Templar Sun King

Chapter 135 Archmage (2)

Chapter 135 Archmage (2)


Adam was stunned by Vesper's straightforwardness!

Obviously, this is not the first time such a scene has happened, which can be seen from Isabella's attempt to stop Vesper just now.Normally Isabella would not be so anxious, but now there are two more outsiders, Adam and Andrew, and maybe a bird of paradise, so when Vesper finished speaking, the air in the whole room It seemed to freeze in an instant.

It's so embarrassing!
Adam looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say. He glanced at Phoenix standing next to Vesper, and the phoenix, who had been worried about "what to do when he entered estrus", coughed in a low voice to cover up his embarrassment.

Vesper may not be a qualified teacher, but he is definitely a qualified breeder.She even thought carefully about where she should go to find a female phoenix in case her familiar phoenix entered estrus.

Thinking of the scene where Vesper stuffed a beast-shaped phoenix into Phoenix's arms with a serious face, Adam almost laughed out loud.

Fortunately, he finally realized what was going on now, and quickly coughed to silence the laughter that came to his mouth, while covering up the embarrassing atmosphere.

The amazing thing is that apart from the embarrassment, Adam still had a little joy in his heart. The reason is very simple: Vesper, as Isabella's teacher, knows her very well. Could it be that she really noticed Isabella? Ra felt the same way about herself?
He glanced at Isabella, who rarely blushed, grabbed a pillow on the chair, and hammered it hard twice.

The only person in the room who didn't feel the awkward atmosphere was Vesper. She continued, "You don't need to hide it, Isabella, the teacher has already prepared for this."

"No, teacher..."

"Young man, is your name Adam?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Have you prepared any presents?"

"Gifts? Ah, there are." Fortunately, Aguilera's second-tier treasure house and some of the first-tier treasures were looted, otherwise Adam would never be able to present any gifts today, which would be really embarrassing.

Isabella covered her face, she could already foresee the embarrassing scene ahead, if she had known it earlier, she would have let Adam go shopping in the nearest city.She had never seen anyone ask for a gift in front of a guest.

Alice tilted her head and looked at the master curiously, not knowing why she made such an action.

"Ma'am, this gift is for you, and at the same time I am very grateful to Mr. Phoenix for his kindness to Aylas..."

Before Adam finished speaking, Vesper made a move to Adam with his right hand, and the ring flew into Vesper's hand.

"...Take care and help." Adam tried his best to finish the rest of the sentence.

He wasn't sure if the others had heard the words, because both Phoenix and Isabella were staring at Vesper.

Isabella was surprised that Adam, who did not prepare a gift, took out some of his valuables and was forced to use it as a gift.

Phoenix obviously thought farther and comprehensively than Isabella, and vaguely guessed Vesper's thoughts.

"A very delicate magic item. Judging from the pattern and style on it, it should be made by the forest elf magic master of the Emerald Forest Elf Royal Court." Vesper rubbed his fingers on the ring, "There is also a life sealed inside. The magic of enchantment can be used to recover quickly when injured, and at the same time has a good defense."

Vesper looked up at Isabella: "Look, he even prepared the present!"

"Actually, that's..."

When Adam looked at Isabella, the other party just turned to look at him. From Isabella's eyes, Adam saw not only embarrassment and panic, but also a little shyness.The expression of shyness didn't fit Isabella's usual demeanor at all, but Adam thought he liked seeing this emotion in Isabella.

The two just stared at each other without speaking, until Vesper clapped his hands, and the two hurriedly stared at the ground, as if some remarkable pattern suddenly appeared there.

"Come here." Vesper beckoned to Isabella, and put the ring in his hand on the other's finger, "Thank God, such a scene is really difficult, and this matter has finally been resolved!"

Isabella, who was a little moved, immediately exhaled, and rolled her eyes at an angle that Adam couldn't see.

"In the future, I only need to worry about Phoenix's estrus period."

Phoenix, who finally got out of embarrassment, was pushed back into an area called embarrassment by his master again: "Actually, I didn't have any troubles in this area after I entered maturity."

Clapping his hands, Vesper looked at Isabella with relief: "Tell me, you think you have achieved something great, and you want to come back and let me praise you."

Touching the ring in her hand, Isabella felt that there was an abnormal temperature coming from the ring, which was a bit hot.

