Templar Sun King

Chapter 136 4 Elements (1)

Chapter 136 Four Elements (1)

As night falls, the entire Arnia Mountain has only the stars in the night sky except for the looming fire in the crater, which makes the seven-story tower outline a unique beauty in the silent mountain forest.

Feeling the cool wind from the depths of the forest, Adam came to the top floor of the tower, which is a circular astrologer.

Isabella quietly looked at the sky alone on the astrologer, and Alice squatted obediently at the master's feet.Unlike the Isabella that Adam saw before, she looks particularly helpless and lost now.

"are you OK?"

After Vesper's analysis, Adam learned that the treasure they were tracking on Zoe's body was probably not the Moon Well, but the space treasure of Wudingmen.

In Adam's opinion, this is actually not bad, at least it is a very useful treasure, isn't it, but Isabella was disappointed, and came to the astrologer alone after dinner.

Afterwards, Adam answered Vesper's two questions in the restaurant, one about his Templar spell and one about the origin of the Bird of Paradise.

Not that Vesper was curious about Adam's origins, although in her mind Adam was Isabella's other half.Adam can say with certainty that Vesper, the golden archmage, has no interest in anything other than magic knowledge, and he is a complete magic weirdo.

She simply wanted to learn about Adam's Templar spells.

When Vesper waved his hand to indicate that Adam could leave, Adam was relieved. He hadn't felt this way for a long time, like a stern teacher staring you in the eyes and asking all kinds of obscure questions.

"I'm sorry about my real name." To Adam's surprise, the first thing Isabella did when she turned around and saw him was to apologize.

"It's okay, I mean I don't care at all." To add persuasiveness, Adam added another word, "Really."

"Anyway, I have to explain to you."

"It's not necessary, of course, if you insist." Adam walked to Isabella's side and stood shoulder to shoulder with her, facing the mountain wind.

"The name Bella is used because I don't want to reveal another identity of myself."

What identity?Although he said he didn't mind, deep down in his heart Adam still wanted to know why.

"When I was three years old, my father lost his position as city lord because he failed in a challenge, and fled to Yuppler."

Escape to Upler, did Isabella come from Yasha?

"A month later, my father died from his injuries."

"I'm very sorry."

"It's okay, it's been many years. I stood by my father's body for two full weeks until a pack of hyenas surrounded me. The flames from my hands burned all the hyenas to death. That was the first time I felt The power of magic."

"I wandered alone for nearly a year, until my teacher found out and adopted me. It can be said that I grew up in Arnia Mountain. The teacher is usually busy with spell research, and Phoenix taught me spells more often."

"When I was 17 years old, I finally became a bronze high-level magician. I couldn't wait to go back to my birthplace and find the warrior who challenged my father. I'm not sure how strong he is, but I want to try The funny thing is that when I went back to that city, I found out that he died ten years ago in a challenge to him."

"This feeling is very uncomfortable. The goal that made me insist on learning magic and practicing spells every day has died as early as ten years ago! Without hatred, I am very confused and helpless, and I don't even know how to deal with magic. continue on the road.”

Adam could understand Isabella's feelings at the time. Once the belief that supported a person collapsed, his heart would be empty, as if his soul had been taken away.

"I wandered outside for a whole year, not knowing what to do, and finally decided to take back the city that belonged to my father. On the day I successfully challenged the new city lord with a stone puncture and became the new city lord, I finally Advanced to the silver rank. I don't want others to pay attention to that city because of my relationship. It is the only place I have left with my father's memories, so I used Bella when I was traveling. This alias."

"I can understand, luckily it's all over."

Adam heard about Isabella's past for the first time. At first, it might be the power of hatred that supported her to gain power and move forward on the road of magic.But in the end it was love for her father that made her regain her faith and become stronger.

"Wait, stone impalement?" Adam noticed the magic Isabella was using.

"Stone piercing!"

"My God, you..." Isabella has the talents of water, air, and fire, but now she admits that she can actually use the spells of the earth faction, which means...

"I have the talent of the four magic elements of earth, water, air and fire!"

Adam hasn't recovered for a long time. No wonder others can't let others know. Once they are known, the terrible fact of her talent of the four elements will be exposed.

"You must be curious about where that city is?" Isabella quickly brought this topic to the past.

