Templar Sun King

Chapter 326 Subpoena

Chapter 326 Subpoena
Adam held three thick parchments in his hand, which were given to him by the golden swordsman from Upler Burgundy Legendary Arbitration Institute.

He took out one, opened it, and the first thing that caught his eye was a double-headed eagle pattern with spread wings, holding a sword in one paw, and a scale in the other——Legendary Arbitration Institute The symbol and concept of the , the sword represents punishment, and the balance represents justice. In addition, there are several lines written on it:
Name of the descendant: Adam Weaving.

The rumored reason: Indulging the legendary swordsman Andrew and the legendary bishop Teresa, and uniting with the sea monster Leviathan of the Naga Empire to launch a tsunami to kill 18 soldiers of Frans and the Church of Dawn, seriously violating the sixth and tenth clauses of the fourth paragraph of the legendary agreement One, fifteen.

Due time: September 4900, 9 AD.

Uppler and Yasha Legendary Court of Arbitration.

Below are two signatures, Judge Pompey of Arbitration and Judge Faye.

The contents of the other two parchments are similar, with names replaced by Andrew and Teresa.

"So this is a subpoena given to me by the Legendary Arbitration Institute?" Adam raised the parchment in his hand and asked.

"Yes, Your Excellency Adam." The golden swordsman Sabo from the Arbitration Office has the powerful power of a high-level gold, but he unconsciously felt a little timid when facing Adam.

As members of the agreement enforcement team of the Legendary Arbitration Institute, sending subpoenas to the legendary masters who violated the legendary agreement is their most basic job.

He was no longer a novice who had just entered the Arbitration Office. He was still trembling when facing legends and did not dare to speak loudly. The need to send a subpoena meant that the legend had violated at least one legend agreement and needed to be tried or even punished. It's usually not a good mood when you see them, so it's always right to be careful.

But this time the situation is different. There are three parties involved in the tsunami incident, the Church of Dawn, the Naga Empire, and the Celtic Church that has only recently emerged in Upler.According to what he learned, Adam, Princess Naga clashed with the Church of Dawn, and 18 soldiers were annihilated in the aftermath of the battle.

That's Frans' army, including the elite Shining Knights of the Church of Dawn!Moreover, it is said that the Church of Dawn lost a legendary bishop in the naval battle with Celtic before the tsunami!
Clement II must have gone mad.

In the past, Sabo always thought that Celtic was very backward after the undead disaster, until the arbitration judge sent three subpoenas to him.

"Sabo, you have worked in the arbitration office for nearly 20 years, and you have the most experience. We all feel that it is safest to entrust this matter to you." Faye, the elder of the two arbitration judges in Burgundy, said his boss tell him.

Hard work, maybe you will be beaten!That was his first thought after seeing the content of the subpoena.

"Please make sure you and your two lords arrive at Upple Burgundy on September 9th this year." Sabo quickly glanced at Adam and the other four people in the room, the Golden Archmage Isabella, and the legendary Sword Saint Andrew. , the legendary bishop Simon and Teresa said cautiously.

He wanted so badly to leave as soon as he got the subpoena into Adam's hands, but his job required the words to be spoken.

Hope nothing happens, he's innocent, Sabo told himself in his heart.

Adam's impression of the Legendary Arbitration Institute was still in Claire's description. He was silent for a while and emphasized one point: "I'm just gold."

After Claire explained the Legendary Convention to him, Adam felt that the Dawn Islands incident might come into the Arbitration Institute's field of vision, but he didn't expect it to happen.But he was right, Adam was just a gold professional.

Burgundy Peak Legend Arbitration Office is not the world police, and the Legendary Convention does not apply to other professionals below the Legendary level.

The existence of the Arbitration Office restricted the actions of legendary masters to a certain extent. It was through the power of the God of Truth and the later recognition of the legendary convention by the gods that the backlash from legendary professionals was suppressed.If the restrictive ability is extended to gold professionals, it will definitely be opposed by most of the gold and hostile by all major forces.

"Your Excellency Adam, considering the special circumstances of the two legends taking orders from you, so..."

This kind of situation is very rare. After all, not everyone can order the legend to act. This clause in the convention has not come in handy until today.

Thanks to his curiosity, if the arbitrator hadn't raised his own question when the arbitrator emphasized to him for the second time before departure that the three subpoenas must be sent to Celtic, Sapo would not know how to answer it now.

Adam chuckled: "Since that's the case, suppose, I mean, what would happen if I didn't arrive at the arbitration office on time?"

"I'm afraid the arbitration judge will personally visit Griffon City and invite you to Mount Burgundy."

Ever since the Legendary Arbitration Institute gained the support of the gods, especially the God of Truth, few legends dared to ignore his subpoena, and the legends who ignored it would be personally hunted down by the two arbitration judges of Burgundy and even the arbitration judge.Often at this time, the Church of the Gods is also willing to help, so this is not a wise choice.