She knew it was an illusion, just because the original owner of the ring was Adam, who was looking at her now, and there might be a trace of longing in his eyes that he couldn't even detect.The blue pupils are as deep as the sky without boundaries, and people can't help but put all their minds into them and bump into the opponent's arms.

Isabella struggled to concentrate before she came out of that trance.

"Actually, I came back this time to ask the teacher about something."

"I knew it."

"Is there any way to prevent a person from using space spells to escape?"

"Catch him alive, what news do you want to get from him?"

"Yes, a piece of news is very important to me. Teacher, you can tell me the answer directly. We will talk about the news later."

"Okay, Phoenix, remember for me. On May 4899, 5 AD, Isabella asked her mentor a question and charged 20 gold coins. By the way, tell Isabella about her debts."

"No problem, ma'am. Isabella, including the 1000 gold coins just now, you now need to pay Madam 125473000 in total." Phoenix took out a small notebook from nowhere and recorded it. It's numbers.

125473000, this is definitely not a small fee, it has already reached hundreds of millions.

"Okay, okay, news about the Moonwell."

"Moonwell!" Vesper and Phoenix's expressions became serious.

"Have you seen with your own eyes that the other party is using the treasure of the Moon Well?"

"No, she just used the moonwell's space ability to leave when I caught her."

"It's not just the Moonwell that has the ability to teleport through space, Isabella."

"Three reasons, one, I can be 100% sure that the other party has a real treasure, not some magical item; two, the treasure has the ability to teleport through space; three, the other party stole the treasure from the royal treasure house of the Romano Empire. "

"It sounds like the Moonwell is right, but I'm not 100% sure it's it." Vesper turned around, "Help me go to the third floor of the second cabinet in the study and get the fifth book from the left, Phoenix , it is called "On the Origin of Space Magic and Space Treasures."

"Okay, ma'am." When Adam was surprised by Vesper's amazing memory, Phoenix Phoenix went out of the room and went to the study.

In less than a minute, the other party re-entered with a thick book and handed it to Vesper.

"You must know the function of the moon well. It can banish all opponents to the endless void inside the moon well, where they can't feel anything. Except for nothingness itself, all life will be buried in the void." Vesper While speaking, he opened the thick book, "But I don't think you have read Chapter 12."

Turning to Chapter 12, Vesper handed the book to Isabella.

Isabella took the book doubtfully, and Adam also approached curiously.

But before reading, I learned two things through Vesper Adam.

One is the difference between treasures and ordinary magic props:

Treasures and magic items are two completely different concepts.

The concept of treasures originally came from the three major treasures of the Sither Empire. In fact, their exclusive names should be holy artifacts rather than treasures.Because treasures have already broken away from the category of ordinary things in terms of levels, what constitutes them is not only precious and rare materials, but also must involve mysterious laws. That is the core of treasures, and it is also the essential difference between treasures and ordinary magic props .

Secondly, at the beginning of its birth, treasures have various abilities that magical props do not have. For example, they can automatically absorb magical energy and elements that are free in the air to replenish the energy consumed by growth.

The second is to tell about the status of space mages in various eras.

The number of space mages in the world has always been very small, and the number of archmages proficient in space magic is even more pitiful, or there are simply no archmages proficient in space magic in certain periods of time.And if you want to make space-type treasures that involve laws, the golden rank is only the foundation of the foundation.

Therefore, not to mention space-type treasures, even ordinary space-type magic items are very precious.There are very few space rings and rings in circulation on the market. They are the works of various space masters over the years, and they are priceless.

Chapter 12 clarifies the situation of space treasures in Uppler and Yasha.

Treasures with any ability have always been very rare, which can be seen from the fact that there are only three treasures in the Xiser Empire, which has the blessing of the Titans and almost rules the entire Upler.Treasures are the most precious magic items in any period, and they are kept by all major forces.

And there is clear evidence that there have been two treasures with space-like abilities in history. One is the moon well of the Sither Empire. Its origin cannot be tested. Some mages believe that the moon well was not made by humans at all, It is a gift from the Titan gods.The second is a treasure called the Wuding Gate, which can teleport the target to the treasure of the space coordinates prepared in advance.

"So the treasure I'm tracking now is probably not the Moon Well but the Wuding Gate?"

"It's just a possibility, Isabella." Vesper emphasized this point. "At present, the only treasures we know that can be called treasures and involve the ability to teleport through space are these two, the Moonwell and the Wuding Gate."

(End of this chapter)

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