Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 82 Methods

Chapter 82 Methods
When Bao Zugong talked about his son, he could no longer control his emotions freely, tears dripped down, and he stared blankly at the distant sky.

Wu Xian didn't say anything, he only knew that the son of the charter wife Bao Zugong was beaten to death during their martial arts competition, and he didn't know the right and wrong of it.

For an octogenarian, it stands to reason that his body functions have already degenerated, and his martial arts cultivation has also been weakened due to the decline in his physical fitness. Under such circumstances, not to mention fighting with others, even strenuous activities will lead to danger.

But this old man, just stepped into the innate realm, was able to decipher the combined moves of the "Love of Condor Heroes", and then beat them to serious injuries. The two were rescued.

Maybe in his eyes, the two of them are just clowns, and it's not worth killing them and dirtying his hands.

Wu Xian was very puzzled at this time, what kind of concept is this innate realm? Why did Bao Zugong say that they are invincible together?

Bao Zugong has come to his senses, wiped away his tears, and his face is very solemn.

"Now you should know the pros and cons of it. I also want to witness the birth of a peerless master in the innate realm, but the price I need to pay is too high, and I dare not take the risk."

"What you mean is that there is a way to break Ren Du's second line?"

The charter master sighed: "Why don't you understand, I do know how to get through, but I won't talk about it."

Seeing that the charterer's face was a little ugly, he was very stubborn, and he refused to say a way, Wu Xian also lost his mind for a while.

You can't beat them, and you can't scold them. The current charterer is really like a stone in a latrine - smelly and hard.

"What are you two doing there? You lived a very comfortable life, old man, are you free and have nothing to do, hurry up and choose vegetables for me."

This loud voice could be heard hundreds of meters away, who else could it be if it wasn't a charter woman.

The charterer sat there motionless, and this suddenly angered the charterer, she went up and grabbed his ear, and was about to scold, but seeing the look of the charterer, looked at Wu Xian again, and let go.

"What's the matter with you, you all became dumb in just such a short while, and your faces are still so ugly."

The charterer didn't answer, so Wu Xian had no choice but to bite the bullet and repeat everything they talked about just now, word for word.

After listening, the charter woman also fell into silence, but then she asked very seriously.

"Are you serious? Now that you know what the consequences will be, you still want to do it?"

Wu Xian nodded.

"Okay." The charter woman shouted, "How do you feel about the character of the person you mentioned?"

Xingzi was originally a kind-hearted person, and he wanted to uphold justice and punish criminals with passion. It was just a word from the old beggar. If you can save the world and maintain world peace, you will hand over all your belongings to the old beggar and change your life. This book is "Tathagata God's Palm".

Although he was humiliated because he saved the little girl, he had the idea that a good man would not be rewarded, but in the end he chose to follow his heart and became a policeman.

Wu Xian is not from this world, he will leave sooner or later, after disappearing, what will happen is unpredictable, so he wants to find someone with peerless martial arts to maintain world peace, and Xingzi is the best candidate.

This is not a secondary school, but just to satisfy Xingzi's wish.

Wu Xian is also very curious about what kind of force will be displayed in the innate realm.

It's just that the biggest problem right now is Bao Zugong. Without him, Wu Xian doesn't know how to break the two veins of Ren and Du.


The charter woman slapped the charter man on the shoulder, making him tremble in fright.

"Since Wu Xian you trust this person, then we also trust him. The old man will tell you the method."

His eyes were wide open, and the charterer couldn't believe it: "You're serious, but"

"It's nothing to worry about. Don't you also want to see what will happen if you break the acquired and enter the innate?"

Seeing that the charter woman didn't seem to be joking, the charter man also decided to fight.

"The way to get through Ren and Du's two veins is not difficult but not easy, the main thing is..."

The three of them sat in a circle, discussing the specific implementation steps.

Until the afternoon, Wu Xian returned to the police station.

After checking the bureau's investigation of Xingzai's recent situation, Wu Xian asked someone to bring Xingzai to the previous inspector's office.

Although it was the second time seeing Wu Xian, Xingzai was still a little uncomfortable, sitting on the sofa was a little unbearable.

Wu Xian just asked indifferently.

"If you have peerless martial arts and no one can match you, what will you do?"

what!Apparently Xingzi was a little surprised by this question, he didn't expect Wu Xian to ask such an unrealistic question, so he could only stumble and say: "I haven't figured it out yet, but this is also."

"It's too childish, isn't it?"

Xingzi froze, and hurriedly explained: "No, I didn't mean that."

Wu Xian waved his hand, did not let him continue to explain, and asked directly: "If you have peerless martial arts and you haven't figured it out yet, what will you do when you really have peerless martial arts?"

