Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 410 Reunion Again

Chapter 410 Reunion Again

There is a restaurant not far from the hotel where Longyi is staying, and it is a restaurant with good taste and a good reputation in Nagasaki City.

The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of another customer.

The waiters uniformly wearing black and white shirt uniforms all stopped, bowed towards the door and shouted "Welcome~"

The visitor was a beautiful girl wearing a brown vest with white long sleeves and a pair of dark blue jeans. She opened her mouth slightly and seemed a little startled by the waiter's attitude, but she quickly reacted and showed a sunny smile .

"Hello, how many people?" A waitress came up and asked.


"Okay, do you have an appointment?"


"Okay, this way please, please follow me."

The female guest followed the waiter all the way and sat down at a corner of the restaurant by the window.

"this is menu."

"Hmm." The girl took off her peaked cap, flicked her wine-red ponytail, flipped through the menu with her bare hands, and asked the waiter about the characteristics of the restaurant in a low voice.

After a while, she finished ordering, watched the waiter leave, and then turned to look out the window.

The night in Nagasaki City is no different from other cities, especially the city center, which is always so brightly lit and neon.

Living alone in such a city, living in the Elf Center, and eating hundreds of restaurants, it is easy to feel homesick.

I miss my lover in my hometown, my former friends, my former lover, and my warm bed...


Haibara was walking on the streets of Nagasaki City hungry. Although it ran out in a fit of anger, it realized that this was not a forest, and it would not be able to find delicious food just by looking around.

Although there are more delicious things in the city, they often need to be bought with money, and Hui Yuan, who ran away from home, is obviously penniless.

Of course, with its strength, it's actually very easy to steal something to eat, but isn't Hui Yuan planning to really leave Long Yi, a dignified elf of a heavenly king trainer stealing food on the street?
Huiyuan still can't afford to lose this elf!

As he walked, a seductive scent lured Huiyuan to an exquisite restaurant surrounded by glass curtain walls.

The lights in the restaurant are bright, and the dining tables are filled with all kinds of delicious-looking food, coupled with the strong fragrance and the satisfied smiles of the diners, all of which make Huiyuan's stomach even more hungry .

very hungry!
It seems to be eating!

The master's idiot, sitting there motionless like a lazy man, is really disgusting!
Suddenly, Hui Yuan, who was walking around the glass wall, suddenly turned his head and looked at a girl sitting in a seat next to the window.

That is……

There is something to eat!

Huiyuan's eyes lit up, he ran back quickly, and sprinted into the restaurant, causing the waiters and diners to jump up to the dining table where the girl was sitting, making a loud noise.


The girl froze for a moment.

Several waiters came around, and the leading lobby manager apologized: "I'm sorry for the guests, this wild elf sneaked in from nowhere and disturbed your meal, we will drive it away immediately."

The voice of the manager in the lobby woke Mesha up from her memories, she touched Hui Yuan's body with a complex expression, shook her head and said, "Wild? No, it's not a wild elf, it's me... it's the elf of a friend of mine. "

"I don't know why it appeared here, maybe it got separated from its owner, and it's me who should say sorry."

The waiters looked pretty. Fortunately, although Huiyuan caused a commotion, no one was injured and no food was spilled.

So the lobby manager said: "Okay then, but guests, please take care of this elf and don't disturb other guests' meals."

"I'm really sorry." Mesa apologized again.

After seeing off the waiter, Meisha looked at Huiyuan who was munching on a plate of meat dishes, and asked curiously, "Huiyuan, why are you here?"

"Long Yi... is he also in this city?"

Huiyuan raised his head, stretched out his paw and pointed to a big hotel outside the window, and then continued to eat.

Meisha stared in that direction in a daze.

In a daze, she seemed to see a tall man in a suit, hesitating and crisscrossing among a group of Yingying Yanyan, hugging left and right.

"Long Yi..." Meisha sighed, her tone was unclear.

"This guest, this way please."

While his thoughts were surging, another customer was led towards him by the waiter.

That was also a girl, but compared to Meisha, she wore cooler makeup, her long blue hair was tied into a bun, and her expression was cold.

