Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 79 Request

Chapter 79 Request
The younger brothers of the Axe Gang dispersed in a hurry, wishing they had a few more legs to run to inquire about the news, the white money was flying above their heads, as long as they stretched out their hands, they would not have to worry about it for the rest of their lives.

Wu Xian drew a picture based on the image of the old beggar in his mind. Although it could not be called lifelike, it was almost the same. After handing it over to these people, they immediately ran quickly and went straight outside.

Wu Yi's expression changed slightly, and after speaking a few words with Wu Er, he walked in front of Wu Xian.

"Master, is it really effective to let these young men of the Ax Gang do things, can they complete what the master ordered?"

The tone of voice was a bit weird, and the accent was mixed with a strong foreign accent. Wu Yi was obviously not used to speaking Chinese.

However, Wu Xian is quite satisfied with this. When the evolution was completed, the memories of Wu Yi and Wu Er were completely washed away, and their intelligence was equivalent to that of a newborn. , Know how to think and speak, their potential is still quite large.

It's just that when they speak Chinese, they are always a little awkward. Regardless of their appearance, people can tell that they are foreigners.

Wu Xian covered the box containing the guns, stood up, looked at the ax that had run far away, and said to the younger brothers: "You have to remember, in fact, there are many things that can be solved with only money. If you beat and scold, Even intimidating them, they will always resent you in their hearts, only tickets and women are their favorites, this is the reason why punks can't be the boss after all."

"Brother Chen became the boss of the Ax Gang. The Japanese supply of weapons behind him is a factor. The most important thing is that he knows how to control his subordinates. He just knocked over the teacup and was directly beaten to death. This is a punishment. Usually take them Eating, drinking, having fun, and whoring women by the way, this is a reward.

Rewards and punishments are clearly defined, and a big stick will be given to a sweet date, so that those younger brothers will be obedient to him. With the deterrence of force, Brother Chen can rise up in Shanghai Bund and become the largest gang in a short period of time.

Seeing that Wu Yi was a little confused, it was Wu Er who stood there with a thoughtful expression on his face, noticing that Wu Xian was looking at her, and said with some uncertainty.

"These people obey Brother Chen's orders because they feel that they can get enough benefits from Brother Chen's subordinates. As long as they are careful, they can eat, drink and have fun with him forever. Then, aren't they like pigs, who are usually fed well?" Fat head and big ears, when it's time to kill, you can still kill him."

Wu Xian's eyes lit up. He didn't expect Wu Er to draw such a conclusion from it. He really underestimated her IQ. It seems that in some aspects, Wu Yi and the two of them are compared, and Wu Er is still the one. The ladies took the lead.

Li Hu came in from the outside and ran to Wu Xian's side.

"Sir, the car is ready, shall we go back to the police station now?"

"Don't go to the police station first, I'm going to Pigpen Walled City."

When Wu Xian and Li Hu walked out of the warehouse, there were already several cars parked at the door.

Seeing Wu Xian coming out, Lin Dafu hurried over: "Sir, I don't know where you are going, do you need to send some people to follow you?"

Waving his hand, Wu Xian said: "No need, just go out for a stroll, and you don't need to be accompanied by the police. You go back to the police station to deal with what happened today, and arrange the assignments I mentioned, and then Draw up a charter for a volunteer police officer, and I will discuss it with you when I go back."

"What do you mean by volunteer police?" Lin Dafu was stunned.

"Just try your best to recruit a group of qualified people to serve as temporary police officers. With the current police strength, a small gang can't deal with it, let alone face the revenge of the Ax Gang. Recruiting people is to accumulate capital against the enemy. , you should know all these things.”

"So this is a volunteer police officer. I understand, and I will definitely work hard to complete the task." Lin Dafu suddenly realized, seeing that Wu Xian ignored him, he returned to the police car, wanting to complete the task quickly.

Wu Xian sat in an ordinary car, and then the car drove along the street in the direction of the Pigpen Walled City.

When he came to the intersection of the street, Wu Xian saw a dumb girl selling ice cream in front of the pictorial of the cinema.

After gesturing to stop, Li Hu poked his head and followed the direction Wu Xian was looking at, and found the dumb girl.

"Fresh and refined, light and weak, every action can't help but make people feel pity, she is really a beautiful woman, the commander's vision is different from others, and the two are both talented and beautiful, so it is really suitable. "

Li Hu thought silently in his heart, and couldn't help laughing when they arrived at the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

When he came back to his senses, just as Wu Yi was looking at him strangely, Li Hu hurriedly pretended to be serious, and coughed lightly: "It's okay, sir."

