Templar Sun King

Chapter 26 Mission

Chapter 26 Mission
There was only a short line in the task book that Adam received, "Assist the Third Battalion of the Third Legion to clean up the goblins near Roglin Land, and then join the army at Keli Mountain."

It's a very simple task, just to cooperate with the third battalion of the third legion in Falcon City to clean up the goblins near Roglin's land, and then rush to Qili mountain to join other troops within the specified time.

Such a task is hardly difficult for Adam, and it is precisely because there is no difficulty that it is difficult to obtain merit, and merit is exactly Adam's goal.

Adam didn't think it would be possible for Burns, the bald head, to change himself to a task that seemed a little more difficult. He had already made it clear just now: obey orders.Could it be that it's really too late, why did he just accept such a simple task?

If other adventurers knew about Adam's mission, they would definitely be jealous. They must know that they did not come to participate in this operation for the illusory lord position, after all, it was prepared for the few people with the highest merit.

Adventurers also know that it is almost impossible for them to become a lord, but they still couldn't help signing up under the temptation of the word lord.

Of course, in order to earn more mission fees in this operation, more adventurers, Falcon City is still relatively generous in this regard.Except for a few who clearly aimed at the position of lord, the rest of the adventurers wished that the task they got was simple and safe.

Seeing Adam, who has always been very calm and composed, showing a somewhat surprised and disappointed expression, Arras immediately felt a little uneasy. Could it be that the bald head has arranged a very difficult task for us, and he has already surpassed a person whose overall strength has reached the Bronze level? The range of abilities of the White Mage.

But at this time Arras couldn't directly go up and ask Adam about the specific content of the mission, he just felt anxious in his heart.

"Okay, the task has been assigned." When Burns announced that the task was assigned, behind him, two soldiers hung a huge map on the back wall.

This is the first time Adam has seen a map of the world. Before that, all his knowledge came from Arras' explanation.

On the map, Adam can see that the location of Falcon City is marked. To the south of Falcon City is a vast forest, the Ash Forest, which is also the residence of the blood clan Johnson family.In the middle of Falcon City and Ash Forest, there is a mountainous area, and it is also the most frequently haunted area by goblins.

Goblins, small humanoids that live in groups, pointy ears and green skin with sharp nails are some of the most obvious signs of a goblin.Goblins have a very strong reproductive ability. Uppler once said that when you see a goblin, it means that there is at least one goblin tribe with a number of more than one hundred in this land. Describe the huge number and reproductive capacity of goblins.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, it is almost the same.The bodies of these goblins are a bit weak compared to humans, but once they pick up sticks and swords, they can also become the cruelest fighters.

Among the goblins, there is also a kind of bear goblin that is a circle larger than humans. From this name, we can see how big they are.Bear goblins are nobles among goblins, basically they all have powerful combat power, and some even have a little bit of magic.

In front of the human army, ordinary goblins are not opponents at all, and it is these bear goblins that really need attention.

"The mission of the mercenaries this time is to clean up the goblins in the areas that the army has not taken care of. We will set out in eight teams to clean up the goblins on the road, and finally meet up at Keili Mountain." Burns pointed at the Falcon "The goblins built a camp on Kili Mountain, which is also our ultimate goal this time. Destroy this camp and drive the goblins out of the territory of Falcon City."

"During the operation, our warlord will communicate the latest orders at any time. If there is any violation of the order or behavior that is not conducive to the operation, it will be executed on the spot! Do you understand?"

"Understood." The training ground responded sparsely to Burns.The bald head let out a disdainful voice and shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

At this time, two hours had passed since departure, and Adam rode on a well-trained horse, advancing together with the third battalion of the third legion in Falcon City.

The horse was handed over to him by the bald Burns before he left the training ground. Adam still remembered that the soldier said: "The commander of the Burns army hopes that your white magic can be rescued in this operation." More soldiers, I hope this horse can make you feel less tired. '

Adam was a little puzzled, whether this bald Burns' attitude towards him was a little too enthusiastic.

Originally, Adam didn't think much about it, but in retrospect, Burns nodded to himself when he took over the task book, it might not be as simple as just nodding.But Burns' attitude towards himself can be said to be quite kind, and he has not noticed any malice for the time being.

Adam was in a daze for a while, and decided not to think about it any more.What he has to do now is to complete this task well, end all this early and start his own great cause of purifying dark creatures.

Such a task can't get enough merit at all!Adam thought a little self-destructively.

"Hello, Mr. Mage, I am the Overseer this time, Dubin." A warrior in armor rode to Adam and introduced himself.He looked about 30 years old, his eyes were sharp, his face was expressionless, and even his greeting to Adam was stiff.

"Hello, Lord Overseer." Adam reluctantly raised his spirits to greet the Overseer.It is worth mentioning that in the entire third brigade and Adam's militia and several other mercenaries who followed the third brigade, except for a few people with military ranks who could ride horses, the rest were on foot.So the extra care of Adam looks very compelling.

"I heard from them that you are a very powerful white mage. It is said that the mage association even considers absorbing you as a member. If possible, I hope you can use your good white magic in the rear after the battle begins. Heal the wounded soldiers." There was no expression on his face, but the warlord had a lot to say.

"But my mission..."

"It doesn't matter, the goblins will be eliminated by the third battalion of the third legion. Your task is to heal the wounded soldiers. Of course, the merits will not be less."

"Okay." Adam looked at the expressionless Dubin and found it much more pleasing to the eye. You must know that according to the rules of the sanctuary space, treating others can increase the professional level.Dupin's proposal at least solved the problem of his action not returning in vain.

Behind the third brigade and the mercenaries, there was a mage floating in the air, a mage belonging to the Falcon City Mage Union.

At this time, he was looking at Adam who was having a very pleasant conversation with the warlord in the distance, and then looked at the portrait in his hand. It was a full-body portrait of Adam, which was almost exactly the same.

"Strange, didn't it mean that this white mage will be included in the key investigation object and assigned the most difficult task in this operation against the goblins? Why is he with the third brigade? What went wrong?"

The mage who was in charge of secretly observing repeatedly confirmed that the picture in his hand was indeed Adam, no matter whether it was the short golden hair or the flaxen magic robe, they were all right.

"The third brigade is headed towards the southeast, and the target should be the goblins in Roglin's land. But Master Helen told me that the subject of the investigation should face the task of the military operation itself, and he is looking for it to prove that he has no relationship with the Church of Dawn." Special missions, triple tests to test comprehensive strength and fight, should I go back to the federation to confirm with Master Helen?"

On the other side, White Mage Carlos looked at the task book in his hand. Although there were only a few lines on it, every word made him feel depressed and angry.

"Mission [-]: Take charge of all the goblin strongholds along the southwest direction with the first team of the third legion. After the mission is completed, rush to Qili Mountain to join other legions in the shortest possible time!"

"Mission [-]: When passing through the Gold Glitter Town in the southwest, investigate the belief of the Church of Dawn in the town, and kill the priest Bolton of the Church of Dawn hidden in the Gold Glitter Town!"

"Mission [-]: When Qili Mountain attacks the goblin camp, be responsible for eliminating at least ten bear goblin mages!"

(End of this chapter)

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