Templar Sun King

Chapter 25 Ready to go

Chapter 25 Ready to go
Six days later in the morning, Adam came early to the training ground where the instance appraisal was carried out last time. Today is the day when troops are officially dispatched to exterminate the goblins.

Although the sky was only slightly bright, the training ground was already crowded with adventurers from different adventure groups.The most common classes among them are fighters, rogues, and archers.

Soldiers naturally need no explanation, they are the profession with the largest number of people.Although the profession of thieves is not good at frontal attacks, they are very professional in information collection, stealth assassination, and spying.

Archers are the only long-range arms among strength-type occupations, and use bows and arrows to attack.Well-equipped archers may also have magic items such as magic arrows, and their strength should not be underestimated.

In addition to these three occupations, among the strength occupations, there is also a professional knight dedicated to nobles.

It's not that only nobles can choose the profession of knight, but because the cost of training and equipment for a knight is astronomical, almost comparable to the high cost of a mage, definitely not something that a commoner family can afford. affordable.

At this time, there were about [-] knights on the training ground, both men and women, wearing very beautiful armor and holding a long sword in their hands. The members of the adventure group under their command seemed to be full of energy.

Adam guessed that they were the children of the high-level officials in Falcon City, and the adventure group following them should have recruited themselves, hoping to achieve outstanding performance in this operation and obtain a territory in this way.

A mage like Adam is even more eye-catching on the training ground.There is no way around this, no matter where the mage profession is destined to become the focus.There were only ten mages in the entire training ground, and one of them was the white mage that Adam met on the day of the strength appraisal.

Anyone can easily distinguish the ten mages on the training ground. The magic robes, wands, and energetic fighters under their command all look so distinct.

Especially the 24 militiamen who followed Adam were full of energy, and their uniform leather armor and trident made them look full of morale.Adam was known by many adventurers on the day of the strength appraisal. At this time, after seeing Adam himself, many adventurers were discussing Adam and his holy light spell in a low voice.

Of course, some people were discussing the trident in the hands of the militiamen and Arras and Janet mixed in with the militiamen.

Originally, in Adam's plan, becoming part of the mercenary army to destroy the goblins this time was only with the militia and Arras, but later Janet also became a member of the team at Arras' plea.

So at the end of the militia team, there were two more obvious adventurers, Arras and Janet.

At this moment, Janet was complaining to Arras in a low voice.

Seeing the imposing militiamen early in the morning, Janet felt that Arras's decision to follow Adam was a very wise choice.As his good friend, Janet is happy for him from the bottom of her heart.But when she entered the training ground, she suddenly discovered a bad thing.

"Didn't you find that the two of us mixed in among them looked like we were added in halfway to make up the number?" Janet felt a little ashamed when she said this.

Aras was enjoying the eyes of the adventurers on the training ground, and becoming a follower of a mage was not an easy task.

It was only after Janet reminded him that he realized this. In Janet's words, the two of them seemed to be Adam's little followers, although in fact they were almost little followers.

Aras felt very depressed, and in his opinion, the envious eyes of other adventurers turned into ridicule.It took a lot of effort to restrain himself so that he didn't look like he cared about their stares.Arras decided that he must exercise his martial arts skills after returning this time, and strive to make some achievements to make Janet admire!

After a while, the door at the back of the training ground opened, and a group of guards in armor and a bald man who looked very unfriendly walked in.

"Good morning, gentlemen. I am Burns, the person in charge of this mercenary army, the commander of the Falcon City Defense Army. I will arrange tasks for you before the battle is over. Before that, the only thing that needs to be clarified is Obey orders, I don't expect you to obey orders unconditionally like real soldiers, but you have to be obedient. Otherwise, I have the right to deal with any of you, remember, anyone."

What the bald-headed Burns said made some adventurers feel uncomfortable, and they cursed, and there was a buzz echoing in the entire training ground.

But then they found that the few knights and mages on the training ground didn't react much, and their intuition made them feel that it would be better not to continue, so most of them chose to shut up.

Adam was not too resistant to the words of the bald Burns, and he was ready for it from the moment he signed up to become a mercenary.To be honest, if Falcon City couldn't obey the commander's orders, why would Falcon City pay such a high price to hire adventurers?

Adam noticed the position of the bald Burns, the regiment commander of the Falcon City Defense Army.

In the power organization of Falcon City, there are basically two systems below the city lord, the army system headed by two generals and the administrative system headed by the deputy city lord.The former is responsible for the military defense and offense of Falcon City, and the latter is responsible for the daily management of Falcon City's internal affairs and foreign affairs.

In the military system, the general is the most powerful position, and under the general are the commanders of each legion.From Adam's point of view, Burns, who is the head of the city defense army, is definitely one of the high-level members in Falcon City.

With a legion commander in charge of mercenary affairs, it can also be seen that Falcon City is bound to win this operation.

It is worth mentioning that no matter which power system you are in, personal strength is an indispensable part.In this world of prospering force, no one, especially professionals with extraordinary strength, would be willing to accept the rule of a group of so-called dignitaries who can only talk but have no strength.

Even with the support of the Church of Dawn, the Southern Noble Council, known as the most conservative and traditional, had no choice but to extend olive branches to powerful professionals to share the fruits of power.

In the power organization of the Seven Cities Federation, it can be said that every high-level person is a warrior or mage with a professional level of Bronze or above.

Whether it is Celtic or Upler, everything is based on strength.

People with professional talent can choose to become a fighter or a mage. When the strength is average, becoming an adventurer seems to be the best choice, and you can say goodbye to heavy farming and land.And without professional talents, the future is not all dark. Freedmen with business talents can choose to become apprentices and save slowly until they become a businessman.

In fact, businessmen also have very good social status, such as Martin who has great wealth.A well-educated person may choose to become a scholar, become a consultant to a government agency or other organization.

Without these talents, it is very important to learn a trade, and blacksmiths, bakers, butchers, etc. are all indispensable parts of society.Of course, there are also the most basic and largest number of farmers, who provide various food and crops.

"The first task will be assigned below. The leaders of each adventure group will come forward to receive your tasks after I read their names."

"Carlos." The young white mage that Adam saw that day stepped forward to receive a task letter from the bald Burns face.

Carlos still had a very decent smile on his face when he came forward to receive the task, but after reading the task description, Adam found that the smile on his face was a little cracked, and even frowned.Maybe the task is not as simple as thought, Adam thought.

After all, he was the first one to be called by name and come forward to receive the quest book. The adventurers saw Carlos's expression very clearly, and they couldn't help but make them very curious. What kind of difficult task made this white mage cringe? frown.The leaders of the adventure group stepped forward to take the task book from the bald Burns, with different expressions.

Adam found that the captain of the adventure team who had met in the camp was also here, and his name was Mulder.

Soon it was Adam's turn. When his name was called out, Adam stepped forward to take the task book from the bald Burns. Burns even nodded to Adam.As a well-educated person, Adam also returned a smile.

Adam glanced over his assignment quickly, a little surprised.It's not that the task he received was difficult, on the contrary, his task was too simple.

(End of this chapter)

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