Templar Sun King

Chapter 175 Closing

Chapter 175 Closing
The golden sword saint Lucien was killed by this mysterious priest with a spell!The restraint of dark creatures by light energy is of course a very important aspect, and the powerful power of the priest itself cannot be ignored.A mysterious priest who had just been promoted to the golden rank less than 3 minutes ago took the life of a golden sword master of the same rank as the first step of his golden journey.

Lucien was already dead, and Zoe, who was following her, took the opportunity to escape, and the Moon Well expected by the Harvest Church had become the Sunflower Scroll, so it was no longer necessary to stay here.Archbishop Karlov said goodbye to Adam solemnly, and left with the four members of the Harvest Church.

"My lord, your attitude towards Adam just now..." Sybil recalled the solemnity and seriousness with which Karlov said goodbye to Adam just now, it really didn't look like he treated a silver-ranked mage.

Gildero and others looked forward, but their ears were already pricked up, waiting for the archbishop's answer.To be honest, they were also very curious about the archbishop's unusually solemn attitude, but Sybil asked this question before them.

"It's not serious, his identity is bigger than what you imagined!" Thinking of the guess just now, Karlov didn't feel that he was making a fuss at all.

It's bigger than you imagined!

Gilderoy tried to look for even a hint that the Archbishop was joking in Karloff's serious face, but there was none.The Archbishop is serious!What kind of Adam did they imagine?Born into a big family, the heir of the family has been well-trained since he was a child, and he is guarded by a knight with great potential.By the way, there is also the mysterious priest who claims to be a follower of the Sun God.

Now the archbishop says that Adam's origin is bigger than they imagined!But which other force in this world deserves such serious treatment from the Cardinal Archbishop of their Harvest Church?Gilderoy was confused.

"Bella and Adam will be our enemies when we compete for the Sunflower Scroll." Archbishop Karlov valued Adam's origin so much, and Sybil naturally believed it.However, some things need to be reconsidered now, such as the competitive relationship in the battle for treasures.

Since the real treasure on Zoe's body is the Sunflower Scroll, the magic contract that Isabella signed with the Harvest Church at that time will automatically be invalidated now.

Thinking that Isabella, a powerful mage with talent for four magic elements, and Adam's two gold professionals would join in the battle for the Sunflower Scroll, Lande felt tremendous pressure.

"Lord Archbishop, I'm afraid we don't have enough manpower." It's not that he doesn't have confidence in Karlov, the opponent does have an advantage in terms of the number of gold ranks.

"I will report this matter to His Majesty the Pope. The competition has just begun." The Church of the Earth, the Church of the Sky, and the Church of Dawn are now swimming in the distance like sharks smelling blood.

"I will report this matter to Mrs. Grace. This matter must not be left alone. That little mage named Adam must die!" The three members of the Scourge Church were flying fast, and the giantess' angry roar echoed in the air.

"Damn it, isn't there a city nearby? I can't hold on anymore!" No. 18, who was taken by No. 17 to fly, cursed. Although an arm was regrown from the corpse of a male dwarf, the injury did not fully recover.With his current state, not to mention fighting, even flying is very difficult.Fresh flesh and blood is what he desires most now.

There was no response as expected, the male dwarf died in Adam's hands, and the body was used as a spell-casting material by No. 17. The giantess was furious, and the ax in her hand slashed hard at the rear.

If it wasn't for No. 18's quick response and placing a bone shield in front of No. 17, No. 17 would probably have reunited with the male dwarf now.

"No. 19, what are you doing!" No. 18 yelled angrily, "Infighting among members is strictly prohibited. Do you need me to reiterate what you should have known on the first day you joined the organization?"

"Go away, I'm going to kill him." The giantess pointed to No. 18 who was protected by No. 17.

No. 17, who only had the upper body, sneered: "Kill me? Why kill me? Is this your husband's flesh and blood?" As he spoke, he shook his left arm at the giantess provocatively.

"It's a pity that he is too small, otherwise my feet would also be your husband."

"Scrap, go to hell!" The female giant's ax was covered with a layer of yellow vindictiveness, and negative emotions such as sadness and anger enveloped the female giant in an instant, and she was merciless in her strikes.

