The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 377 Recognized upon issuance

Chapter 377 Recognized upon issuance

The Han court was the same as before, mainly using five baht coins, supplemented by gold cakes.No one has ever added silver to the currency unit, let alone casting it directly into currency like Shi Hui.

There are also craftsmanship, but the Shi Hui has obviously been premeditated for a long time, and the fineness and quality of the casting are very high.The gold and silver coins of Shihuina are obviously not made of pure gold and silver. The ratio of other metals will lead to the depreciation or appreciation of gold and silver coins.For the Guanzhong court, the most important thing is that they do not have so many gold and silver reserves.

Without this, issuing currency is not supported at all.Zhou Yu even suspected that Shi Hui was able to launch the gold, silver and copper currency system at this time, probably because he had been premeditating for more than three years.

If this is the case, this enemy is too terrifying, and his thoughts seem to be unconstrained, with no logic at all.But for a certain badge, these ideas suddenly exploded with astonishing power.What is really amazing is that he is obviously a general, but he is also very talented in politics, agriculture and business, and has high achievements in mathematics.

Was he self-taught, or did he have other mentors besides Zheng Xuan?You must know that a lot of his knowledge has nothing to do with the mainstream knowledge of this era. He has studied Confucian classics, and it can be seen that he only studied for the purpose of being able to mix into the scholar class.Just look at the current Confucian schools in Chu, who are arguing over the issue of pre-Qin classics, and he knows it without much attention.

Zhou Yu even believed that the issuance of gold, silver and copper coins by Shihui might be in other places, and there would be longer-term plans.Just as an original native, it is really difficult for him to understand financial knowledge.

"Then can a batch of counterfeit coins be minted and spread in the market to crack down on their currency issuance?" Liu Xie felt that the currency issuance might be put on hold, but it is entirely possible to try to interfere with Shihui's currency issuance.

"This may be possible, but the quality will be poor, and this behavior will be easily criticized. Therefore, it is not suitable for the imperial court to take the initiative, and it is better for the people to do it spontaneously. For example, the Zhen family of Yecheng!" Zhou Yu suggested.

Zhen's is the largest grain merchant in Hebei, and also runs other businesses concurrently.Zhen Yi's wife, Mrs. Zhang, is from Zhongshan. Mrs. Zhang is a wealthy businessman in Zhongshan. Her elder brother, Mr. Zhang Shiping, is the largest horse dealer in Jizhou and even Hebei, and even monopolizes a large part of the iron ore business.

Otherwise, there would not have been so many horses and iron to support the three brothers Liu Bei.

"Okay, that's it!" Liu Xie agreed without thinking.Regarding the Zhen family, in fact, he still has a lot of complaints. He heard that Zhen Mi of the Zhen family was beautiful, and it was rumored that when she was a child, there was an expert who said that this girl would definitely become a queen.With this rumor, Liu Xie naturally wanted to meet him, only to hear that Zhen Mi had gone south to Chudi, and the Jinshi who had passed the examination was now working in the Imperial Academy.

Thinking of this, Liu Xie didn't like Zhen Shi very much.It seems that Zhen Mi was the one who looked down on him when he was sent to the south.

"I'll arrange it now!" Zhou Yu seemed to feel Liu Xie's emotion, and after sighing in his heart, he began to arrange it.As for the Zhen family, Hebei is already the territory of the imperial court at this moment, unless they intend to be punished by the clan, otherwise it is impossible to protest.In particular, Zhen Yi's three sons all served in the imperial court!
Sure enough, after hearing the court's decision, Mrs. Zhang hesitated for a moment, but still had no choice but to agree.After sending the messenger away, Mrs. Zhang locked herself in her room for one night, and sent someone to secretly deliver a letter to Shi Hui the next day.It was not delivered directly, but sent out through Jin Yiwei.

Perhaps the imperial court didn't know it at all, since Jia Xu found out that Zhen Mi was going south for the exam, Jia Xu took this opportunity to get in touch with the Zhen family, and took the opportunity to ask the Zhang family to help arrange the Jinyiwei people to settle down in Hebei, and further disguised themselves.

Thanks to Zhang's help, Jin Yiwei's eyeliner has spread all over Hebei, and even Youzhou has arranged a group, so that what happened there can be delivered to Jia Xu's hands as soon as possible.This time, Mrs. Zhang sent the letter through Jin Yiwei.

"That little emperor, is he still shameless?" Shi Hui looked at the information and was immediately upset.This is the time when gold, silver and copper coins are about to be formally tested by the market, and the little emperor in Guanzhong actually came to make trouble.

It feels like the "Zuo Zhuan" faction in the Western Han Dynasty. Whatever Gongyang was in favor of, they opposed it, and even directly tampered with the content of "Zuo Shi Chun Qiu" in order to oppose it.

That little emperor didn't care about the war situation in the Western Regions, didn't care about the Xianbei and Wuhuan in the north, didn't think about how to strengthen the imperial examinations, how to strengthen the army, and even took care of such nosy things, it was all aimed at him!

"Notice... No, it is mainly promoted through newspapers and periodicals. There is no need to deliberately use second- and third-rate newspapers and periodicals for publicity. It is said that there are some criminals in the market who are trying to make some low-quality Yunlong coins for profit, so that people should be careful. .” Shi Hui immediately issued an order.

"My lord, my subordinates don't think it needs to be so troublesome!" Liu Bowen stepped forward, "We just need to ensure that the bank will not receive the price, as for whether they receive fake money in the market, it can only be used as a lesson for buying money. Without personal pain, who would care whether the Yunlong coin in his hand is real or a fake Yunlong coin?"

Indeed, if they are all gold and silver, then it doesn't matter whether they are true or not, they are equivalent after melting anyway.Only in terms of value, of course, it has shrunk greatly, but at least it will not lose all the pants.

As Liu Bowen said, it would be good to teach them a lesson!Anyway, those who can exchange Yunlong coins are basically big families, at least rich people, and the common people will not suffer losses, so that's good!

At first, gold, silver and copper coins were issued instead of banknotes in one step, because of this consideration.

Time passed little by little, from March to April, Shi Hui basically spent every day at work.Huang Yueying has been transferred to the minting supervisor of Shaofu as the deputy supervisor, responsible for the supervision of coin minting and the improvement of technology.

So Shi Hui has a new secretary, a woman with sharp eyes and high talent - Xiao Chuo.This person still has the obvious appearance of a barbarian, and he has not been naturalized for a long time after all.The behavior is also relatively lively, and even bolder.

Yes, this woman had publicly wooed Shi Hui on the day she took office.Shi Hui can still recall how Liu Bowen and his group of scribes turned their backs and shrugged their shoulders slightly.

Of course, now is not the time to talk about this. As the buffer period of one month has passed, the brewing of gold, silver and copper currencies has reached its peak. Many people know that there is such a thing, and they all know the exchange ratio between various coins .As long as everyone is waiting, waiting for the day of the official release.

Under the eyes of everyone, when the bank opened its doors on April [-]st, it officially announced: "From today, the bank officially opens the exchange of gold, silver and copper coins, and can also issue silver tickets directly!"

Merchants naturally prefer to exchange bank notes. After all, as long as they are not bearer bank notes, they must be exchanged in person, which means that the transaction process will be more convenient and safer.However, out of love for the three currencies, I also exchanged some.

Not to mention the common people, since the day the three currencies were issued, they have been recognized by the common people and began to be exchanged in large quantities!
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(End of this chapter)

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