Chapter 174
"Your occupation level has been raised to 11!"

"Level up, automatically learn spell Heaven Armor!"

"Level up, get 1 action point!"

"Level up, Militia +7, Yaoling +7, Silverback Wolf +7, Guard +5, Marksman +5!"

"Level up, gain group spellcasting ability, the number of group spellcasting targets is 3!"

"As the level increases, the farm can provide 5* militia unit supplies per month!"

Heavenly Armor is the first Templar spell that Adam learned after raising his professional level to level 11 and entering the silver rank.This is an advanced defensive spell of the temple, which is an upgraded version of the Holy Light Armor. After it is released, it can form a pair of armor on the target. From the beginning to the end, it is completely wrapped up, and it does not affect the battle at all. Resist silver and below silver attacks.

Adam released a Heavenly Armor on the Bird of Paradise standing beside him, and Aylas immediately had an additional armor composed of holy light, covering all parts of the Bird of Paradise except for the tail feathers.Various patterns and patterns are depicted on the armor, holy and beautiful.The beautiful and slender body of the bird of paradise can be seen through the holy light, and this does not affect Aylas' vision and actions.

Another qualitative leap in spells is that Adam finally gained the ability to cast spells in groups, which is the essential difference between silver mages and bronze mages.According to the information given by the temple space, Adam can cast spells on three targets at the same time.That is to say, healing spells, holy shields, and other single-level spells that used to be black iron can now be cast on three targets at the same time. As for the group casting of bronze spells, that is a matter of the golden rank.

Seriously, Adam's long-awaited group spellcasting ability.He thought of the scene where Simon summoned ten holy shields all at once, and raised his right hand to experiment.

Three rays of holy light shot out from his palm at the same time and landed on the ground.The three holy lights represent the three healing techniques.

Click on the building list, and the brand new building is shining and waiting for Adam to build.

This is the seventh building after the three basic arms buildings of Farm, Sunshine Garden, and Wolf Forest, the two core arms buildings of barracks and shooting range, and the special building of Hero Hall.

The name of the building is Church.

Church: a building for elite troops, a sacred place for priests to pray, and priests*3 can be summoned every time the occupation level increases! (The default ratio of male to female is 2:1, the offensive faction and the auxiliary faction are summoned at 2:1, adjustable)

Priest: The elite troops of the temple, devout believers who dedicate their body and mind to the sun god, the initial level is 11, and it will increase with the professional level of the space master of the temple (the highest level is 15).The offensive faction spell list is level 1-10 Templar spell + holy flame, and the auxiliary faction spell list is level 1-10 Templar spell + heavenly armor.

Magical arms, priests, the silver rank of the initial level 11!

The basic arms correspond to the black iron rank, the core arms correspond to the bronze rank, and the elite arms correspond to the silver rank!

"Build a church!"

An unprecedentedly thick ray of holy light descended from the sky and landed on a clearing at the foot of the mountain.

Accompanied by the sound of sacred bells, a church with the same blue and white color as the main color was born in the sanctuary space.The steeple of the church is tall and beautiful, and the large pieces of stained glass painted with sacred patterns make people stop and watch. Together with the sacred and solemn sun cross on the top of the church tower, it creates a light and mysterious sense of religion.If Adam is still suspended in the air at this time, he will find that the overlooking plane of this church is a sun cross pattern!

A bell rang from the tower of the church, shaking people's spirits.

The door of the church opened, and three priests stepped out, two men and one woman.They all wore dark priest robes and held a one-meter-long wand.On the robe and the top of the wand are important symbols of the church - the Sun Cross.Among the three priests, one male is the auxiliary faction, and the other, a man and a woman, are the offensive faction.

"My lord, your pious servant reports to you!" The three priests prostrated themselves on the ground and saluted Adam.

"Get up, your name will be Paul from now on." Adam looked at the three priests and said.

The 7th rank of the black iron rank, the 5th rank of the bronze rank, and the 3rd rank of the silver rank. With the improvement of the building level of the units, the number of units that can be summoned each time is getting smaller and smaller.

Click on the character interface, and in the arc projected by the Adam character, the shading of the icons of Andrew and Simon all turn into brilliant gold, reminding Adam that the strength of the two heroes has undergone a qualitative change.