She was wearing a black hip-wrapping one-piece dress, because it was a tight-fitting dress, showing off her explosive S-shaped perfect figure, coupled with her cold and charming face, she almost wanted to give the souls of all men Hook away.

Along the way, I don't know how many male guests stared at him. Of course, most of them were pinched by their female companions and wives.

Meisha subconsciously turned her head to look, her expression froze.

Hui Yuan, who was eating, suddenly moved his nose, then raised his head, showing a joyful smile.


It jumped up and jumped into the arms of the unsuspecting girl who passed by, not only the oil on the face covered the girl's clothes.

Seeing this, the lobby manager of the restaurant was even more bloody, and screamed with a flushed face: "This guest!!!"


"I really didn't expect that we would meet in this way in another area."

In a dark alley, two beautiful women with their own merits walked side by side, with a long-tailed elf in between.

On the left is Takagi Misa, Ryuichi's first love; on the right is Fujii Mari, Ryuichi's first woman.

The one between the two is naturally Hui Yuan, Long Yi's initial elf.

Mali's clothes were still stained by Huiyuan, and she struggled to maintain the coldness on her face in front of familiar people, and said in a complicated tone: "Yes, fate is so elusive."



The two were actually not familiar with each other, and there was even some hostility between them that had not yet disappeared, so the chat quickly fell into silence.

Among the three, Huiyuan's is probably the most carefree. It is so leisurely and beautiful when it is just full.

After being silent for a while, Mali took a deep breath, mustered up the courage and pretended to ask casually: "By the way, I haven't seen you for so many years, I wonder when you and Long Yi are going to get married?"

Because of the guilt towards Long Yi, and the fear of falling in love with him, since leaving the trainer's island, except for the first time, Mari never took the initiative to inquire about Long Yi's news, although he heard him from time to time during the years of traveling. name, but never had a deep understanding.

Therefore, she still thought that Long Yi and Mei Sha were still together.

Mesa was stunned upon hearing this.

After a long time, she sighed, "I have already broken up with him."

"Break up?" Mari couldn't help but raise his voice a few times, a surge of joy that he couldn't suppress surged up in his heart, then he restrained his smile and asked carefully, "Why, didn't you reconcile later?"

"It was my choice to break up." Mesa said.

"Perhaps it can be regarded as the cause of self-esteem. As an elf trainer, I watched Long Yi move forward step by step and fast. I tried my best to catch up, but it was very difficult to catch up. Soon I couldn't even see his back."

"This feeling is very uncomfortable for me, very painful."

"I don't want to be an embellishment around him, a full-time wife. My dream is to be able to fight side by side with the one I love, to be able to stand at the same height as him, and to be able to make people think of us as a pair when they mention us. lovers, husbands and wives, not a famous elf trainer and his mediocre wife."

"So, I left him and I haven't had a call or a message from him in years."

This is the deepest secret in Meisha's heart, because of the lack of girlfriends, she has told no one other than her elf and her mother to know.

However, when facing Mari, when facing this woman who had been intervened by a third party and snatched her boyfriend away, for some reason, Meisha said it out.

She feels that if there is a third person in this world who can understand herself and feel the same way, it should be Mari.

Even Long Yi might not be able to empathize.

"Just because of this? What's the matter!" Mali said loudly, "I feel that being able to be with Long Yi is the greatest happiness. My pursuit of big pursuits and the happiness that I had to give up because of certain relationships are actually because of this." Such a ridiculous reason, you discarded it like trash?"

"It's unbelievable!"

Mesa froze.

She looked at the excited Mari, listened to her scolding, and smiled wryly for a long time: "Maybe if we change positions, what happened back then will not be a tragedy."

Mari fell silent: "There is no possibility in this world."

"Let's go here." She stopped in the middle of the alley, and Meisha and Huiyuan also stopped one after another.

"We are destined to be people from different worlds, and a short encounter doesn't mean anything. You go this way, and I go that way."


"Okay, let's separate here." Meisha said.


Suddenly, two explosions exploded at both ends of the alley, and the raging flames sealed the exits on both sides, forcing Meisha, Mari and Huiyuan into the alley.

"Want to go?"

"Today, none of you can leave!"

On the edge of the roof above, two people stood up, casting a long black shadow...

(End of this chapter)

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