call red alert

Chapter 262 Resident Evil II

Chapter 262 Resident Evil II

Hearing the yelling of 9528, General Zhukov, Boris, Laura, Xu Mu and others who were shocked by the sudden assembly of the base troops in front of them poured into the lobby of the main control room.

The group of people were immediately shocked by the picture shown in front of them, and no one was able to speak.

In the real-time broadcast screen from the spy satellite above the sky, there are countless "people", their "human"-shaped bodies are constantly swaying, rotten pus flows, white bones are faintly visible from the legs, and the black and maggot-grown two The feet staggered forward and moved aimlessly forward. The clothes on each body were not only wet, but also tattered. Countless scars covered their skin exposed to the air, and some places were even bloody. One piece, white bones protruding; some intestines flowed out from the damaged abdomen, dragged on the ground, stepped on by the people behind, and the broken intestines that were crushed on the ground were still wriggling Some faces were bitten by pits and bumps, and blurred bright red blood dripped drop by drop from the missing half of the jaw to the ground, dripping a long road of bloodstains; some "people" All bleeding wounds turned into a strange black greasy color, and some things that looked like tentacles and parasites extended from the edge of the wound, doing regular swings; there were missing noses and eyes, Many "people" had their eyeballs fall out of their sockets and drooped on their cheeks; His skull kept rolling, affected by the blood-colored moisture, and he could still see traces of heat emanating from it. . .

In short, there are all kinds of strange things, "living people and dead people" in various forms are all on the screen, everyone's heart gradually becomes cold, a little trembling, their faces are solemn, and they feel an extremely strange atmosphere covering the whole city, vaguely A strong smell of blood and a strange stench can be smelled in the air, almost making people vomit, and a faint cloud of blood floats over the city.

General Zhukov didn't care to ask Xu Tian for instructions, and hurriedly asked: "9528, where is the picture coming from? How could such a strange situation happen!"

This question is exactly what everyone wants to know!

9528 quickly gave the answer, "Commander, General Zhukov, this picture was sent back from Stuart, the capital of King Alex, Commander, didn't you keep letting me pay attention to the situation there? A few minutes ago, this phenomenon spread throughout the city on a large scale, and I have activated all the signals of the satellite channel to film and broadcast the incident live!"

Xu Tian didn't answer, and said to himself: "The more I look at these pictures, it looks like the scene in Resident Evil. Could it be that there are people in this world who study viruses! The last time I was in Dalz City, the predecessor of Kaspersky City, Azkaba also killed the entire city and turned the corpses of dead people into zombies, but the screen was not as fresh as it was sent back, there are no blockbusters or movies to watch in this world!"

After thinking for a while, the light in Xu Tian's eyes disappeared, and he ordered calmly: "9528, switch to a few small blocks. I want to have an overview of the whole city. General Zhukov and Boris, please contact the Tiandao sub-base immediately. Bond, Yuri X, Azkaba, Ryan and others came to discuss this matter!"

With such a major event, Xu Tian was not in the mood to study the control nodes of each unit in the Red Police, manipulate these units, and instead focused on the picture in front of him.

9528 quickly switched the complete optical projection screen into 9 pieces, and each small screen displayed images from different areas.

Everyone gasped suddenly, there were a large number of such monsters gathered on the main roads of the city of Wangdu.

Xu Tian's eyes turned cold, and he stared at a small screen, only to see that countless canine (dog), feline (bear, leopard) and other magical beasts had also undergone changes. It's not looking good, obviously, he was seriously injured, but now he is attacking passers-by on the street. Even if he was sent flying by the passers-by, his viciousness remained unchanged. Pulling and pulling, wishing to swallow the whole person in the stomach, it is almost endless, and the team of these monsters is constantly increasing.

"In Stuart, the capital of the kingdom, a super metropolis with a population of more than ten million, there must be a large number of monsters of all kinds. Even if the human body in this world is stronger than that of the earth, and there are grudges and magic to practice, I think It's also dangerous, they should be unlucky! It seems that those who oppose me are all bad luck!" Xu Tian thought to himself, not without complacency.

