The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 415 Planning a Big Project

Chapter 415 Planning a Big Project
"Your Majesty, good news from the front line!" Liu Bowen went out to play with a smile on his face. This is the third good news in the past three months. The first time was Cen Xi and Mu Huali's successful crusade against the Eastern Xianbei, and the second time was Xue Rengui's conquest Xi Xianbei.

"General Zhao Kuangyin sent back the victory report, and has successfully taken over the Western Regions and Wusun Grassland!" Liu Bowen opened the victory report and read it slowly. The victory report immediately aroused the cheers of the surrounding courtiers.

"In this way, there are only scattered tribes in the north in Xianbei, and only Goguryeo in the east. As for the rear, it is almost at ease!" Shi Hui clenched his fists and said excitedly.

"Thanks to Your Majesty's sageness, the prosperity and prosperity of my Great Chu!" Naturally, the ministers couldn't do without some compliments, but under this, they were really happy. It has become prosperous and the territory is getting bigger and bigger, and I am happy from the bottom of my heart, especially since everyone is still young, and there are more ambitions waiting to be realized.

"There are still three months until the autumn harvest. At that time, a new batch of people will be recruited! Have the budgets been reported by all regions?" Shi Hui asked immediately.

According to the custom, every autumn harvest, as soon as a large amount of grain began to be harvested, Shi Hui began to recruit people.Last year, because of the war, the number of recruits was relatively reduced. This year, as several states and counties in the Central Plains began to recover, the autumn harvest may be even higher than last year.After all, it shouldn't be a problem to recruit 4000 to [-] million people this time.

"Indeed, all regions have already reported their budgets, and all states, counties, and counties have reported and aggregated their food production and the number of people they can accommodate. This time, the population in the south of the Yangtze River needs to be 500 million, which is relatively low; the land in the Central Plains However, more than 300 million people are needed, and the local agriculture and economy are beginning to recover, which is the key; Hebei and Guanzhong can also start to accept some people, reporting 300 million, but they lack food there, and it is estimated that they have to transport food from Jiangnan Support!" Fang Xuanling has already prepared the corresponding data.

The population in the south of the Yangtze River is mainly needed by Yuezhou and Yunzhou, and there are not many. After all, it is not a matter of one or two years for the virgin forest to be developed and become a qualified residence.In other places, the population is already relatively satisfied, and it will inevitably become a burden after ten years of continuous increase.

In turn, the excess grain production in these places can be used to recruit common people after purchase, and to ensure the short-term living needs of these common people in the Central Plains, Guanzhong and Hebei.

"This year the focus will be on Liangzhou and the Western Regions!" Shi Hui made a decision after a little thought.

"Your Majesty, these two places are sparsely populated, not suitable for farming, and can't accommodate many people..." Liu Bowen said, he didn't know why Shi Hui focused on these two places.

"The problem is that the two places are not suitable for farming!" Shi Hui shook his head, "First of all, the location of the two places, Liangzhou borders Xinzhou, Yizhou and Yongzhou, and is an important hub; An important route along the Northern Silk Road, we need a stable material transfer point..."

Having said that, Shi Hui beckoned, and a secretary came over and handed over a document.

Someone suggested that Shi Hui use eunuchs before. After all, there are many chores in the palace that require men. The problem is that it is not convenient for men to come in a place like the harem. Eunuchs were originally created to deal with such situations.However, Shi Hui rejected this suggestion, saying only that the palace is not big, there are not many things to do, and there is no need for eunuchs.

"I investigated the situation of the Western Regions and Liangzhou in the 400 years from the former Han Dynasty to the present. I found that during these 400 years, the forests have declined sharply, and the vegetation has also declined rapidly. As a result, as the vegetation decreases, the two The more deserts there are in the region, the more severe the drought will be.” Shi Hui ordered someone to hand over the document to Liu Bowen, and then explained it.

After a pause, he continued: "The key is that there are no rivers flowing through these places. As long as there is a drought, the people will face no water available. If the drought lasts for a long time, they can only leave their homes. Under such circumstances, even if tens of millions of people are filled in significance!"

"Your Majesty's meaning..." Liu Bowen briefly glanced at the document, which listed the changes in Liangzhou and the Western Regions in the past 400 years, proving that what Shi Hui said was true, "Do you want to plant more trees in the two places?"

"It's not just planting trees!" Shi Hui nodded, then shook his head, "We also need to build water conservancy projects and build a number of reservoirs to ensure that in rainy years, all counties have enough rainwater to store up. At the same time, Each county has built a certain number of rainwater storage pools to store rainwater so that the people can have enough rainwater to use in the dry season.

The last is drip irrigation technology, which pays attention to the maximum use of water sources to meet the growth of crops.This part of the technology has been researched by the Agricultural College. "

Improving the environment is an eternal topic, especially in the Western Regions, where there is the Taklamakan Desert, the largest desert in China. This area is not that big in this era, and there is still the possibility of saving it.

The key is that the Western Regions largely rely on melting water from icebergs, and there is not enough rain, so it is not easy to afforest, especially if it is to be afforested in this era.

Using storage tanks to store rainwater and then use it in times of drought can be said to be a common method in water-scarce areas. In many cases, it only rains once a year in these places, and people's lives are all dependent on rainwater to maintain.Of course, this is the situation of later generations. In fact, this era is not so short of water.

Shi Hui believes that if he does not bring up the concept of environmental protection and green protection, his descendants may take a long time to notice that the drought in Liangzhou and the Western Regions will double the cost of greening.

"Your Majesty also kept a few 'nature reserves' in the south, is this also out of consideration?" Cheng Yu came out.

"It is precisely because of such considerations!" Shi Hui nodded, "These things are invisible and intangible. If it weren't for the previous data, I wouldn't be able to find the clues. It will make all beasts disappear and thousands of birds disappear. We can’t let our descendants be responsible for the mistakes of our ancestors in a few hundred years, right?”

"Since Your Majesty has sent someone to investigate, there should be no problem with the data!" Fang Xuanling had already read the document once, but he didn't feel anything before, but after reading it, he felt that there were indeed hidden dangers that had not been discovered.It took 400 years for this hidden danger to show some clues, and it is generally ignored by people.

Unexpectedly, Shi Hui could find out that besides admiring Fang Xuanling, he didn't know what to say.

"So the next focus is to build in Liangzhou and the Western Regions on the basis of immigration. This requires a lot of resources and manpower. Fortunately, we have no shortage of manpower, and work for relief can always solve many problems. Now Putting all your efforts into it will save you a lot of trouble in the future, as for the other states, it’s okay to slow down for a year or two, and later Wazhou will start to provide food for the Central Plains, so naturally we can recruit one after another!”

"Your Majesty has far-sighted plans, how can the great Chu not prosper!" Hearing the words, the officials all flattered and couldn't find any reason to refute.

 If water conservancy and greening were repaired 800 years ago, would the climate in Gansu and Xinjiang be slightly improved?
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(End of this chapter)

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