First hero:

Name: Andrew
Occupation: Paladin
Rating: 16
Feats: Natural Leader, Defense Mastery

Description: Alienation Ability [-]: Holy Prison

Second hero:

Name: Simon

Occupation: Holy Inquisitor
Rating: 16
Feats: Mark of Heresy, Retribution Mastery

Explanation: The spell list is 1-10 Templar spells + Holy Flame, Judgment Spear, Cross Judgment

Two heroes of the golden rank!
Seeing the explanation, Adam laughed out loud. Starting today, with the strength of his own silver rank plus a golden paladin and a golden inquisitor, the people on Uppler who can stop Adam can be counted with a single slap.He thought of the Church of Dawn that had hunted him down and the Silver Tower coveting the spells of the sanctuary, and turned around several revenge plans.

Name: Adam Weaving
Occupation: The first authorized owner of the sanctuary space, priest

Rating: 11

Magic Pet: Bird of Paradise (level 9)
Opening his eyes, standing next to him were two heroes whose professional level had been raised to level 16, and Isabella with a smile on his face.

Adam is in a good mood.

Lucien's mood was exactly the opposite of Adam's. He was attacked by the Chaos Cube and the Judgment of the Cross successively, not to mention his body was seriously injured, and now he had to face the siege of three strong gold men!Thinking of this, Lucien really wanted to slap himself a day ago, and engrave a sentence in his mind: Don't cooperate with the people of the Scourge Church, it won't be beneficial.It's a pity that at that time, he was tempted by a lot of benefits given by the Church of Natural Disasters. Of course, the one that fascinated him the most was the magic ball of the Harvest Church!

Adam made a gesture of invitation to Karlov: "My lord archbishop, you can ask a few questions first, and leave the rest to me." After killing this werewolf of the golden rank, his professional level may still be able to recover. Take another level up.

"No problem." Karloff was not surprised by Adam's request for Lucien. What he cared about was why the werewolf knew he was carrying the church's treasure, the Forbidden Orb.

Karlov looked at Lucien who was injured by two powerful spells. The other party raised his hands, trying to appear harmless and trying to negotiate.

"After I tell you what you need, can you guarantee that I will leave safely?"

"I'm afraid I can't make the decision. You should ask that little gentleman." Karlov said that the real decision on the field is Adam, the silver mage.

"I'll give you a chance, if you can beat him..." Adam pointed to Simon who was standing beside him, "It's not a problem to let you go."

Lucien was silent for a while, calculating the probability of winning or losing in his heart: "Okay!"

"It was the people from the Scourge Church who found me first. The Scourge Church and that woman, they said you would come here with the Arcane Orb. It just so happens that our Lycan tribe needs the help of the Arcane Orb very much recently, so..." the following The matter is not difficult to understand. At the suggestion of the Scourge Church, Lucien joined them, so there was an ambush at night.

"What do you werewolves need the magic ball for? What good does it do for the Scourge Church?"

"We need to deal with the Vlad family. Imprisoning all energy elements is the best way. As for the latter question, I don't know. Maybe you can ask someone from the Scourge Church."

The power of the Forbidden Ball has just been revealed, even such a violent energy storm emitted by the Chaos Cube can be imprisoned, let alone ordinary energy elements.The two famous dark races, werewolves and vampires, have always been sworn enemies. If it is true as Lucien said, once the magic ball is used, the vampires who prefer magic abilities will be unilaterally slaughtered by werewolves who prefer fighting energy.It is a very dangerous thing for spellcasters to be approached by powerful fighters, not to mention their biggest reliance on energy elements being completely imprisoned by the magic ball.

"I'll leave it to you." Karloff stepped back, signaling Adam that the werewolf was his now.Lucien soared into the sky, flying towards the depths of the Anse Mountains at a high speed.It was very simple to deal with Karlov of the Harvest Church in their initial plan. He is a golden swordsman with the curse of weakness on the 17th, and the bone dragon on the 18th. Karlov is not their opponent even with the magic ball in his hand. .

But the current situation...

Lucien still can't understand why two high-ranking silver knights and priests are suddenly promoted to the gold rank?And as soon as he is promoted, he has mastered the powerful power of the golden rank that others may take a month to fully grasp.

At the critical moment, Lucien used all his strength, but unfortunately his flying speed was not [-]/[-] of the usual speed due to his serious injury.

Two streaks of holy light, one horizontal, one vertical, one short and one long, flashed before his eyes.Lucien turned around quickly, but the huge cross born after the two holy lights appeared in front of him instantly, and then the milky white holy light enveloped his whole body.

The four members of the Harvest Church looked up to the sky, where a cross was releasing all the bright energy inside, and half of the sky was milky white.In the holy and soft light, a black figure was rapidly shrinking and finally disappeared. It was the werewolf Lucien who had been completely purified under the judgment of the cross.

Very good, as expected, it has been upgraded to another level.

At the moment when the cross trial exploded, Adam received a reminder from the sanctuary space!

(End of this chapter)

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