call red alert

Chapter 261 Resident Evil II

Chapter 261 Resident Evil II

Time: morning

Location: Alex Kingdom, King's Capital Stuart, Royal Palace and Political Hall

Characters: High officials of the Kingdom of Alex

Alex 23, who is almost sixty years old, is getting older and haggard, with almost scary bags under his eyes piled up on his face, eyes like dead fish, sitting powerlessly on a high throne, the color of death is quite clear It appeared on his face that he might not have much time to live.

The high-ranking officials and dignitaries below are all powerful people. Decades of experience and official experience can't make them fail to see that His Majesty the King's health has deteriorated to a certain extent, and so far the heir to the kingdom has not yet It is certain that the princes with the highest voices have been waiting for more than ten years, and the few with flexible minds have already decided to find a backer with the highest probability to plan for the future. There are candidates who support each other in secret, but they have not put it on the table in the open. No matter which prince ascends the throne, the four deep-rooted families will not be affected at all, but the ranking of internal strength may have some changes. The position of the leader needs to be changed, but the specifics are because their own affairs are not humane!

It's just that a family can pass it on for thousands of years, so the strength accumulated in it is naturally no small matter!
Kavanagh, who is currently the patriarch of the Atfield family, has guarded the Thunder God Fortress for decades. He is in charge of the most elite troops in the Alex Kingdom. Talented people come forth in large numbers, and in terms of strength, they naturally deserve to be the top of the four major families.

In the ten-year internal qualifying competition, the Atfield family has been re-elected three times, but the ten-year period is approaching. Now the complicated situation of all parties, as well as the recent defeat, the encounters of the immediate family members, and the internal and external troubles The family's prestige has dropped to the lowest point in history, and it has even become the laughing stock of the royal capital's aristocratic circle.

In this world, people who do not have a title cannot be promoted to a title at all, and Jonathan learned from the eyeliner in the palace that Alex 23's health is not very good, it should be said that he is very poor, and the rest of his life is on his fingers. It can be counted, with his current title of grand duke, he will be a prince in the next step, and he can bring the family to the most glorious stage in history.

However, judging from the current situation, this idea is not a good decision. Will the elders of the Xian family agree? The remaining three major families alone will not miss this opportunity. Kavanagh is confident that he can resist the two major families at the same time. However, if the three join forces, it is impossible to resist at all. Moreover, the family is now the wealthiest province in the kingdom. The taxation, army, appointment and dismissal in the territory all ignore the kingdom's laws. China, but will never be able to reach the highest peak.

The four major families have thought about this dream, but as long as the kingdom still exists, it cannot be realized at all. The founding emperor of the Kingdom of Alex has already made arrangements for possible problems in this regard, and the senior officials of the four major families know that, Therefore, they did not dare to act rashly, and could only assist the kingdom with all their heart and control each other, so as to maintain the balance of each other's strength.

Kavanagh's recent depression made him feel very aggrieved. His half-brother's illegitimate half-brother is inhumane, which is shameful enough, but it is also a blessing in disguise. The queen's family members and others have no excuse to be talked about.

However, Ferlin, who was originally the head of the servants, became the captain of the princess's bodyguard as the second person in another big family, which made Kavanagh a little suspicious of His Majesty's decision.

In addition to the defeat in the two fortresses not long ago, the news of the destruction of the Thunder God Legion's elite army has spread among the nobles. Fortunately, the story of Albert's capture has not spread. The tower's powerful strength and influence naturally heard the news. Although they did not leave the Thunder God Fortress, several deputy tower owners headed by Layton jointly lodged a strong protest to the kingdom and unilaterally declared neutrality. In the entire Thunder God Tower, except one Lei Shen Except for the apprentice magician, no one stayed behind, which was beyond their expectation.

I didn't expect the old fellows in the Thunder God Tower to value Xu Tian so much. What's more, Kavanagh and His Majesty the King couldn't find those Thunder God Tower owners at all, and even the Thunder magicians disappeared in the world. It's all weird. Fortunately, the Atlantis Empire didn't get any news about it. Only a few people in the whole kingdom knew about the neutrality of the Thunder God Tower, but they didn't expect that the Atlantis Empire didn't come, but a group of more For a mighty foe, if not...

King Alex 23 on the throne spoke, his weak voice flowed in the hall where a needle could be heard falling, and he said amazingly as soon as he opened his mouth, "Everyone, the kingdom has encountered difficulties since the founding of the country for thousands of years. The biggest crisis, the survival of the kingdom, the key to victory or defeat is all here, the key is that we have not received any news, a large number of enemies seem to appear out of thin air, I really don’t know what the kingdom’s intelligence department is doing!”

