Super Elf Dragon One

Chapter 409 Arriving in Nagasaki City

Chapter 409 Arriving in Nagasaki City

Long Yi and Aoki Masakazu had a lot of chats that night, about his high spirits in the Sinnoh Kings Tournament, his shock and fear when facing the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka, and Yi's after annexing the lava group and the water battle group. Instigated by Qi, Liushen Wuzhu when the aura is urging his life...

very many.

Masakazu Aoki also talked a lot, about his helplessness in the face of family pressure, the helplessness of frequent quarrels with his girlfriend, the guilt towards Junsha, the exhaustion of struggling among the old foxes in the mall, etc...

The two sides complained to each other, and finally Aoki Masakazu was completely drunk to the point of unconsciousness before giving up.


The next day, Aoki, who was still hungover, woke up clutching his aching head, and saw Long Yi in the yard who was holding a book and reading, with Hui Yuan lying on his knees.

"I really envy you. Your body is so strong that drinking is like drinking water. You can't get drunk even if you want to." Aoki Masakazu said as he sat down with hot milk.

"You can practice if you want, although you can't reach my level, but regardless of resources, you should still be able to reach your physical limit." Long Yi said casually.

Although in his eyes now, there is no courage or momentum, whether it is a physical limit or a weak child, they all look the same, an existence that can be crushed to death with a single finger.

But for Aoki Masakazu, physical fitness is always good.

"Forget it, then I'd rather get drunk." Aoki Masahiro said peacefully.

Junsha likes fighting and has never seen her go to the limit of her body, let alone Aoki Masakazu herself. I don't know how much suffering it will take to reach that level.

He has no penchant for masochism.

"What book are you reading?" Aoki Masakazu asked curiously.

With Long Yi's status and strength, who else could write a book that could teach him?

"Xiba gave me a copy of his master Iwata's notes." Long Yi said.

Master Iwata is a hurdle that samurai and fighters in this world cannot get around in martial arts. He has brought the way of aura to the extreme and expanded it to an unimaginable level. In addition to opening another one, it can be said that it is a character who is enough to last forever.

And Long Yi has already reached the point where the return of momentum is unprecedented, but at most he is at the same level as him. Referring to Master Iwata's notes, it may be helpful for Long Yi to go further in martial arts.

"Shiba? That King of Fighters Shiba?" Aoki Masakazu asked in surprise.

Long nodded.

"I really made an incredible friend." Aoki Masakazu smacked his lips.

The heavenly kings in Kanto are no better than Chengdu, Fengyuan, and Sinnoh. Each of them is not only superior in strength, but also has a profound background and status.

Long Shidu represents the Dragon Temple in Chengdu, and is in charge of the Kanto Special Search Section, with a high position and authority.

Kona is inherited from the famous master trainer, Winter Valley Yasuo, who has the title of harsh winter, so it can be said that he was born in a famous family.

People of what level make friends of what level. As a master trainer, Donggu Yasuo naturally has a group of powerful friends, including many element-level trainers.After the death of Winter Valley Yasuo, these contacts, as well as those owed to Winter Valley Yasuo, became Kona's capital.

In addition to serving as the king of heaven, Kona is also in charge of the Kanto Supervision Section, responsible for the supervision and review of the personnel of the Kanto Alliance. Her stern and selfless style of acting earned her the nickname of Kona of Ice.

Known as the king of fighting, Shiba is the most famous fighter in the world, and the only direct disciple of Master Iwata, he can be called the benchmark in the fighting world.

Although he only served as the honorary vice president of a warrior and fighter association, no one dared to underestimate this reckless man.

The last ghost, Juzi, has the oldest qualifications and the most mysterious inheritance. She is in charge of the Kwantung Secret Service Organization, which is also a frightening role.

Long Yi is not only Juzi's apprentice, but also Shiba's friend, so it's no wonder that Aoki Masakazu sighed like that.

"In the face of absolute power, these are just floating clouds." Long Yi said.

He has seen the real top power in this world, whether it is the original Kyoka, the original Gulardo, or the god of space Palkia and the god of time Dialga are extremely terrifying existences, even if they are champions Sirona also seemed too weak in front of these elves.

That is a level higher than the king, than the champion!

