.

When Adam gave an order, the situation was instantly reversed, and the besiegers were besieged and had no ability to resist.

Teresa and the Bird of Paradise successively lowered the spiral holy light, sealing the five legends and the eight golds on the Royal Griffon and the Silverback Wolf respectively.

"Adam, you are provoking the majesty of the Nine Pillars God of Merika!"

The incarnation of the god of war in the shape of a beautiful boy in golden armor was frightened and angry, and his voice was cold.

"Nine Pillars God, isn't it Eight Pillars God?"

This sentence fell into the ears of the Nine Pillars God, which was the greatest ridicule in the world. Suddenly, the situation in Mirika changed color, with lightning and thunder, dark clouds rolling, and the world was dark.

"You will regret it." The God of War took a deep look at Adam, dissipated his form, withdrew his will, and returned to the Odin Empire.

"Merika belongs to the Nine Pillars God, it used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future."

"My lord?" Uther looked at Adam, waiting for his order.

When descending to Merika with Adam, the two seraphs can continuously draw divine energy from the sanctuary.

However, considering the situation on the main material plane, the two seraphs must remove a demigod from Mirika in the shortest possible time, and then one will be in charge of Mirika and the other in the Kingdom of God to avoid accidents.

"Uh." Adam recalled the map and power distribution in the north of Merika, "Let's just say Feathered Serpent."

Although Feathered Serpent had a brief cooperative relationship with Adam, the relationship between the two parties deteriorated rapidly with the exposure of Adam's identity in another continent and the other party's instinct to seek self-protection.

Whether it was the siege of the Twelve Legends last time or the attempt to destroy Zion this time, Yama, the Feathered Serpent God, has no intention of showing mercy.

"Yes, my lord."

The two Seraphs responded in unison, flapping their six wings, ignoring the celestial phenomena caused by the anger of the Nine Pillars God, and preparing to go to the Feathered Serpent Principality.

"Huh?" The two blazing angels sighed slightly, and looked towards the southern pole together.

There, a huge vortex is forming over the Antarctic sky accompanied by dark clouds and lightning.

 A sentence was added in the previous chapter: The quasi-elemental energy plane is also called the transitional plane.

  Little effect ^__^
  I don't know where I made a mistake and it was not sent out on time. . .It's released now QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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