"Actually, I'm a little curious, but you don't have to say it." Adam quickly refused.

"Donau City."

"Danube City? Celtic Danube City!" An unexpected name came out of Isabella's mouth.

"Huh? You actually know it's the Celtic city of Danube?" Isabella showed a puzzled expression.Compared with the prosperous situation in Upler, few people generally pay attention to Celtic.

More than just knowing, it couldn’t be more familiar, well, actually not very familiar, but when Adam heard the word “Danube City”, he felt indescribably kind and excited.The place where Adam came to this world was Celtic, and later entered Falcon City, and is now the lord of York under Falcon City.

He never imagined that Isabella was the lord of the Danube city closest to Falcon City!

"Actually, I can say that I am from Falcon City above Celtic City, and now I am the lord of York below Falcon City. I really didn't expect that you would be the lord of Danube City!"

Adam slapped his head. In fact, he should have thought of it when Isabella mentioned that her father failed in the challenge and lost his position as city lord.Needless to say, Frans, the supreme ruling power of each city is in the hands of the temple. The city owners of Sok, Romano and other countries are appointed by the king.Only in Celtic, where there is no official country, can the city lord be determined by force.

"This is really... what a coincidence!"

"It's like an arrangement of fate." Adam accidentally said his true thoughts.

Isabella chuckled lightly: "Now I'm curious about your origin. I haven't heard of a mysterious Wevin family in Celtic in Danube City."

Adam didn't know whether he should now be sorry that Isabella hadn't noticed his words, or happy that Isabella had taken an interest in his origins.

"You know, some families..." Adam tried to find a reason.

"Don't rush to explain, just think we're even." Isabella stretched out her right hand to cover Adam's mouth, and blocked all the rest of his words.

Fortunately, it was night, otherwise Isabella would have seen him blushing and embarrassed.

"You seem a little hot?"

"Hmm..." Adam felt his head was about to smoke.

"Thank you Adam, I feel much better after talking with you." Isabella didn't pay too much attention to Adam's abnormality.

Adam was thinking about whether it is time to say some sweet words to bring the relationship between the two closer. Isabella had fully recovered and began to discuss Zoe's affairs.This may be the downside of the person you like is too strong or too powerful. It is really difficult to find a chance to comfort you.

"Regardless of whether the treasure on Zoe's body is the Moonwell or not, I will continue to track it down."

"I'll help you."

"I know." Isabella said naturally, "Of course I need your help."

"Happy to serve you!" Adam even imitated the etiquette among the world's nobles and saluted.

In fact, Adam's actions were not very standard, but Isabella still found herself suddenly excited.She took a couple of deep breaths, trying to look more natural.

"If the treasure on Zoe's body is the Moon Well, I will cooperate with the Harvest Church at all costs to snatch it. If not, I will definitely get the treasure of Wudingmen. According to the magic contract between me and the Harvest Church, what happened If I can snatch it, I will enjoy this treasure exclusively!"

Isabella did not consider the failure in the process of snatching the treasure. This is the absolute confidence of a silver high-level mage who is proficient in the three elements and five spell schools!In just a few minutes, Isabella came out of her disappointment.

"I think the Moonwell must be very important to you. Does it have other magical functions besides banishing the enemy to the endless void?"

Adam was really curious about this, he didn't understand why Isabella was so obsessed with the moon well.If it was him, he would like any treasure, and he didn't care whether it was the Moonwell or the Wudingmen that he was about to get.

"You guessed it right, the moon well is very important to me. It will be an indispensable part of my magic path in the future, more important than anything else. As for the other functions of the moon well, there is no such thing."

"I don't know if I have the honor to know how the importance of the Moonwell is reflected?"

"Just treat it as a secret." Isabella said with a smile as she hugged Alice who was already acting like a baby by her feet.

"Then what if..." Adam froze suddenly.

Originally, there was about fifteen centimeters between the two of them, but now Isabella was quickly approaching him, and a face was getting bigger and bigger in front of Adam, until a warm feeling appeared on his mouth.

ten seconds later.

Adam touched his lips, that was a kiss just now...it feels pretty good.

"Good night, don't think about it."

"Good night."

When Isabella's figure disappeared from the astrologer, Adam cheered in a low voice. After coming to this world for more than half a year, he finally bid farewell to being single!

(End of this chapter)

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