Templar Sun King

Chapter 348 The Emerald Forest

Chapter 348 The Emerald Forest
The next day, the Dawn Islands, this is where Adam and the moon elf Alwen set off for the Emerald Forest.

The Wuding Gate, a treasure of the space system, has the ability to record space coordinates. For example, if they activate the Wuding Gate in the Shuguang Islands to go to the Emerald Forest, the Wuding Gate will automatically record the space coordinates of the Shuguang Islands to facilitate future return.

A total of ten such spatial coordinate indeterminate gates can be recorded.So for safety reasons, Adam set his starting point on the Dawn Islands.No matter how much he trusted the elves, he couldn't let them record the spatial coordinates of Griffon City and even the City Lord's Mansion.

Arwen took out a palm-sized small door from the space ring—it turned out that the Wuding Gate had been placed in the space ring by Arwen, no wonder Alice didn’t notice it—throwing it forward, the small door immediately turned into a silver light. into a tall gate.

This portal is three meters high and two meters wide, with runes of various space factions circulating on it, and a white light curtain in the middle, with one or two meteor-like lights passing by from time to time.

"Your Majesty Adam, this is the Space Treasure Wuding Gate." Alvin took a step back and made way for him, "We can reach the Emerald Forest as long as we pass through this gate."

"You may feel dizzy when you use Wudingmen for the first time, please don't worry."

"it is good."

The three stood side by side in front of the door, passing through the white light curtain together.

When the three of them entered the light curtain, the tall portal shrank inward until it became a point and completely disappeared.

All kinds of scenes in front of Adam changed, such as mountains, flowing water, oceans, snow mountains, sea of ​​clouds, etc. When all kinds of dazzling scenes disappeared, there was a thick ground under their feet, and they had already arrived at the Emerald Forest.

As for the time, it was the same as what Alvin said, less than three seconds.

"Your Majesty, it's not good." A panicked voice sounded in the palace of Kunya, the capital of the Jade Forest Elf Royal Court.

"Elder, you are so unruly!" In the palace, an elderly elf in rich clothes scolded loudly when he saw the captain of the palace guard running in all the way from the outside recklessly.

The elder elf was heartbroken, how could he shout so loudly in the palace, and completely lost the elegance and nobility of the elf!

"Okay, Elda, what happened?" The supreme ruler of the elf court, the patriarch of the moon elves, and the elf queen waved her hand to stop the minister who wanted to continue to scold.

This is a middle-aged female elf, wearing a beautiful and luxurious crown, I don't know if it is because of the problem with the mother tree of life, there is a trace of sadness on her face.Even so, when she questioned Elda, there was still unquestionable majesty in her soft voice.

Queen of the elves, Gadriel!
"Your Majesty, just now, the aura of life on all the branches of the Mother of Life tree went out at the same time!"

"What?" All the elves felt dizzy, "Didn't there be seventeen branches still exuding the aura of life yesterday?"

The elf ministers were in a mess, and even the elf who had just scolded Eldar forgot to remind them of their gaffe.In fact, there are still a dozen or so squirrels running in his mind, which is a mess, and he really doesn't have much clear consciousness.

God, the aura of life in all the branches of the mother tree of life is extinguished, leaving only the trunk!

A sad atmosphere filled the palace.

It can be said that every elf standing in the palace now grew up bathed in the life aura of the mother tree of life, including Her Majesty the Queen.The Mother Tree of Life plays an extremely important role in their lives, just like their mother - although not a real mother.

But now the leaves of the mother tree of life are withering little by little, and the aura of life is gradually extinguished, but they are powerless.

This feeling is really bad.

"Didn't Arwen say that he has persuaded the confessor of the Holy Church to come to the Emerald Forest to heal the Mother Tree of Life? Why hasn't he come back yet?" An elf minister remembered the news that Arwen sent back yesterday, and was extremely anxious.

Once all the spiritual lights of the Mother Tree of Life are extinguished, the Mother Tree of Life will really come to the end of its life!
"Why don't we treat the Mother Tree of Life alone first?" Another elf minister suggested, but there were very few responses.Because in the more than three months since the mother tree of life had problems, the elves have applied two spells of vitality rebirth and life recovery to the mother tree of life more than once, but with little effect.

"How could such a thing happen?" An elderly elf was in a daze.

"Elda, go to the Great Temple of Life and invite the High Priest here." The elf queen ordered to the captain of the palace guard, and then said to the other elf ministers, "You go to the side hall with me and wait for Arwen to come back."

"Yes, Her Majesty."

