Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 80 Tai Chi

Chapter 80 Tai Chi

The atmosphere in the room suddenly froze. Wu Xian decided to leave the room and give them some time to think about it. After all, this is related to the martial arts cheats they have learned in their lives. It is in the hands of others.

When I opened the door, I saw the charter woman and the charter man standing outside the door.

Taking a puff of cigarette, the charter woman looked at Wu Xian, and said cautiously: "You know that borrowing martial arts secret books from martial arts practitioners at will is a big taboo in Jianghu."

"I know."

"Then you still want to do it?"

Wu Xian became silent in a rare way, looking up at the clouds blowing in the wind, he remained silent for a long time.

The charter wife and the others did not urge them either. After getting along with each other these days, they also knew that Wu Xian was a person who would not easily seek help from others. Reason not to do it.

The charterer suddenly thought of something, pulled the charterer aside, leaned over, and whispered.

Wu Xian thinks that he is not a person full of sympathy, like those heroes in the superhero series, save this, save that, save the country, save the earth, so these people are dressed as heroes and admired by people.

His character determines that he cannot be like these people, filling people's sights, and making a fortune quietly behind the scenes is his consistent principle.

When he came to this world, there was no task issued by the system, and he could go back as long as he spent forty days here in peace, but a series of things broke his plan and made him stand on the stage successfully.

And Huaxia in this time period happened to be in the most difficult moment. Wu Xian felt that since it was like this now, he would be sorry if he didn't do anything this time.

It was one thing to find Coolie Qiang and the others to borrow martial arts secret books, to understand and teach them to Wu Yi and the others, and the other reason he came here was to see if he could invite them out of the mountain.

He wants to set up a school dedicated to learning martial arts, and invite the three of them to be teachers to teach martial arts so that martial arts can be truly popularized. Of course, those with poor qualifications learn to strengthen their bodies. Maybe another Condor Heroes.

The purpose of the Japanese dumping of opium is to destroy the health of the Chinese people in the long run, and Wu Xian established this school to strengthen the health of the Chinese people in the long run.

The effect may not be visible in a short time, but the benefits will naturally appear after a long time.

It's just that the most critical part of this plan lies in the attitude of the coolie and the three of them.

Borrowing cheats is the first step, only after success can Wu Xian proceed to the next step.

"Wu Xian, come in."

After thinking about it for so long, I don't know whether they will agree or not.

Walking into the room, Wu Xian stood in front of the bed.

The Fried Ghost said: "Actually, we are just idiots. You are our savior, and you are highly skilled in martial arts. The three of us together may not be your opponent. If you want to know the cheats, it is equivalent to putting your life on the line." in the hands of others.

With your strength, you can kill us easily, but you still need cheats. Is there something in it? "

Sure enough, they were all old fritters, and they guessed the key points just by borrowing the cheat book, but this also happened to trigger Wu Xian's next words.

"I want to start a martial arts school."


"how can that be!"

"Why do you want to start a school?"

Next, Wu Xian told them all the plans he had in mind, and then found a stool to sit there.

The three fell silent again.

But this time it didn't last too long.

After 1 minute, they gave Wu Xian a reply.

"Since the fact that we already have martial arts has been exposed, it means that it is God's will not to allow us to retreat into the Jianghu. It doesn't matter, we will fight with you."

"However, we still need to recover from our injuries, so I will give you the cheat book first, and there are some of our experiences in it."

The three of them took out their respective martial arts cheats from their pockets and handed them to Wu Xian.

The goal has been achieved, Wu Xian said goodbye directly, and prepared to go back to prepare for the establishment of the school.

The charter woman and the others were still at the door. Seeing Wu Xian coming out, the charter man hooked Wu Xian's neck and whispered.

"I didn't expect that you actually persuaded them to give you the cheats and promised you to be the school teacher. Yes, you are capable."

As he spoke, he took out two cheat books from his pocket and put them in Wu Xian's hands.

"This is the secret book of Taijiquan and Lion's Roar Kung Fu. It is useless for us to keep it, so I will leave it to you."

Holding two cheat books in his hand, Wu Xian looked back at the charter woman.

"Whatever you want to read, I will take the cheat book when I give you it, and take it back after reading it again."

Wu Xian knew that the charter woman had a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, so he laughed, picked up Tai Chi and opened it to look.

He also practices Taijiquan, but he is a bit half-baked, not as good as Bao Zugong, now let's see what the difference will be.

The secret book explains the rules and regulations of Taijiquan, and Bao Zugong next to it also explains many small characters, explaining some inner meanings and insights.

With a detailed explanation, and the mutual reflection with the Taijiquan he knew, Wu Xian learned a lot from it.

"Why, judging by your expression, you seem to know Tai Chi too." Bao Zugong asked curiously when he saw Wu Xian's suddenly realized expression.

After putting away the cheats, Wu Xian nodded and answered.

"Show me a little bit."

Wu Xian performed a set of Tai Chi according to the meaning of Tai Chi that he had just understood.

The first is to meditate, and when the mind is calm and concentrated, Wu Xian's upper body is centered, with chest and back straightened, shoulders and elbows lowered, with the waist as the axis, push both hands from back to front, not higher than the shoulders and lower than the chest, then turn the hands down to the left Fang moved slowly, and his steps were like Tai Chi.

Following Wu Xian's performance, a wind blew up in the yard, the dust on the ground was rolled up, and the shape of Tai Chi slowly revolved around Wu Xian.

Bao Zugong's eyes flashed brightly, this was the first time since he retired from the world that his mood fluctuated greatly.

Wu Xian's Taijiquan at this time has reached the level of using softness to overcome rigidity and waiting for movement with calmness, which is only two levels lower than his.

After Wu Xian finished playing a set, he slowly laid his hands flat and exhaled a foul breath.

The brain is clear, and the whole body is extremely relaxed.

Bao Zugong suddenly stepped forward and patted Wu Xian on the shoulder: "I didn't expect your Taijiquan to be as good as mine. You have a very thorough understanding of the profound meaning of Taijiquan at such a young age. This is the first time I have seen it. Look at it!" It is a good decision to entrust Taijiquan to you."

Wu Xian laughed: "That's natural, I am in the prime of my life, full of talent, no one can compare to me throughout the ages."

A slipper fell on Wu Xian's head. It turned out that the charter woman couldn't stand it anymore and gave Wu Xian a shoe directly.

Now that the charter woman and the others have shown that they have martial arts, Wu Xian took this opportunity to ask the charter man a lot of questions about Taijiquan.

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

Relying on the teachings of Bao Zugong, who has been immersed in Tai Chi for decades, Wu Xian has a deeper understanding of Tai Chi.

(End of this chapter)

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