Templar Sun King

Chapter 325 The Ministry of Magic

Chapter 325 The Ministry of Magic

On the second day after Arman was promoted to gold, a guard visited the eight-story tower of the Mage Union and invited Arman to attend a mage meeting in Griffin City a week later.

"Mage meeting?" Arman looked at the warrior in golden armor in front of him. He had seen them before, the guards of the Weiwen family, and now they were the inspectors of the kingdom.

One day is enough for Arman to establish a new understanding of Celtic. The situation of the division between the north and the south disappeared, a unified holy country was born, and the uniqueness and legitimacy of the belief in the sun god.

Originally, Arman thought that with his strong spiritual power and control power of the golden archmage, there were few things that could make him lose his mind except for the news of the three legends. He was victorious in the head-to-head confrontation with Frans, the entire army of Frans was wiped out, and the Church of Dawn lost a legend in the battle. Every piece of news shocked him beyond compare. .

"Yes, Mr. Arman, this is a meeting of mages personally initiated by His Majesty. Her Majesty the Queen Isabella and Mrs. Vesper will attend. Please be sure to attend on time."

Isabella and Vesper are both golden archmages. The former was originally the lord of Danube City, but now he is the queen of the Griffin Kingdom. The latter is Isabella's teacher and the archmage of the flame faction.

"I see, I must attend on time."

A week later, the mage meeting was officially held in Griffin City.

Arman met many acquaintances in the conference hall, including Leo, the president of the Goldenberg Masters Association, Lance, the vice president, and the silver mages from the Masters Association of major cities in the north.

They have met each other more or less, and they are familiar with each other, so when they saw that Arman had really been promoted to the gold rank as they had received the news, they were both envious and jealous.

"I don't know who knows the content of this meeting?" Someone asked.

A group of people shook their heads, and finally their eyes fell on Arman.

"I just came out of the retreat, so..." Arman shrugged and said he knew nothing about the purpose and content of the meeting.

"The first meeting of mages after the establishment of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, it is estimated that His Majesty the King has something important to announce." A silver mage seemed to say calmly, but his voice could not hide his excitement.This is not surprising. Before the Celtic unification and the establishment of the Griffin Kingdom, who would have thought that this group of people could sit together and participate in the meeting calmly, or everyone.

Even Goldberg's silver mage Lance, who had offended the king, was included in the invitation, and they couldn't help but sigh Adam's generosity, and this is exactly Adam's purpose, to buy people's hearts.

"Here we come." I don't know who was the first to notice Adam's arrival, and a group of people stood up to welcome the arrival of their Majesty and Queen.

Adam, King of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, Golden Archmage!
Isabella, Queen of the Holy Griffin King, Golden Archmage!
Vesper, the Golden Archmage!

Phoenix, the epic creature Phoenix!

Medora, the epic creature Hydra!
Ellas, the epic creature Bird of Paradise!
Of course, there is also the paladin who has been guarding Adam's side, the legendary sword saint Andrew!

With one legend and five golds, the arrival of a group of people immediately made this meeting more grand and exciting.If they can get any guidance from gold, they will definitely benefit endlessly, and the silver mages basically have similar ideas.

"Good morning, mages. Before the meeting begins, let us congratulate Mr. Arman, the president of the Griffin City Mage Union, for being officially promoted to the golden rank and becoming the fourth golden mage in the kingdom!" The first three are Isabella, Vesper and Adam.

Damn it, I can still get congratulations from His Majesty the King, so jealous!
The silver mages kept smiling and applauding while being jealous to death in their hearts.

Now Adam's position in the hearts of the Celts is supreme, and the victory over the Church of Dawn and France made him more majestic and great, just like what the Holy Inquisitor Simon said on the day of the coronation is the Celtic glory The most glorious and only king.

How nice it would be if they were the ones who had just been personally congratulated by His Majesty the King!
"The theme of this meeting is only one, to discuss the establishment of the Ministry of Magic."

"Ministry of Magic?"

"Sounds like the department that manages the kingdom's mages?"

"Is it the same as the Ministry of War?" The mages discussed quickly in low voices, waiting for Adam to continue to explain.

"As you think, yes, the Ministry of Magic is a department that will be established to manage the kingdom's mages independently of the administrative system." While Adam was speaking, the staff on the side distributed a bunch of materials to each mage. , "The Minister of Magic will be born among the mages in the hall."

Manage all mages in the kingdom!
A Minister for Magic will be born among those in attendance!

The enthusiasm of the mages was quickly mobilized, and they carefully checked the contents of the information.