Adam opened his eyes and found himself in a spacious wooden house decorated very beautifully.There are a few green and fresh vines crawling on the four walls, and occasionally a pink flower blooms, and the lively and lively birdsong echoes in the ears.

"Your Majesty Adam, we have arrived." Alvin scratched his back, and the tall door in the wooden house turned into a small door the size of a palm.

"If possible, let's go to see Her Majesty the Queen now..." Arwen's pointed ears twitched twice, "It seems that Her Majesty has come over."

As soon as Arwen finished speaking, a group of elves walked in from outside.

"Thank goodness, Arwen, you're finally back." The old elf who scolded Elda before saw Arwen's figure, and couldn't help himself with excitement.Although I don't know if the Mother Tree of Life can be really cured after the confessor from the church joins, it at least represents a glimmer of hope.

"Welcome to Quenya, the Sun King of the Griffin Kingdom." The elf queen stepped forward and saluted king to king in the tradition of the moon elves.

This made the old elf flushed with shame. He, who valued court etiquette the most, forgot to welcome a guest from afar because he was too excited, let alone a very important guest, and hurriedly greeted with other elves.

"My honor, Moon Spirit King."

Adam hasn't settled on any titles yet after being crowned King of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, but it sounds like the Sun King would be a good name for him now from the Elven Queen.

So in response, he honored the Elf Queen as the Elf King of the Moon.This appellation covers the dual identities of the elf queen, the supreme ruler of the elf court in the Emerald Forest, and the patriarch of the moon elves. It is one of the highest titles for the elf king during the elf empire.

Due to time constraints, the Elf Queen and Adam walked out of the wooden house together after greeting each other, ready to go to the place where the Mother Tree of Life was located to start treatment.

The moment he walked out of the wooden house, the beauty of Quenya, the capital of the Elven King's Court, unfolded in front of Adam for the first time.

This is a dense forest, with big-horned deer, clouded leopards, and black bears strolling and running in harmony at the bottom, and graceful and elegant wooden houses built on trees with vines, branches, and flowers above, and birds such as horned eagles and canaries shuttle among them .

Looking from a distance, it is not so much that the wooden houses are built on the trees, but rather that the wooden houses grow out of the trees.

The wooden house where Adam lives is even more connected with a large piece of buildings full of artistic atmosphere, forming a complex of buildings with branches and leaves, which complement each other, which is very spectacular and beautiful.This is the palace where the Elf Queen lives.

What shocked Adam the most was a huge tree with branches and leaves reaching the sky that could be seen from the door of the wooden house.

Adam couldn't find any words to describe this towering giant tree.

Her branches stretched in the sky, and occasionally one or two thick and thick branches and leaves protruded from the thick clouds to hang in the sky, and the huge canopy covered the entire Quenya.Fragments of sunlight fell from among the leaves, leaving mottled tree shadows.

The vast and pure natural breath and vitality radiated from the giant tree, making Adam's dizziness caused by passing through the Wuding Gate disappear immediately.

Adam dared to say that in such an environment, a mage of the natural faction would get twice the result with half the effort!
Turning on the mage's vision, Adam carefully observed the giant tree.It was found that there was only a faint aura of life on the huge and thick trunk like a pillar of heaven, and the other branches and leaves were dim.And the withered and withered leaves are particularly glaring in the midst of vitality.

"This is the Mother Tree of Life!"

"Yes, this is the companion tree of our elves, the mother tree of life that has been planted since the end of the first era!" The elf queen said in a chant.

The other elves in the wooden house couldn't help but straighten their backs with pride, and were very satisfied with Adam's shocked expression.It's a pity that they all sighed when they thought of the problems on the mother tree of life.

"Welcome, Sun King!" The second person who called Adam the Sun King was a tall female elf in a green robe, holding a scepter made of oak.

"High Priest of Life, Vera." The Elven Queen introduced.

There are a total of four gods in the elf god system, the Goddess Goddess of Life, who is also one of the four main gods.In addition, there are three gods, the goddess of the moon and the hunt, the god of beauty and art, and the punisher of nature.Among them, the spokesperson of the goddess of life in the world is called the high priest of life.

"Time is running out. If the Sun King and Mrs. Teresa don't mind, let's go to the Moon Garden now." The high priest of life asked Adam and Teresa for their opinions with a hint of apology.

"no problem."

 Thank you Zhuge Xiaolangjun, lavender is not as good as tobacco, there is gold in books, one point zero two points, one day is one day, one day is one day, acridine family, flyawayking's reward (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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