Of course, for the sake of safety, Sabo said it more tactfully.

Arbitrator Pompeo?Adam was introduced by Claire as the Arbitration Office initiated by him, and he was hated by many other legends, especially those in the dark realm.It is said that he now possesses the power of the legendary pinnacle, but it is not known whether it is true or not.

"I have three more questions."

"Please speak."

"Who else received a summons because of the tsunami?"

"The princess of the Naga Empire and the sea monster Leviathan are both within the scope of the rumor."

As Adam thought, Naga was also accused to the Legendary Arbitration Institute, but who would submit the tsunami incident to the Legendary Arbitration Institute?

Dawn Church?Does not look like.

The most likely way for the Church of Dawn to suffer such a serious loss in Celtic is to keep the matter tightly sealed to prevent other forces from knowing—for them, the battle of Rises and the tsunami in the Dawn Islands Failure is simply an unprecedented humiliation.Then it hibernates like a poisonous snake looking for the next opportunity to attack, how can it make things known to everyone.

"Who submitted the Dawn Islands tsunami incident?"

Sabo knew this was a problem, and in fact nine out of ten legends wanted to know who was meddling.

"I'm very sorry, Lord Adam, as you know, I only came to Celtic under the order of the arbitration judge, and it's not enough to know who submitted the case to Mount Burgundy." Sabo noticed that everyone in the room at this moment All eyes were on him, especially the substantive probing eyes from the three legends made him more stressed.

"One last question, have Malloch and Earl of the Church of Dawn received the summons?" Sabo didn't know how long it had been before he finally heard Adam's last question, and at the same time several eyes disappeared.

"Your Excellency Adam, please allow me to remind you of the fact that the Church of Dawn probably played the role of the victim in this tsunami incident, so..." Sabo wiped the sweat that did not exist on his forehead.

"I also have a fact here. It was the legend of the Dawn Church who took my friend to do evil. Ellie and I only rescued and fought back out of self-defense. Now we have received a subpoena from the Arbitration Office and are about to be tried. Mallok and Er I'm afraid it's hard to believe that I'm safe and sound."

"Your Excellency Adam, the subpoena is only for the purpose of notification, without any restriction or trial capacity. If you feel that something is wrong, you can explain it to the arbitration judge on the trial day. Of course, there are also the legends of the jury."

Sabo lived up to the expectations of the arbitration judge and patiently explained Adam's questions one by one.Years of work experience told him how to answer in order to achieve the best comfort and persuasion effect.

When an arbitration office handles a case for trial, the presiding judge is not alone, and the opinion of the jury must also be considered before the final trial can be made.The jury is generally composed of twelve legendary masters from various forces who have nothing to do with the legend being tried.


"Yes, Lord Adam."

"I don't know if I have the right to know in advance who the jury is made up this time?"

"Generally speaking, the jury list will be announced a week before the trial." Sabo patiently explained, "Your Excellency Adam, what is your final decision?"

"I will not go to Burgundy, neither will Andrew and Teresa." Adam was firm.

The explanation is so clear, is the king of the Griffon Kingdom still unwilling to cooperate?Sabo decided to fight for it again: "Your Excellency Adam, according to the legend..."

"The problem happened to be in the Legendary Convention." Adam interrupted Sabo, "It's not that I don't want to accept the trial of the Legendary Arbitration Institute. Holy Son of the Holy Church, if I go to Mount Burgundy to be judged, neither the Holy Griffin Kingdom nor the Holy Church will agree."

"Your Excellency Adam, I'm afraid this is not a wise decision."

Sabo, who has worked in the Legendary Arbitration Institute for many years, knows very well that the power of the Arbitration Institute is not as great as imagined. Only the strong strength of the Arbitration Judge and the support of the Church of the Gods, especially the Church of Truth, have the power to judge those legends. It is also the legend of the church that refuses to go to trial, and things are likely to reach a deadlock.

"If you were me, I believe you would make the same decision." Adam explained with a smile, "I represent the highest glory of a country and the majesty of God."

"Okay, Lord Adam, if this is your final decision, I will get in touch with Mount Burgundy immediately." This is the first time Sabo has encountered such a thing, and he can only ask Faye, the presiding judge of this case, Even Justice Pompeo of the Arbitration Institute asked for help.

"Of course, please."

After sending Sabo away, Adam thought about it: "Could it be that the enemies of the Church of Dawn deliberately took this opportunity to let all the forces in Uppler and Yasha know their loss?"

"Babelad, the Church of the Scourge, are all possible. Especially Mrs. Grace of the Church of the Scourge, has the ability to predict." Teresa thought for a while and said.

"Woo..." Andrew suddenly pulled out a conch shell that was making noise from the space ring.

Tidal conch, a communication tool left by Ellie to Adam when she first came to Griffin City.

(End of this chapter)

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