The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 414 Came to See and Conquer It

Chapter 414 Came to See and Conquer It

When Cen Xi arrived, he had already seen the remnants of Mi Jia and Ke Bineng fighting together. At first, he thought that the other party was cheating, but later confirmed that the other party actually intends to surrender to Da Chu, so he maintained a certain degree of vigilance , and together with them wipe out the remnants of Ke Bineng.

After all, Ke Bineng was dignified. He didn't allow himself to be captured, so he fought a bloody battle. After beheading two or three light cavalry, he was shot into a hedgehog by the cavalry archers and fell off his horse.

"Xianbei Patriarch Mi Jia is willing to lead his people to join Da Chu, and I hope the general will take him in!" Mi Jia came to Cen Xi obediently. He had already seen the combat effectiveness of this army.Especially those cavalry archers who can run and shoot, even the most elite cavalry archers of his tribe can't do this.

Resistance is at best a delay in defeat, and eventually his tribe, his wealth, and even his life will be taken away.

"I hope you can always remember what you said today!" Cen Xi looked at the other party, "Since you are willing to surrender, then help lead the way and let us pacify the tribes of Ke Bineng, Su Li and Que Ji one after another!"

"This is what Mijia should do!" Mijia was taken aback when he heard the words. He didn't expect that Dachu's ambitions were so great, and he planned to swallow up their territory, but at this moment, he had no room to refute.

"Relax, you and your tribe will live a stable and prosperous life in the future. During this period of time, you should study the language and characters of Zhuxia well. If you can pass the examination, you may be able to become an official in this land in the future When the time comes, power and wealth will not be worse than before!" Cen Xi could see Mi Jia's entanglement, and he didn't expect a Hu who had just surrendered to be so loyal, but he didn't mind drawing a beautiful picture for him. Flatbread.

"Thanks to General Chu's words!" What else could Mi Jia say, he could only hope that all of this was true.

There are all races of the leading party, even if Mi Jia doesn't help, he can naturally find someone who will.Fortunately, Mi Jia was indeed on the road, and he assigned several cronies to help lead the way, which saved Cen Xi and Mu Huali a lot of trouble.

In a blink of an eye, the camps of the tribes were exposed in front of the Chu army.Originally, these herdsmen who stayed behind, when they saw a troop approaching on the horizon, thought that the clansmen who had gone out to plunder had brought back rich fruits.

Who knew that when the other party approached, they realized that it was not a tribe's army at all, but a Chu people's army. After realizing it, the Hu people who stayed behind for a while got on their horses one after another, even women and old people were no exception.When defending their homeland, they don't care about old people and women, everyone is an excellent knight, and the living environment also destined them to be qualified fighters!
Of course, this so-called qualification is mainly for the general.Facing Dachu's cavalry archers, whether it was the ability to run or the strength of bows and arrows, these Xianbei people could only be crushed.

"Surrender to avoid death, and those who continue to resist will be killed without mercy!" Someone who was proficient in Xianbei language saw the similarity, so they stepped forward and shouted.

Most of the men and old people had already died in battle, and there were also many casualties among the female relatives. By this time, they would no longer be able to resist, and being conquered by the strong was already the norm on the grassland.Perhaps one of their grandmothers was plundered from other tribes.

As for the children, they will all be brought to the mainland for discipline, and they will be named Zhu Xia in a different environment. In addition to long-term ideological education, and of course sufficient labor, the energy of these children will be put on the daily routine. At work, I don't have any extra energy to think about revenge. After a long time, I will gradually accept the setting that I am a citizen of Zhuxia.

Before changing, such hidden dangers were almost killed directly.After all, without this level of education, now that conditions permit, it can be a little kinder, and it is also good for appeasing other female relatives.

"The main thing is the ability of the Xianbei herdsmen to raise livestock. We need to be better..." Cen Xi couldn't help feeling emotional when he saw the Xianbei people who had just been escorted back and were rushed to buy by major commercial firms and aristocratic families.

In recent years, Huaxia has also raised cattle, sheep and horses, but naturally, the Xianbei people who have been with them since childhood are not familiar with these livestock.The population of the Xiongnu is not enough at all, and the Xianbei side is the best supplement.

"Didn't you say that there are millions of Xianbei people in the grassland?" Yu Wencheng was still a little unsatisfied, "Why did you kill hundreds of thousands, and it feels like there are not many left?"

"How many warriors can a nation have? Moreover, what we have conquered so far are only the tribes of Kebineng, Queji, Suli, and Mijia. Xue Rengui is still dealing with Budugen, and at the same time, we can see more tribes going north." There are many traces of tribes, but that is not the target of our attack yet!" Mu Huali reminded after hearing the words.

"Has the governor of Mengzhou been selected? In recent days, it seems that many people have come in to investigate and plan to establish several county towns." Cen Xi asked casually seeing that nothing happened.

"It's been chosen, you might be surprised by this person!" Mu Huali smiled, "If you want to guess, I can give you a hint, she's a girl!"

"At present, there are only a few women who can serve as governors. It is impossible for Concubine Liu and Concubine Shangguan to come here. Huang Yueying is in the Ministry of Industry like a fish in water. If you think about it carefully, there is only one person left who has the ability to serve as governor!" Cen Xi He rolled Mu Huali's eyes, and the moment he knew it was a girl, he almost knew the answer.

Looking at the current imperial court, apart from Xiao Chuo, who else is qualified to be the governor?

"It's just that she was originally born in Dongyi. Will there be any problems if she is appointed as the governor?" Cen Xi was a little worried. If Xiao Chuo served as the governor, would he gradually change back to Dongyi.

"Now it's not like before. A governor's power is so scattered and he doesn't have military power. Could it be that she can do anything with her teeth and claws alone?" Mu Huali was not worried.

"Report!" At this time, a soldier came to report, "General Xue (Xue Rengui) has subdued Budugen. Budugen was in the middle of the war, and he was shot and killed by General Li (Li Zheng) with a halberd. The Xianbei tribes on the border are being subdued one after another!"

"Slow down!" Mu Huali commented upon hearing the words, "What happened in the middle?"

"General Xue harassed Budugen day and night, besieged but did not attack, and when he was restless, he set up a dragon gate to attract the opponent to attack. Budugen led the troops to charge, but ended up entering the gate of death by mistake and was guarded there. Killed General Li! Our army had almost no casualties in this battle, and the enemy had almost no casualties except Budugen's cronies, so they all surrendered." The soldier replied.

"That boy Xue Rengui has a bigger structure than us!" Cen Xi laughed when he heard the words, they mainly focused on conquest, and lost some soldiers, the key was to kill hundreds of thousands of enemy troops along the way.

Fortunately, Xue Rengui used force to coerce, and not to kill was used to treat softness. He forced to surrender more than a dozen tribes in Budugen, and brought back more than three times as many Xianbei tribesmen as them.The key is that there are quite a few young people who can be used for infrastructure construction. It is conceivable that the construction speed over there must be faster than my own.

"Smart people naturally know when to use which method..." Mu Huali also admired Xue Rengui.

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(End of this chapter)

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