The bone was as fragile as a wooden stick on the giantess' axe, breaking through layers, and came to No. 18 in just two rounds.

"Okay, okay, I was wrong, I apologize to you." Seeing that No. 18 was very dangerous under the melee attack of the mighty female giant, No. 17 finally relented.

"But you've got to deal with me after we see Mrs. Grace, don't you?"

The giantess' ax slashed in front of No. 18, and the fierce wind drew a bloodstain on No. 18's face, from the center of the eyebrows to the chin, a neat line of blood.The blood line spread downward, from the chest to the lower abdomen.

As soon as the wind blew, the white bandages fell neatly, revealing the appearance under the No. 18 bandage.Both the face and the body are as dry as a mummy.If you put No. 18 and the mummy together, apart from breathing, I'm afraid you won't find any other difference.

Bypassing No. 18, the giantess chopped off again with one axe, and the regrown left arm of No. 17 was cut off by the giantess with one axe!
"Even if you see Mrs. Grace, you can't escape." The giantess picked up the broken arm to end the battle.

The giantess flew in front, holding the broken arm of number 17 in a daze, immersed in grief, which was the body of her husband some time ago.So she didn't even notice that the two flying behind her had drawn out their wands and aimed at her!
Bai Sensen's bones emerged from the void and trapped the giantess.Undead spell, bone prison!

Pale bone spears stabbed at the giantess one by one!
The pair of No. 17 and No. 18 have cooperated countless times. Almost at the moment when the bone prison was formed, the black mist from No. 17's wand had already enveloped the temporarily trapped giantess.

"Bitch, I didn't want to do anything to you." No. 17's face was pale and his eyes were red. "Who told you to vent your anger on your dwarf husband?"

Amid the screams and curses of the giantess, the black mist spread, gradually covering half of No. 17's body.

"Are you okay?" The Moonwell was the treasure that Isabella spent a lot of energy looking for, but the treasure Zoe held was not the Moonwell, but the Sunflower Ancient Scroll, one of the three treasures.Not to mention Isabella, even Adam, the person who helped Isabella find the Moon Well, felt very depressed, and Zoe fled while everyone was fighting, making her mood even worse.

Isabella forced a smile: "That's it. I just didn't expect that the Sunflower Ancient Scroll also has the ability to teleport through space. It turns out that we were all deceived at the beginning."

It was the first news that Zoe had a Moonwell on her body, and the space magic Zoe used in times of crisis has been inducing Isabella's cognition, but what good is it for Zoe?
"Are you going back to Celtic to compete for the seat of Falcon City next?" Isabella briefly mentioned the matter of the Moon Well, and asked Adam's next plan.

Adam didn't think much about it: "I had this plan at first, but now..." About the target being the mayor of Falcon City, Adam once talked with Isabella when they were in Mount Arnia.

"Go, take down the seat of the city lord of Falcon City, and I will wait for you in Danube City in the future."

Adam didn't react until this time.

"Aren't you going back with me? Or we can continue to track Zoe. You must know that the Sunflower Ancient Scroll is also one of the three treasures. Do you remember what you said last time? According to the agreement with Harvest Church, if the treasure is not Moonwell, each depends on its strength. Now we have two gold professionals here, and Zoe is definitely not our opponent."

"No, Adam." Isabella resolutely rejected Adam's proposal, "The moon well is related to my golden rank and even my future path. Since Zoe's treasure is not the moon well, even if it is two ancient sunflower scrolls It didn't work for me either."

"Both Andrew and Simon have become golden ranks. I am very assured of your safety. Now, it is time to find my magical path."


Adam was blocked by Isabella before he finished speaking.

"It's just a temporary separation, Adam. I promise that within a year, I will go to Falcon City to find you."

"Well, since you are so persistent." Adam was helpless, while Isabella was strong and assertive.Once things are decided, it is difficult to change, "When to leave, don't tell me it's now."

"Of course not. The Chaos Cube spell makes it impossible for me to use any bronze or higher spells within three days."

Three days later in the morning, when Adam woke up, the other side of the bed was still warm, but the person lying here last night had left.He simply cleaned himself up, and now it's time to go back to Celtic.

But before going back, he still has one more thing to do: use the silver tower to make a living.

 Thanks again for the daily reward (*^__^*)
(End of this chapter)

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