Xingzai hesitated, feeling unable to answer.

"Relax, everyone has a master's dream, I believe you are no exception, just say what you want to do, it won't come true anyway, right!"

Wu Xian's words hit Xingzai's heart, thinking that when he was young, in order to maintain world peace, he gave up the money he had saved so hard to be a lawyer and doctor, and bought it from the old beggar instead. The martial arts cheats.

Now he joined the police station and became a police officer, didn't he just want to continue what he hadn't done back then.

There was no hesitation in Xingzi's eyes, and he said it firmly.

"If I have martial arts, if I am an unrivaled hero, I will definitely punish all the villains. I swear, I will never let them go. In order to maintain world peace, I am willing to pay any price."

Although goosebumps all over his body were exhilarated by the words of this full-fledged teenager with secondary illness, Wu Xian was still very satisfied with the result.

Smiling, Wu Xian said a sentence that changed Xingzi's fate: "Remember your oath, we will give you a chance to become a peerless master."

Xingzai was taken aback for a moment, and then asked a little puzzled: "I don't know what you mean by this sentence."

The next day, Wu Xian brought Xingzai to Zhulong Walled City.

The children were already doing morning exercises, and the people in the village also got up early to clean up.

"Look at the child again, why is it so early today?"

"When will you repair the house for us, some places are leaking."

Wu Xian replied with a smile: "Okay, next time, I will talk to the renter and help you fix it."

"Don't, don't tell her, let's fix it ourselves."

Xingzi pointed at them: "This is?"

"It's okay, it's just a joke."

When I came to the temple in the pig cage walled city, the charter woman and the charter father were already waiting there.

"Is this the person you were talking about?" the two asked.

"That's right, and I've told him everything. He also knows how much risk he will suffer, but he is willing to take the risk." Wu Xian nodded.

"I'm ready and I can start anytime." Xingzai puffed out his chest, but the trembling of his voice showed that his heart was not at peace.

The three looked at each other and started the method of discussion yesterday.

Xingzi sat in the middle of the temple, and Wu Xian and the other three sat around him.

There is a simple and crude way to get through Ren and Du's two meridians, that is, three first-class masters with equal internal strength will infuse them with their own internal strength, break through the blocked part of the meridians, dredge the meridians, and attack the acupoints with vitality from the whole body.

Gather essence, qi, and spirit, and turn it into a huge torrent of vitality, from bottom to top, reversing the innate.

It's just that there are methods, but there are very few people who can withstand the impact of strong internal forces.

The internal forces of Wu Xian and the three gathered on Xingzai, and he could feel that Xingzai's body was filled with the vitality of heaven and earth.

Bao Zugong's eyes lit up: "Before I was worried that the internal strength of the three of them would not be enough to break through the meridians, but I didn't expect that his body would have innate vitality gathering, the first level is right."

After the internal force is gathered, it is to break through the stagnant meridians in Xingzi's body with all his strength.

This needs to test Xingzai's endurance and recovery speed. Internal force drives vitality and sweeps through the meridians everywhere.

Like a snowball, Wu Xian and the others underestimated the vitality in Xingzai's body. In a blink of an eye, the huge internal force hit the blocked meridian heavily.

Unable to withstand such a heavy blow, Xingzai's meridians were full of cracks, and intense pain filled his limbs and bones. Xingzai gritted his teeth tightly and did not hum.

At the time of the second impact, Xingzai's own strong recovery ability has restored the damaged meridian, and at the same time it has become more and more tenacious.

The blocked meridians were washed away one by one, and the ground where Xingzi was sitting was already soaked with sweat.

The charter woman was surprised: "What a powerful recovery ability, it seems to be interesting."

After the meridians were opened, they turned to the acupoints.

Xingzi was already sweating profusely, and even with the impact of internal force, the tiny meridian under the muscle was broken. Although it was repaired later, his body also turned from sweat to blood.

His lips were bitten, and the salty taste poured into his throat.

His eyes were blood red from the pain, and his face was pale and without light.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted loudly.

The voice was hoarse, and the heaven and the earth mourned for it.

It's just that Wu Xian and the others were not moved at all. If they gave up now, not to mention they would be seriously injured, Xingzi might be crushed to pieces by the torrent of vitality.

Can only insist, there is no other way.

Xingzai's hand was bleeding, he was the one who clenched his fist tightly, and his nails penetrated deeply into the flesh and blood.

His whole body was twitching unknowingly, and Wu Xian who was standing beside him was also shocked.

Now is the critical moment, but don't give up.

Even though he was beaten to the brink of death by the Huoyun evil god, Xingzai did not give up his hope for life, he broke out of the cocoon and became a butterfly, now you must hold on.

(End of this chapter)

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