"The Ministry of Magic, the full name is the Magic Management Department of the Holy Griffin Kingdom. The management objects are all spellcasters in the kingdom except the priests of the temple." That is to say, all mages must accept the leadership and rule of the Ministry of Magic. The mages took a deep breath. This is how many times stronger than the Mage Union.

"Functions, handle all magical affairs in the Holy Griffin Kingdom, promote the exchange and development of spells in the kingdom, and realize the sharing of magic resources..."

Whether in Celtic or Uppler, the professional group of mages has a high social status, enjoys a certain degree of privilege, and has strong strength. It has always been the envy of ordinary people.In Celtic, there used to be a Federation of Mages in the north, and a Council of Mages in the south, both of which were a collection of interests of mages, or relatively loose organizations.

But the Ministry of Magic is completely different. As a national functional department, it has the support of the entire Holy Griffin Kingdom behind it, and enjoys the magical resources of a country.To be honest, many mages were moved when they saw this place.

"All spellcasters in the Kingdom, except the priests of the temple, must register with the Ministry of Magic. Only after obtaining a unique magic certificate can they obtain the power to cast spells. If there is no magic certificate to cast spells without authorization, the Mage Execution Department under the Ministry of Magic has the right to arrest the mage. , handed over to the Magistrate's Court for trial and punishment."

"The magic certificate is the identity certificate of the kingdom's mages. According to the ranks, you can receive a certain amount of gold coins from the Ministry of Magic every month, read some books in the kingdom's magic library (under construction) for free, and participate in mage exchange meetings..."

The few mages who were originally resistant to applying for magic certificates disappeared after seeing the benefits that could be obtained.

They don't care about gold coins. Those who can become mages are relatively rich. The key is the collection of books in the Kingdom Magic Library and the mage exchange meeting.

Not to mention the magic books collected by the Griffin Kingdom in the Celtic territory, even if there is none, as long as Adam, Isabella and Vesper's golden advanced experience is put in, countless mages will be full of joy and willingly. Answer the call of the Ministry of Magic.

The attraction of the golden rank to ordinary mages is indescribable.

There are also mage exchange conferences. If the strength of the host of the exchange conference held by the magic group is lower than that of the silver high-level, I will be sorry for the department of the Ministry of Magic. You must know that there are a total of four golden wizards in the Griffin Kingdom, and three epic wizards. biology.

The differences between humans and epic creatures can be put aside for the time being, and the use of spells is the same.

"The Mage Guild is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Magic, and branches are established in each city. They are mainly responsible for the level certification and assessment of spellcasters in the kingdom. The certification information is recorded in the magic certificate, which is common throughout the country."


"Very well, if there are no other comments, I will now announce the first Minister of the Ministry of Magic." After some discussions and revisions, Adam took out an appointment document.Except for the sound of breathing, there was no other sound in the entire conference hall at this moment, and the eyes of all mages were attracted by the document in Adam's hand.

Who will be the name on it?
Adam and Isabella are the king and queen, so they should have no extra energy to take charge of the Ministry of Magic, so they were the first to be ruled out.

The hydra Medora is too weird, and there are rumors that she has symptoms of schizophrenia, and it is impossible for her to hold such an important position as the Minister of Magic.

Bird of Paradise Aylas is the magic pet of King Adam I, and he has been with him all the time, so he can also be ruled out.

The phoenix is ​​Teacher Queen's magic pet, so it is also not considered.

As a result, there are only two people who have the opportunity to serve as Minister of Magic, Vesper and Arman who has just advanced to gold.If I really want to say, Vesper's strength is higher, his qualifications are older, and he is the Queen's teacher, the chance seems to be greater.

"The first head of the Magic Management Department of the Holy Griffin Kingdom, Arman."

It's me?Like other mages guessed, Arman also believed that Vesper's chances of being the Minister of Magic were far greater than him.He was already ready to smile and applaud, and the next moment he would be hit on the head by the great news.

Arman got up in a trance, stepped forward, and took the appointment document from Adam.It is indeed his name written on it, and it is also stamped with the seal of the king of the Griffin Kingdom.No mistakes, he really became the Minister of Magic of the Griffin Kingdom.

Alman's sanity slowly returned, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Now he can straighten his back and not worry about how to return the documents he got in case of mistakes.

It is not surprising that the Ministry of Magic was handed over to Arman. As the mages guessed, Adam and Isabella would not have the extra energy to take charge of the Ministry of Magic. Excluding the three epic creatures, Vesper would rather stay in the magic laboratory. I didn't want to bother with other mages the previous day, and Arman, the last golden mage in the Griffin Kingdom, became the best choice.

When the meeting came to an end, a guard walked up to Adam and said softly, "Your Majesty, there is a golden swordsman from Upler's Legendary Arbitration Institute asking to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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