The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 317 I'm Sorry This Way Is Nowhere

Chapter 317 I'm Sorry This Way Is Nowhere

Ruan Xiaoer didn't need to be on duty originally, he didn't need to replace Ruan Xiaowu until dawn.It's just that he didn't know why he was restless and woke up in the middle of the night.

Immediately afterwards, a soldier came to report that he found the beacon fire at the frontline patrol point.This is the signal that the two brothers prepared to meet the enemy according to what the military adviser said.Even in the middle of the night, as two beacon fires were lit on the high platform, they could be seen from three miles away.

Then, on the basis of two miles, a large number of such beacon towers are set up, so that the rear can know whether the enemy appears and where it appears.You only need to follow the route of the beacon tower to pursue, and you can finally find the enemy's track.

Beacon towers like this, according to Liu Bowen's suggestion, will be arranged on the basis of two miles on the front line, and dedicated soldiers will be on duty day and night.As long as the enemy appears within this range, immediately ignite the wolf smoke, so that even if the enemy can detour behind, there will be nowhere to hide.It's a pity that it's only being used in the Jingzhou battlefield, and the Xuzhou battlefield doesn't know about it.

As a result, the army led the army to kill, and corpses could still be seen on the river, most of them belonged to the enemy army. Occasionally, there would be one or two soldiers of our own army who were attacked and killed by the quick-reacting enemy army, but they were a minority after all.In the end, I saw a group of enemy soldiers who seemed a little at a loss on the shore, and they didn't know why they stayed here.

Fortunately, Ruan Xiaoer was not as stupid as Ruan Xiaoqi, he soon understood that Erlang was probably chasing the enemy headquarters, but as for the 500 people, they stayed behind.Although it is not worth mentioning, it can also be stuffed between the teeth.

"Meet the enemy!" After all, Zhang Cai was a military lord for a long time, and he immediately realized that he was going to fight.It's just that what Ruan Xiaoer brought here was not a thousand patrol soldiers, but five thousand elite soldiers from the Navy.

"A mere five hundred infantry, what can we use to stop us? Crossbowmen, shoot them!" Ruan Xiaoer was not interested in wasting time with them at all, so he beckoned, and the crossbowmen began to come to the bow, regardless of the consumption. Now, shooting and killing these 500 people is just a piece of cake.

"Too many arrows were wasted, be careful next time!" Ruan Xiaoer was a little heartbroken, and turned around to reprimand him.However, there is no actual punishment. Anyway, they still have a lot of supplies in the cabin.

"Continue to go north, our target should be in the north!" Looking at the beacon fire in the distance, Ruan Xiaoer knew exactly where the enemy was.Basically, after Zhang Liao and the others were discovered, as they fled northward on land, as long as they were within the detection range of the beacon tower, someone would light the beacon fire immediately.

Let's talk about Zhang Liao's side, passing by the Beacon Tower by chance, watching them light the Beacon Fire from a distance, he immediately understood the function of this thing, and his face immediately became gloomy.

"The enemy has completely grasped our whereabouts, and we must find a way to cross the river!" Zhang Liao ordered directly.

"At the end of the day, look around the coast to see if you can find something that can cross the river..." Cai Mao had no choice but to swim directly across the Jingzhou navy, so naturally there would be no problem.But the real problem is that among them, there are more than 500 soldiers who are not familiar with water, and they are all Zhang Liao's personal guards.

In fact, Zhang Liao had learned to swim urgently for a few days, but it was impossible for him to swim wearing a suit of armor and holding a weapon.No matter what, at least there must be a way to send all the 500 people there.

"General, I found some boats on the shore!" Not long after, when Zhang Liao killed those patrolling field soldiers, someone under Cai Mao's command had already found some small boats, and not long after, more than a hundred people could be allowed to cross the river.

"General, get on board!" Cai Mao had no choice but to let Zhang Liao and the others go first.In fact, if he could, he didn't want to swim across the river, after all, the river water at night was actually a bit too cold.

"Okay..." Zhang Liao naturally understood Cai Mao's helplessness, this time he was the one who dragged Cai Mao down.It's just that who can know that the original sneak attack has to become a water battle. How can he, a northern man from Yanmen, be able to swim?
If it was a land battle, even if it was a tough battle, he would have the confidence to kill seven in and seven out with a knife, but if he was allowed to swim, he would barely drown, and it would be difficult for him to play tricks.

He simply led a hundred soldiers across the river, but he didn't want a fleet to approach them quickly. After a while, they were already behind them, separating them from Cai Mao's troops behind.

"Hey, since you're here, why don't you come to the army and have a cup of tea before leaving?" Ruan Xiaoer looked at Cai Mao who hadn't boarded the ship, and said with great interest, then waved his hand, and the crossbowmen were ready to shoot preparation.

"No way, I really want to ask for a cup of tea!" Cai Mao was already ready to fight.Looking at Ruan Xiaoer's five thousand elite soldiers, he knew he couldn't escape this time.

These soldiers are different from ordinary sailors. They also have strong land combat capabilities, or they are soldiers specially trained to adapt to landing warfare.Shi Hui even gave this unit a name, called the Marine Corps.

"Cai Mao, I'm here to help you!" Seeing this, Zhang Liao gritted his teeth, even if it was a gang fight, he had to fight the opponent.

"Let's go, general, here we are the queen!" Cai Hao shouted, one of his two older sisters married Huang Chengyan as his successor, and the other married Liu Biao as his successor. That's fine; the former took Jiangxia Huang's family, and many of his children took part in the imperial examinations, and they were closer to Shihui, so there was no risk for him to stay.

Instead, cover Zhang Liao to leave, then the other party will definitely accept his love in the future.To Wanbu, he understood that if he wanted to be happy, he had to follow Shi Hui, and if he continued to talk about orthodoxy, it was already farting.

He even doubted that Shi Hui used Yangzhou shepherd to occupy Jingzhou, would he be willing to continue to be Yangzhou shepherd?The next step, I am afraid that he will be called the public, and then lead the army north to the side of the Qing emperor, right?Finally, there is another abdication, everything is so perfect!
Seeing Cai Mao's firm attitude, Zhang Liao gritted his teeth and was about to lead his army across the river, but he didn't want to just get to the bank, but saw a lot of things like reeds sticking out of the water, one by one after a while The figure jumped into their boat, but shook all their soldiers into the water.

Zhang Liao was wearing armor, so he was the one who suffered the most. In a daze, a few hands groped towards him, took off his armor and took away his weapon in two or three strokes.Immediately, a buoyancy appeared, and several days of swimming training finally paid off.

He managed to get out of the water, but saw Ruan Xiaowu standing there with a smile on top of the boat he was originally riding on.

At this moment, seeing Zhang Liao showing his head, he bent down and said jokingly, "General Zhang, why did you come here? We have been in the water for a long time, and it is still quite cold, Zhang Jiang, are you cold?" ? Do you want to come up and warm yourself by the fire?"

"That's all!" Zhang Liao just felt decadent. At this point, there was no point in fighting.

At dawn, Ruan Xiaoer and Ruan Xiaowu escorted Cai Mao and Zhang Liao, as well as the [-] captured soldiers, to the Deng county camp, and sent them to Shi Hui...

 How should I put it... I've been addicted to games recently, and as a result, I've lost the time to code... For Chapter 2, I try to get up and code as soon as possible.Some time ago, it was almost all work + code words + sleep, and I seldom had a good time. It seems that I have been depressed for too long.

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(End of this chapter)

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