This is an essential level gap in power, and it cannot be made up by just relying on one move or two nirvana moves.

In terms of moves, perhaps only Kanto's super nirvana can bridge the gap between them.

Of course, there is no need to tell Masakazu Aoki about these things, after all, the level gap between the two sides is too great, and it is useless to know.

"Your level is too high, I can't understand." Aoki Masakazu said, "By the way, you have to stay for a few more days this time, my brother and I have fun. You are also needed at Zhenglong Security Company Come forward, after all, there is still half of your shares in it."

Long Yi put down the book and said: "Don't worry, this time it will probably disturb you for a long time."

"I have something else, I need your help."

"Why are you being polite to me, tell me, what's the matter." Aoki Masahiro said peacefully.

Long Yi paused, leaned back on the back of the chair, looked into the distance, and said in a deep voice, "Find someone for me."

"No... find two."

"Looking for someone?" Aoki Masakazu was stunned.


After the establishment of the Pale Society, the interests of the Zhenglong Security Company were no longer considered by Long Yi, but he did not give up either, this is a testimony of the friendship between him and the Aoki family.

Chi Yansong's fire-breathing camel was put back to Chimney Mountain's sub-base by Long Yi. Under the influence of the fire-breathing camel's aura, the Pale Society quickly acquired batches of newborn elves with excellent qualifications.

And among these newborn elves, those with particularly good aptitude were instilled with corresponding energy by Long Yi, and were rewarded as major rewards to those club members who performed well.

Coupled with Long Yi's high-priced training plan designed by a master trainer, after this group of elves grows up, the Pale Society will soon have a group of elite members with elves with extreme racial values.

These elite members will be comparable to the top elites of the Rockets and the league!

And as long as there are a few members who are lucky enough to be enlightened, then Long Yi's Pale Society will really grow.


Long Yi didn't care about the Zhenglong security company, but the person he entrusted Aoki Masakazu to find was the top priority.

When it comes to finding people, there is no better choice in this world than the alliance, and among the alliance, the police system is the most prominent.

The Aoki family itself is a family of the Kanto police bosses of the alliance, and they are also related to the police in several other areas, so in less than half a month, the people Long Yi was looking for had news one after another.

"You mean, the two of them are actually in the same city now?"

Long Yi looked up at Aoki Masakazu, feeling unbelievable.

Finding someone is itself a matter of finding a needle in a haystack. Although the two people he found didn't particularly hide their tracks, they were all in the opposite direction.

But Long Yi didn't expect that when he turned his head, the two were actually in the same city.

This is really incredible.

Of course, from the perspective of the route, their destinations are different, but they just stayed in the same city at exactly the same time halfway, which gave birth to this seemingly incredible answer.

This situation is bound to not last long.

"According to the information, **** will stay for at most three days before leaving. **** probably wants to participate in a local competition, so she should stay longer." Aoki Masakazu said.

"how do you want to do it?"

"I don't know." Long Yi said, "But first, I must go to meet them."

"I knew it."

"I bought the plane ticket for you. I will leave tonight and arrive tomorrow morning. The specific hotel has been sent to you. As for the result..."

"Good luck."

Long Yi showed a wry smile, shook his head and said, "I hope."


That night, Long Yi took the plane arranged by Masakazu Aoki and arrived at an ordinary city in Hoenn: Nagasaki City.

After getting off the plane, faced with the two low points provided by Masakazu Aoki, Ryuichi hesitated when it came to him.

He hesitated for a long time. He neither went to the first person nor the second person. Instead, he found a random hotel to stay in, and fell into self-entanglement.

Obviously, at this time Long Yi was very confused, he didn't know what he wanted.

The time goes from morning to night, from high sun to low moon.

goo goo~
Hui Yuan was hungry.

When it is on the exclusive plane, it has energy to supplement its own consumption anytime, anywhere, so it can not eat or drink without being hungry, but outside, Huiyuan still has to eat.

But obviously, Long Yi didn't notice this at this time.


He yelled at Long Yi twice, but Hui Yuan pouted his mouth angrily when he didn't get a response, opened the glass door of the room, and jumped off the balcony.

It decided to find something to eat by itself!
(End of this chapter)

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