Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 83 Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly

Chapter 83 Breaking the Cocoon into a Butterfly
For Xingzi, who looks like a local ruffian, the charter wife has always looked down on her. If she doesn't work hard, she will live by extortion and robbery.

The last time the ax helped to make trouble in Pigpen Walled City, the cause was Xingzai. If it hadn’t happened, the coolie and the three of them wouldn’t have exposed their martial arts, and the renter didn’t have to work hard to keep them. The matter has been resolved by Wu Xian, but the charterer still has lingering fears.

When Wu Xian led him here, the renter thought that she had misjudged the person, but she didn't expect it to be the star boy she had always looked down upon, who needed to get through the second channel.

After all, she had already agreed to Wu Xian, so she couldn't say anything, and with a grudge in her heart, she helped Wu Xian break Xingzi's second line of Ren and Du.

The natural gathering of vitality in the body has already surprised the charterer. The mixed internal force of the three will be completely destroyed even if the iron wall is next to each other. hair tough.

Under such severe pain, Xingzai did not fall into a coma, and the charter wife's impression of Xingzai has changed a lot.

It is said that the husband and wife are of the same heart, the charter wife is like this, and the charter husband also got to know Xingzi again.

Wu Xian's heart was also full of shock. When the internal force hit the blocked meridians of Xingzai's body, he used his mental power to explore the condition of Xingzai's body.

The meridians are connected, and the vitality that was originally segregated gathered together. Under the pressure of Wu Xian's internal force, it gradually transformed into true qi, tempering Xingzi's meridians and bones.

The speed of transformation of vitality was accelerated, and the condensed true energy turned against the guest, carrying the gathered internal force of Wu Xian and the three of them to hit the final checkpoint.


The biggest obstacle was broken away by the billowing vitality, which marked the official opening of the two veins of Xingzi, Ren and Du.

A strong wind blew up on the flat ground, forming a huge tornado around Xingzai.

The curtains in the temple were rustling, and the dilapidated doors creaked.

Unable to bear the pressure from the wind, Wu Xian and the others stood up one after another and stood behind the Buddha statue.

Although the wind was strange, it didn't do any harm to Xingzi. Sitting in the center of the whirlwind, the blood on Xingzi's body surface was blown away by the wind. Majestic colors.

As if Xingzai didn't notice the whirlwind, he stood up suddenly and performed martial arts.

The whirlwind moved with Xingzi, and never broke through the temple. Even at the end, the curtains hanging on the temple calmed down, as if the wind seemed to be born for Xingzi.

Hiding behind the Buddha statue, the charter woman looked at Xingzai, and patted the charter man on the shoulder: "Do you feel that this set of martial arts he performs is somewhat familiar."

"That's right, you can see the extraordinaryness of this set of martial arts from the way he starts. It's true that he feels a little familiar, but he just can't remember it for a while."

Wu Xian's heart moved, and he blurted out: "Could it be that this is the long-lost "Tathagata Palm"?"

"When you said that, I also remembered that the famous martial arts skills were robbed by people in the martial arts for many years, but later disappeared with the martial arts for unknown reasons. Many people gambled and failed to find them. I didn't expect that they would appear here in the world. .”

The charterer was stunned, and pinched himself hard.


After making sure that he was not dreaming, Bao Zugong suddenly stared at Wu Xian.

"Where did you find the person who not only has all the conditions to enter the innate, but also possesses the heaven-defying skill of "Tathagata God's Palm". I really admire you."

The charter woman was not in shock like the charter man, but instead asked Wu Xian with a serious face.

"What kind of heart is this person? Are you sure in your heart? If you can't stand the temptation brought by strong force and fall into the devil's way, then we will be sinners through the ages."

When Wu Xian was asked this question, he suddenly had no idea. In the face of peerless martial arts, ordinary people simply cannot resist its temptation. Once you have martial arts and are invincible, what will be the first thing you do?
What will you do next?
Before he got the system, Wu Xian had imagined that one day, he would definitely indulge his desires and do whatever he wanted, but he never thought about what would lead to it.

This is the situation that Xingzi is facing now.

Wu Xian has always looked at the characters' personalities based on the plot. The surface is true, but he doesn't know what's inside.

The previous absolute trust in Xingzi has already had gaps, and Wu Xian is not sure how Xingzi will choose in the end.

Seeing that Wu Xian didn't answer, the charter woman already knew it by heart.

Holding the hand of the charterer, he took a step forward, and the eyes of the charterer flashed fiercely.

"Wu Xian, you are still young, so leave the matter here to us. If we create a monster, we will not let him leave even if we risk our lives."

"It just so happens that I also want to see if the Taijiquan I have practiced for many years has improved. You should leave quickly, boy, so as not to accidentally injure you." Bao Zugong also clenched his fists and stared at the whirlwind. Xingzi.

It's just that Wu Xian stood there without moving, and didn't even answer Bao Zugong's words. Since he chose Xingzi, he must persist until the end.

Even if Xingzi really kills them, he still has a way to escape, at worst, find a place to hide, spend the rest of the time, and leave this world.

Xingzi, who was in the middle of the whirlwind, was in a mysterious state at this time. All the mysteries and details of the "Tathagata God's Palm" he had practiced before were all arranged in his mind, and he gradually understood what he didn't understand.

New insights and experiences were generated in his mind, and Xingzi could feel the power of his palm now unimaginable.

In vain, Xingzi stood still, and the whirlwind around him dissipated.

Immediately, the hearts of the three of Wu Xian tightened up, and their internal energy began to flow, looking at Xingzi vigilantly.

After a long time, Xingzi opened his eyes, with a light shining in his eyes.

Turning around, Xingzai looked at Wu Xian and the three standing in front of him. He was silent for a while, then knelt down on the ground, and respectfully kowtowed: "Thank you for your help, otherwise I wouldn't understand Even if you understand the true meaning of "Tathagata God's Palm", you will not really know and understand your original mind."

The three looked at each other and smiled, Wu Xian stretched out his hand to help Xingzai up: "This is all your own good fortune, we just helped behind, if you don't work hard, we can't help it."

"You are the one who helped me the most. Without you, I might still be wandering on the streets and join the Ax Gang against my heart. I deserve this thank you."

As described in the plot, Xingzi, who has opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, has undergone earth-shaking changes in his temperament, and his behavior reveals the demeanor of a master. He really broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly.

(End of this chapter)

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