Templar Sun King

Chapter 349 The Two Sacred Trees

Chapter 349 The Two Sacred Trees

Countless vines stretched out from all directions and weaved in front of Adam into a corridor dotted with countless flowers, leading directly to the moon garden in the distance.The Elf Queen, the High Priest of Life, Adam and Teresa walked in front.

Adam admired the beautiful scenery on the road. To be honest, he had never seen such a beautiful scenery.Teresa let go of her mind and tried her best to perceive the situation of the Mother Tree of Life. She shook her head at Adam, indicating that she was not fully sure.

In her perception, the mother tree of life in front of her eyes still looks lush and lush, but it has actually come to the end of its life.Yes, there is nothing wrong with the Mother Tree of Life. The aura of life goes out and the leaves wither, but she has survived for too long, so long that she is about to wither and die.

Adam felt that the difficulty was too great. Imminent death from injury and imminent death from exhaustion were two completely different concepts.The former only needs to ease and heal the injury to survive, while the latter cannot be treated by healing.

Adam tells Teresa's discovery to the Elven Queen.

The elf queen and the High Priest of Life looked at each other, and the High Priest of Life obviously knew the truth: "Actually, both Her Majesty and I know."

The content of the conversation was controlled by the High Priest of Life so that only the four of them could hear it. She knew that the elf ministers behind her were overjoyed, thinking that the Mother Tree of Life had recovered under the influence of the three most peak healing spells.

But the fact is so cruel, the mother tree of life of the elves has come to the end of life.

"Then..." Adam was a little anxious, "Arwen signed a magic contract with me in the name of her and the Elven Royal Court. I can't guarantee that the situation of the Mother Tree of Life will improve after Teresa joins, but... "

"A question about compensation?"

Adam would go nuts if he had traveled all the way (which he didn't) to the Emerald Forest and didn't get paid.

"Of course, the Ancestral God Crown." The Elf Queen didn't mind at all, "Don't worry, no matter the result is successful or not, I will give the Ancestor God Crown from the Ancestor God Church back then. Besides, after Mrs. Teresa joined, we have 90.00% hope to solve the problem at hand.”

You must know that most of the mages in the elves are proficient in natural faction spells, and the mages and priests of several legendary ranks in the clan cannot detect the real problem with the mother tree of life that they have lived for hundreds or even thousands of years.And Madame Teresa of the Holy Church only saw the real problem of the Mother Tree of Life in a short while, this is strength!
An ancestral crown was not in vain.

"Then I don't think I have any problems." The elf queen's generous demeanor made Adam feel a little bit ashamed of his worry just now, but this shame was soon replaced by curiosity.

"How should we treat the Mother Tree of Life later? I mean, the Mother Tree of Life is the end of life, which is not what the field of treatment involves."

"This mother tree of life was planted by the great elder of the sun elves family at the end of the first era, so when the life aura of the mother tree began to go out, the high priest and I knew that the life span of the mother tree was running out." The elf queen pointed out Looking at the giant tree in the distance, I feel a little bit emotional, an era, a full 1 years!

"As for the method, it's very simple, replant the mother tree of life."

"That simple?"

The elf queen just smiled, but her face was even more worried, she didn't answer the question, and turned to talk about another matter.

"The elves used to have two magical sacred trees. One is the Mother Tree of Life in front of them, and the other is called the Ancient War Tree. They are collectively called the Twin Sacred Trees. The goddess of life we ​​believe in was born from the Mother Tree of Life!"

"The ancient tree of war was polluted to death by the spirit king of the stars with soul venom at the end of the first era. Therefore, there must be no problems with this mother tree of life."

If it hadn't been for the complete death of the ancient war tree back then, no matter how corrupt the elf empire was, it would not have been overthrown by the joint efforts of Charlemagne and Colin.The strength of the human beings that the two of them can summon, and the strength of the elf empire, are not at the same level at all.

Maybe it was an illusion, Adam could hear two points of determination from the flat tone of the elf queen, but he didn't think too much about it. It is much more interesting to inquire about the ancient war tree and the story of the elf king of the star than to analyze the information contained in a queen's tone.