A large number of "living dead" smelled the smell of the living, and the "living dead" walking in the front were excited, and the horrible dry howls from their throats became much louder, and the hearts of their bodies were exposed. It was beating violently, a whole piece of flesh was missing here, and the two arms were stretched forward without a large piece of skin there. The nails of both hands became black and shiny, long and sharp, and their movements were erratic. Gradually becoming more agile, like a cat smelling fishy, ​​it scrambled towards the crowd, drowning countless human rights in an instant.

The picture is gradually raised, looking down from the sky, you can see the endless "living dead" surging on the streets in all directions, converging towards the blank space in the middle, and the blank street becomes more and more Small, like a lonely boat in the sea, about to be submerged.

The scene of chaos has already begun to appear on the street. In the distance, the brigade of wild dogs with red eyes and bloody bodies attacked the passers-by, tearing their teeth and cracking their mouths, with a low and ferocious whimpering sound from their throats, lingering on those passers-by endlessly , tearing their clothes from their bodies, tearing out bloodstains, a dozen dogs besieged a passerby, even if the passerby was not weak in fighting spirit and martial skills, he was caught off guard, although he did not die, but the clothes on his body were It was so tattered, and the skin suffered a little bit of damage, bleeding, the painful and frightened passers-by couldn't help being furious, and with the thought of hitting all the wild dogs to death, As a result, he was also badly injured, he could only lie on the ground covered in blood and bruises and gasped for breath, but as his breathing gradually weakened, his whole body became silent.

Suddenly, after a while, the passer-by jumped up, and a large piece of flesh fell off his body, turning into the same appearance as the "living dead", and joined their team.

On the blood-stained street in the distance, sundries, waste paper, and rubbish were thrown all over the ground, looking scattered. Countless humanoid monsters were wandering in the street, chasing passers-by on the road. Countless old people and children were stunned. , dodging in a hurry, but these swaying, seemingly boneless monsters once they see a stranger, their movements become more agile than ever before, and a large group of monsters surround a living person. There was an earth-shattering scream of biting and gnawing, and after a while, his body was covered with bones from the bite, scars all over his body, lying on the ground dying, but he was assimilated again after a while, and joined the army of "living dead". It wasn't that Xu Tian's eyes were sharp, and he just stared at one screen, so he really couldn't see clearly.

This world is full of martial arts, and the folk customs are aggressive. Some people are fighting back with knives and swords in their hands. , did not beat those monsters to death, but were seized by those monsters to pounce on them and bite them; The crowd was drowned in it.

Looking around, all the screens are the torrent troops gathered by the zombie-like living dead, which are constantly growing. Even Xu Tian's super-strong nerves, seeing such a situation, his heart can't help but tremble , I thought to myself: Could it be that this city is over?Could it be that everyone in this city will become like this?What crime did they do!

The rough Boris frowned after observing for a while, and said: "When they walk, their bodies sway and their feet are staggering, but once they touch a living person, their movements will become as agile as before, and they still have the same characteristics as before. Unprecedented ferocity, madness and bloodthirsty, no pain at all, as for their attack power...I think it seems to have improved to a certain extent, they can convert dead people into their kind, and, it seems, it seems that people The flesh and blood of humans has special meaning to them. You have not noticed that some of these monsters are very powerful individuals. Of course, it is not ruled out that they are very powerful in front of them. It is just that the strength of the few monsters I observed is obviously different after eating human flesh and blood. Significantly enhanced, eh! Yes! They're evolving!"

"What!" The expressions of the surrounding people changed at the same time, with unbelievable expressions on their faces.
Suddenly, Xu Tian suddenly remembered something, his face froze, and he asked in a cold voice: "Have you found out where their weakness is?"

"Head! You can kill them with a headshot!" Laura, who hadn't spoken for a long time, calmly expressed her observation!
At this time, the high-level executives of the Tiandao sub-base and the elite red police had already arrived in the hall, and they could observe the scene without Xu Tian speaking!
Everyone was astonished, and Azkaba's eyes shone even more!
Xu Tian recalled Laura's explanation, and muttered to himself: "It's getting closer and closer to the scene of Resident Evil, so the scene in the movie can be shown in reality! It's weird!"

Bond asked one of the most critical questions, "9528, do you know how this sudden situation occurred?"

9528 hesitated to speak, paused for a while, and said cowardly, "This matter is related to the commander!"

Xu Tian was shocked and said: "What!..."

(End of this chapter)

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