Speaking of this, Alex 23rd hit the throne hard, and his anger suddenly shot up, but the force was too strong, his originally weak body flushed, and he coughed violently. The front lightly patted Alex 23 on the back.

Alex 23rd coughed for a while, trying to calm the blood in his body. Not only did the cough not stop, but it became more and more fierce. For a long time, Alex 23rd turned his head and took out a handkerchief to cover his mouth. Only when I got rid of what was suffocating in my heart, did I slow down.

Kavanagh, the leader of the generals on the left, had keen eyesight. His eyes lit up and he clearly saw the bright color on the handkerchief. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Even if His Majesty the King is powerful and owns the whole world, but because of the great fortune, On the contrary, his lifespan was damaged, and he couldn’t devote himself to cultivating martial arts and magic to prolong his life. Even if he could devote himself to cultivation, he couldn’t achieve great success. Although he was prominent, he was born to work hard and had no leisure time. Of course, his health would not be much better! However, His Majesty the 23rd It can be considered that there are few long-lived kings in the past!"

The middle-aged blond, fat, and wretched man who was third on the left side, walked out nonuo, with a belly that was comparable to that of a pregnant woman in October, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, I am guilty, please calm down. Give me three days, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer!"

Sterling had a helpless expression on his face, and thought to himself: "Thunder Fortress is a military zone, and millions of troops are hoarding it. Their scouts didn't detect any problems. Those under me can detect any problems. It's my fault Kavanagh's public disclosure! I'm so unlucky!"

But Sterling knew that His Majesty the King was really angry, so he had to use the most commonly used "dragging" tactic in officialdom. Without him, as long as there was a buffer time, he still couldn't find a suitable one after so many years of operating in the intelligence department. What's more, as the intelligence department of the empire, Sterling knows the body of His Majesty the King better than anyone else. Including His Majesty, the intelligence department has not made any major achievements in foreign activities for so many years, but after dealing with Sterling did not spare any effort to infiltrate Sterling, and he must do everything by himself. It is unknown whether His Majesty the King will survive three days. I can't even make it in time!
Alex 23rd gave Sterling a heavy look, snorted, didn't speak, just waved his hand.

Sterling signaled, retreated into the standing queue, and pretended to wipe the cold sweat off his forehead, but in fact he bit his tongue hard, holding back the pain.

Even so, the people around didn't dare to underestimate him at all. Even the four major families were a little afraid of the energy possessed by Sterling.

Alex 23's spirit became more and more sluggish, and he said in a soft voice: "Kavanagh, you should tell me the specific details!"

Kavanagh bowed slightly, and said with a heavy face: "Everyone, news came from Thunder God Fortress yesterday that the ancient remnants suddenly gathered on a large scale, with a force of more than one million. According to the news from the scouts, there are people in this team Elves and orcs appeared, and presumably the remaining few lost races were among them."

With a sound of "wow", the hall suddenly became noisy. As a noble family with a long history, of course they have heard about the power of the ancient survivors and the establishment of the kingdom, and they all looked at each other and started talking.

Kavanagh watched with cold eyes for a while, took full advantage of their expressions, coughed deeply, and the sound of the clash of gold and stone spread throughout the hall immediately, reverberating unceasingly, and everyone felt a pang in their hearts, restraining their behavior.

Seeing that everyone's eyes and attention were on him, Kavanagh continued: "Although the ancient remnants invaded in the middle of the night, the large-scale attack was discovered long ago. The miraculous continuous curse magic released by Xu broke through the suppression of the forbidden spell of light and disrupted the formation of the vanguard of the ancient survivors. Some special changes may have taken place. We don't know the specific circumstances, but this makes the war Did not happen!
It's just because the enemy is powerful and the air power is also very strong, so I can't observe it carefully. Now I'm discussing with everyone and informing other countries of this news. After all, our Kingdom of Alex is still the most powerful country on the mainland, and the ancient remnants are our enemies. The kind that never dies, everyone knows this very well. If we retreat and lose the number one fortress on the mainland, whether our human world can continue to exist is a question. What do you think we will do? "

Kavanagh kicked the ball to the high-ranking officials present, and everyone cursed inwardly, discussed a lot, and discussed countermeasures.

Suddenly, an urgent voice came, and a panicked figure, a mangled and bloody figure rushed into the council hall, "Report! Your Majesty, everyone, the capital is in chaos, everywhere..."

As the saying goes, external troubles are caused by eliminating internal worries. If you want to know what will happen next, please read the next chapter to break it down...  
(End of this chapter)

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