"That's not a secret." The High Priest of Life sighed, and I have to say that the beautiful elves even sighed very pleasing to the eye, "At that time, the war between the three major races of giants, dragons, and demons was at a critical stage. The gods have also officially launched a battle of gods in the outer void."

"Among the five gods of the demon gods, the Greedy Demon God has taken a fancy to the Ancient War Tree in the Two Sacred Trees. He is the best at deceiving people, and the Star Elf King has been recruited."

What happened later was very simple. The Star Elf King poured highly poisonous soul venom into the ancient war tree, which directly caused the ancient war tree to wither and die. He committed a heinous crime and even implicated the entire star elf family.

And the Greedy Demon God used this to condense the priesthood crystal in one fell swoop, and was officially promoted to a true god.

"So serious?" Before they fell, the star elves were also a branch of the high elves, and they were the absolute ruling class.Just because the Ancient War Tree was killed while being bewitched by the Greedy Demon God, would it harm the entire clan?This even sits a bit too much.

But the Greedy Demon God, this is the second time Adam has heard about the Greedy Demon God's record.The first time he bewitched the Lord of the Sky of the Titan pantheon, causing him to go insane, and was exiled to the Moonwell by the Mother Earth.If counted in chronological order, the Elf King of the Bewitching Star is the first.

"In fact, it was the kindness of the goddess not to exile all the star elves."

"Okay, it was all a long time ago." The high priest of life stopped the elf queen's words in time, which was already a secret of the elves, "We have arrived."

Moon Garden, where the mother tree of life grows.

The guards here are heavily guarded, and there are fighters, mages, and priests with the strength of the silver rank everywhere, and the leader is a legendary sword master.When they saw the elf queen and the high priest of life leading two humans, they all showed joyful expressions and hurriedly made way for them.

The Moon Garden is said to be a garden, but it is actually a valley, a huge valley, but a single mother tree of life occupies the entire valley.

The mother tree of life left a deep impression on Adam when viewed from a distance, and the contrast is even stronger when viewed up close.

Nearly 20 years old and nearly 185 in height, Adam stands next to the Mother of Life tree and looks as insignificant as an ant.And this kind of insignificance is not only due to the huge size gap, but also the breath.The emerald green aura of life flickered on the mother tree of life, which contained a soft and friendly strong will.

"The Great Elder is here," said the High Priest of Life.

Adam turned around and saw a tall old elf with short blond hair walking in from the outside.

With just a glance, Adam recognized that this old elf was the sun elf among the high elves, and it was the kind with a very pure blood.Like the silver hair of the moon elves, blond hair is the most distinctive symbol of the sun elves.It's just that compared with the petite figures of moon elves and star elves, sun elves are generally extremely strong and tall.

Although living together in the Emerald Forest, the Sun Elves are not under the leadership of the Elven Queen.

Moon elves and sun elves are two branches of high elves. Some moon elves dilute their blood in exchange for high fertility and population. They are ordinary elves in the elves royal court, also known as forest elves.The forest elves and the remaining few moon elves form the Elf King Court.

The sun elves have never diluted their blood, so the number of sun elves is very small, and the traditional elder system is adopted.Every sun elf who has been promoted to legend can obtain the position of elder after passing the assessment, and participate in the affairs of the group together.

But it was about the Mother Tree of Life in the Two Sacred Trees, and the Great Elder of the Sun Elf clan was present in person.As far as the High Priest of Life knew, the Great Elder had not left the main temple dedicated to the gods of the elves for a full 200 years.

"Keller, the Great Elder of the Sun Elf Clan, Adam the Sun King of the Griffin Kingdom, Teresa the Confessor of the Temple." The High Priest of Life introduced both parties.

"Thank you for your help, human!" Keller saluted Adam and Teresa solemnly, and Adam, whose purpose was not pure, was slightly embarrassed.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start." Now, there are only five people in the Moon Garden, Adam, Teresa, Elf Queen Gadriel, High Priest of Life, and Great Elder of the Sun Elf.

"it is good!"

Except for Adam, the other four stood separately, took out their wands, and prepared their spells.

A milky white pillar of holy light rushed up, Teresa opened her domain as soon as she came up, and went all out.

(End of this chapter)

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