The Great Explosion of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 316 Short Life 2 Lang Ruan Xiao 5

Chapter 316 Short-lived Erlang Ruan Xiaowu

Earlier, I received an order from the military division, saying that the enemy would avoid fighting and must find another way.If we can't fight head-on, I'm afraid we will send surprise soldiers to attack the grain road.So they asked the two brothers to take turns patrolling the Han River, but unexpectedly caught a big fish.

"Fanjiang Zhonglang, Ruan Xiaowu, I'll wait here for a long time!" Ruan Xiaowu clasped his fists at the two of them as a salute.

As soon as he received the news, he had sent someone back to report the news, and within a quarter of an hour, someone would come to support him.The distance between the two patrol points is only two miles, and they can be easily reached by water.

"Are you Ruan Xiaowu, one of the 'Three Heroes of the Ruan Family' under Na Shihui's command?" Zhang Liao had obviously heard of Ruan Xiaowu's name, or the main generals under Shi Hui's command. understand.

In other words, if you go south along the Han River, you must meet the opponent's navy. If you don't even understand these basic information, you will definitely suffer a loss if you do meet.

"I didn't expect Your Excellency to know this general?" Ruan Xiaowu was a little surprised when he heard this, but immediately wanted to understand the reason.

"Three lucky guys. I heard that they were just three fishermen in Qingzhou before they became official. They also used to be a ranger. If it weren't for the value of Shi Hui, I'm afraid they are still fishing in their hometown." Cai Mao is disdainful, "I heard your third brother It's called Ruan Xiaoqi, in other words, there should be four brothers in your clan, why don't you defect to Shi Hui's command together?"

"Hey, this general is knowledgeable!" Faced with Cai Mao's disdain, Ruan Xiaowu didn't care too much. Before he became an official, he was not only a general from a family like Cai Hao, but only some rural gentry, he treated them like this Like, "It's not that uncle left his hometown early for refuge, and now he doesn't know where he has gone... Thinking that the four brothers have not yet been able to become officials, the three of us are also anxious!"

"Degui. Don't talk nonsense with him, he is obviously delaying time." Zhang Liao immediately saw through Ruan Xiaowu's intentions.

"Don't worry, general, he can't delay at all! Even if we can't go south, it's no problem to keep the thousand sailors behind!" Cai Mao clapped his hands, and the thousand soldiers who were waiting for the opportunity quickly moved towards Ruan Xiao Wu's fleet ran away, and soon entered the battle.

"Hey, what an impatient guest!" Ruan Xiaowu laughed when he saw this, "Come on, ladies and gentlemen, do you want to eat bandao noodles or chaotic noodles?"

"How about the bandao noodles? How about the chaotic noodles?" Zhang Liao was a little curious when he heard it for the first time.

"That's easy to say!" Ruan Xiaowu pulled out the sharp knife at his waist, "On the side of the knife, you will be hacked to death with random knives, but on the side of chaos, you will jump off the boat and drown yourself."

"How about we treat you to eat?" Zhang Liao snorted coldly, but it was a pity that he couldn't get into the water at all, so he could only rely on Cai Mao's ability.

"So that the guests can understand!" Ruan Xiaowu swung his knife and killed an enemy soldier who was rushing towards him. People can shorten my life!"

Among the three brothers, he has the weakest force, but the most flexible mind.Although not as majestic as the eldest brother 'Lidi Taisui', the third child 'Huo Yan Luo' has also earned the name of 'Short Life Erlang'.In their place, short life means robbing. Short life does not mean that his name is not long-lasting, but that he specializes in robbing people's lives. The extended meaning is that no one can rob his life.

After killing someone, he didn't stay on the boat, he jumped directly into the Han River immediately.Not long after, nearly a thousand people had completely disappeared on the river, leaving empty boats behind.

Zhang Liao was surprised when suddenly several figures sprang out from the river, grabbed the legs and feet of the enemy soldiers walking on the boat, and pulled them directly into the water.Before the soldier came back to his senses, his chest was stabbed a few times with a sharp knife, and he suddenly fell silent.

It has to be said that Ruan Xiaowu's army is vicious, and they specifically stab people's lungs.Their lungs were punctured, and these soldiers couldn't breathe even if they were still alive. They could only walk the last part of the road under suffocation, almost with boundless fear and pain.

"Pfft!" Ruan Xiaowu jumped out of the water, and then trotted for a while, killing five soldiers by surprise, the sharp knife fell with the knife, and five lives were lost by him.

"It's exciting in the water, do you want to come down to play, General?" Ruan Xiaowu shouted towards the shore, and then jumped into the river again.In the time of meeting each other, his thousand soldiers had already killed hundreds.

Seeing this, the two thousand soldiers on the shore were immediately terrified.The enemy can't see at all, and the road can't be seen in the dark water. How can this be fought?They didn't know that this was Ruan Xiaowu's cleverness. Torches were placed all over the boat, and they knew the enemy's situation clearly. However, they were in the water, and the enemy couldn't see them. caught off guard.

"Hmph, it's okay if you don't board the boat, you guys play slowly in the water, let's go!" Zhang Liao obviously realized what the other party was thinking, and simply signaled to the remaining soldiers to leave directly by land.

"You can't go fast on the land, our people are all along the coast!" Ruan Xiaowu showed his head in the Han River, "In less than an hour, you will be surrounded, take the boat and leave, maybe you still have a chance to survive!"

Zhang Liao was very helpless, because he knew very well that what Ruan Xiaowu said was indeed true.If we continue to stay, not only the other soldiers of the Navy will surround us, but the key point is that anyone can guarantee whether the enemy army in Deng County will send cavalry over.

If they want to return north safely, they must at least reach the other side first.However, all their ships have been pierced, and although the enemy army also has ships, it is not so easy to board the ship as the opponent is watching.

"My lord!" One of the military officers stepped forward, "I'll come to the back of the palace, and the two generals will go straight north. They just need to walk a certain distance and find a way to cross the river!"

"Well, that's it! What's your name, what can I do?" Zhang Liao asked.

"Subordinate Zhang Cai, Zhang Jiating from Xiangyang, if the general regains Xiangyang, please take good care of my wife and children!" Zhang Cai is not polite, he knows that this is to use his life to fight for the future.

"Okay, I'll remember!" After Zhang Liao finished speaking, Cai Mao immediately left the battle line and began to evacuate north.But Zhang Cai didn't say anything when he saw this, and shouted at the soldiers of the headquarters, "My sons, it's time to be loyal to the court!"

There is an organization in the army, you only need to know who the military officer is, and naturally you also know who the soldiers are.Naturally, Zhang Liao would not only treat Zhang Cai favorably, but everyone else would take care of them, and these soldiers could more or less understand.

So they have nothing to worry about and are ready to fight.

"Hey, there were fewer people with me back then, otherwise, when you were still in the middle of the river, you wouldn't even be able to reach the shore. This is not good, let the big fish go!" Seeing this, Ruan Xiaowu immediately ordered The soldiers boarded the boat and then sailed away.

Zhang Cai was stunned for a moment, he didn't know what he should do now, seeing the enemy disappearing into the night, he could only follow him northward, trying to join Zhang Liao and the others.

"Where are you planning to go?" Just as they were about to leave, there was a fleet moving towards them quickly, "Have you asked me 'Lidi Taisui' Ruan Xiaoer?!"

 Chapter 2... Please bookmark, please recommend, please subscribe!


(End of this chapter)

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