The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 378 Set Sail to Goguryeo

Chapter 378 Set Sail to Goguryeo

"I used to be envious of the fact that in the literature, during the reign of Wenjing, the ropes tied to the money in the treasury had become moldy. I didn't expect that after following the lord, I realized that if the currency is not in circulation, it is completely meaningless." Liu Bowen Looking at the documents sent back by the local government, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

After the Shi Hui crossed, they constantly asked the localities to develop local specialties and improve varieties.Caravans also took advantage of the convenience of the fleet to transport a large amount of goods to the north and south of the river.Even lychees produced in Jiaozhou can be bought in Jingbei and Xuzhou.

People buy goods and generate commercial taxes. The commercial tax paid to the state in the past three years is already equivalent to the sum of the taxes paid to the state and Yangzhou in the past.As a result, Shiyan was exempted from paying the state's agricultural tax and poll tax after the Shangzuo was confirmed.As a pilot, if it is feasible, it is only a matter of time before the agricultural tax and poll tax are fully exempted.

However, even so, the tax rate is still rising. Fang Xuanling was puzzled for a while, and Liu Bowen was also confused for three days before he could see clearly the essence of the economy.In the final analysis, no matter how strong their political ability and IQ are, they are only aboriginals during the two Eastern Han Dynasties, and their vision is limited after all.

"Coins are originally just equivalent tokens. The amount of circulation and the amount of circulation will affect their value. Therefore, we must be cautious about the issuance of the three currencies. For example, the white buckskin coins issued by Emperor Wu in the past are precisely because of unrestrained The issuance of the currency, coupled with the private production of fake and inferior white buckskin coins among the nobles, made this currency completely flooded and became worthless, and finally left the market sadly." Shi Hui spread his hands.

"I didn't expect that such a small coin can contain such a profound truth!" Liu Bowen nodded, this is a field he has never been in contact with.

"Actually, if money is used well, then it is not just as simple as currency, it can also become a weapon!" Shi Hui said slowly.The financial war of later generations has also become a battlefield without gunpowder.It's a pity that he doesn't know much, and can only give a rough idea, so he doesn't know if Liu Bowen and others can gain anything.

It has been ten days since the gold, silver and copper coins were issued. During this period, we occasionally saw counterfeit Yunlong coins, and even counterfeit Tenglong coins, which were finally selected by the staff.Merchants who receive this kind of currency can only admit that they are unlucky. Fortunately, it contains some gold and silver. This kind of money can be recycled by banks, but the price is ridiculously low.

The merchants can’t hand it back, after all, the newspaper has recently issued an order: Those who forge gold, silver and copper coins will be killed, and those who have serious circumstances will be three generations old; those who accidentally receive counterfeit coins can take them to the bank and hand them over, otherwise they will have to serve for one year like the users hard labor, or pay heavy fines.

In the past ten days, the newspapers have publicized how to identify the authenticity of currency. If there are still people who don't have eyes, the government will not be polite.After all, the bank is not a charity, and the army and the bandits will also avoid troublemakers.

"Bad currency and counterfeit currency cannot be banned since the emergence of currency. If there is profit, some people will risk their lives to do it. This can only be prevented and dealt with in the long run, and there is no way to completely eradicate it." Hearing such reports , Shi Hui could only shake his head helplessly, greed is the original sin of human nature, as long as there is greed, there is no way to avoid crimes.

But there is no greed, and human beings are not human beings. Perhaps such situations will appear in those utopian novels or movies, but they are more villains in dystopian movies.

"Let's not talk about that first!" Shi Hui picked up another document, "Li Jun is ready, how is Mu Huali's situation?"

Gan Ning was in charge of the expedition fleet. After exploring the four islands of the Wa Kingdom, he went south to explore Southeast Asia, looking for possible sweet potatoes, and of course copper and tin mines.Then travel to Australia, via New Zealand in search of Hawaii, and finally to the American continent in search of cinchona trees, corn, pumpkins, potatoes and tobacco.Oh, and don't forget the peppers!
As long as there is enough food, Shi Hui can fill the entire family with Chinese people within ten years.When the footprints of the Chinese nation spread all over the world!

Li Jun took over the navy and is already on standby at Shanghai Port, with all supplies in place and ready to go north at any time.Their goal is not to go to Wa Island, but to the Lelang County area in Liaodong. Of course, Lelang County has not yet been set up by Gongsun Du.

Follow-up will bring a population of 100 million, a large amount of supplies to the Korean peninsula to settle down, and use it as a stronghold, as a logistics supply point, to ensure that the 30 army led by Mu Huali can have no worries.

Mu Huali was appointed as General Anbei, and the [-] soldiers were recruited first. Zhao Yun and Yuwen Chengdu both served as his deputy and followed him to the north.What Shi Hui asked now was about Mu Huali's preparations.

After all, Mu Huali and the 30 army had to be transported in batches first, and the supplies had to be transported at the same time.The first batch of sea ships have delivered a lot of supplies to Jeju Island, and they only hope to maintain the cost of the army for a certain period of time.

"General Mu is ready, but he has never been on such a long-distance boat before, so it might be uncomfortable." Liu Bowen said with a smile. After all, Mu Huali was born in the grasslands, and he is definitely a landlubber, and he has a certain fear of boats.

Not only him, but Zhao Yun and Yu Wencheng also had concerns in this regard. It is estimated that they would have half their lives left on the Korean peninsula.

"There's no way around this. After all, it's still between Jizhou and Qingzhou, and the boat trip is only three to five days away. Let him support it a bit. In addition, we need to deploy two more doctors and prepare more medicines." Shi Hui was also helpless, and also Because Mu Huali is most familiar with the grasslands, it is the most suitable choice for him to go north.

"The subordinates will pass on the master's order!" Liu Bowen nodded, "In addition, what do you think of the plan submitted by General Mu?"

"Yes, I allow him to act freely! His target is Youzhou, which also includes Goguryeo and Fuyu, and may even include Wuhuan and Xianbei. How to fight is up to him. We will help in terms of supplies! But it must be done. Let him prepare the report and budget!" Shi Hui nodded.

Mu Huali had submitted a plan earlier, intending to obtain supplies by looting Goguryeo and Fuyu after arriving in Liaodong, so as to reduce the supply demand in the rear.As for the looted items, it was mainly horses and furs, and of course livestock.

Shi Hui sent people to Mu Huali to send a piece of technology, more than 30 craftsmen, but the specific product could not be made due to the lack of raw materials. After Mu Huali got this technology, he was also very eager to produce finished products. Look.

"Do the other three-way armies also follow this?" Liu Bowen asked.

"Since the legion has been formed, they naturally have a certain degree of autonomy!" Shi Hui nodded. Since there is no need to worry about the soldiers' betrayal, why waste time attacking bit by bit?War is omnipotent, and besides, those legion commanders probably don't like someone holding them back.

"Being able to establish a legion, and trusting so much in the head of the legion, throughout the ages, there is probably only the lord!" Liu Bowen couldn't help but sigh with emotion. No monarch has ever dared to give such a large amount of autonomy to his generals, only Shi Hui dared to do that.

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(End of this chapter)

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