Li Hu didn't know anything about Wu Xian who was thinking in his heart. At this time, he had already got off the car and came to the side of the dumb girl.

"Give me an ice cream, the same taste as last time."

The mute girl looked up and saw Wu Xian, she was obviously startled, and jumped back.

Then, with a reddish face, he took out a cup of cream ice cream and handed it to Wu Xian.

"You've been selling ice cream here, won't you encounter any bad things?" Wu Xian asked after taking a bite of the ice cream.

The dumb girl was taken aback, then shook her head vigorously, expressing that she had never encountered anything bad.

"You are such a beautiful girl, selling ice cream in this chaotic Shanghai Beach, the people around you will inevitably be rude to you, have you never encountered such things?"

The dumb girl nodded and fiddled with the things on the trolley. In her heart, she felt that Wu Xian was a weirdo who would give herself extra money and ask some irrelevant questions.

I have been selling ice cream here for some time, and I have never met anyone who bullies her, but the people around are very kind to her, and often buy ice cream to take care of her life.

But looking at Wu Xian's appearance, he was not frivolous, but really cared about himself. After that incident when he was a child, this feeling has never been there again.

Thinking of the little boy who was beaten when he saved himself when he was a child, the corners of the dumb woman's mouth curled up, and a happy smile filled her face.

I don't know where he is now, why he hasn't looked at her all this time.

Wu Xian stood by the side like this, seeing the mute girl's expression first recalling, then being happy, happy, and then turning into miss and blame.

After a while, the expressions on his face changed several times.

Seeing that the mute girl was still immersed in her own world, Wu Xian had no choice but to say.

"Your expression continues to change like this, and you are not afraid of becoming a yellow-faced woman."

When the dumb girl heard this, her face darkened, she clenched her fists, and hit Wu Xian directly.

Without dodging, Wu Xian patted the dumb girl's head lightly after being punched.

"Look, it changed again just now."

The red-faced dumb girl who was killed by Wu Xian's head pat, no longer cared whether the ice cream could be sold out today, broke away from Wu Xian's hand, pushed the cart and ran away.

"Hey, don't run away, I haven't paid you yet."

The dumb girl stopped, and then she didn't know what to do underneath.

Then, throwing it back, a piece of paper floated to Wu Xian's feet along the wind.

Pick up the note, and after opening it, there are a few beautiful small characters written on it.

"You already gave it."

With a slight smile, Wu Xian shook his head lightly and returned to the car.

"Let's go to Pigpen Walled City."

The dumb girl who had already run a long way, couldn't run anymore and stopped.

When he touched his face, it was already scalding hot.

Thinking of what Wu Xian did just now, a wave of waves surged in her heart.

"Actually, he's pretty good, too."

He shook his head hurriedly, trying to get rid of the sudden thoughts in his head.

Today, she has no intention of selling ice cream, so the dumb girl decides to go home to rest and calm down.

And in the corner not far away, a large group of beggars were sitting there.

There were two people squatting in front, one with disheveled hair, sloppy clothes, stubble all over his face, looking very down and out, the fat man next to him was no better than him.

These two people are Xingzai and Fatty Cong.

At this moment, the two men quarreled and shouted loudly.

"I'm definitely going to kill that fat woman and those bastard neighbors."

"But those bastard neighbors have very high martial arts." Fat Zai Cong looked at Xing Zai who was talking there, and said mercilessly.

Xingzi was choked by this merciless question, and it took him a long time to speak.

"Don't think that as long as they know martial arts, I can too."

"You too?"

"Should I tell you that I have practiced Tathagata Palm?"

Speaking of this, Xingzai fell into the memory of the past, and it was at this time that the dumb girl pushed the cart and left.

Fat Zai Cong was still looking strangely at Xing Zai who suddenly stopped talking, so naturally he didn't notice the dumb girl.

The first meeting between Xingzai and the mute girl was lost by such a coincidence.

Wu Xian didn't know that because of one of his actions, the dumb girl was not at peace, she went home too early, and missed the chance to meet Xingzi.

At this time, he had already arrived at the Pig Cage Walled City, and Li Hu consciously stayed in the car and did not get off.

Wu Xian took Wu Yi and the others to the room where Coolie Qiang and the others recuperated.

"It's the little brother, I don't know who these two are."

After putting the bag of fruit he bought on the table, Wu Xian moved the stool and sat opposite the three of them.

Coolie Qiang himself was not injured, but was injured in the lungs by the sound waves missing from heaven and earth. Fried Ghost and Tailor were more seriously injured, but with the charter woman's medicinal soup, they seem to be doing much better now.

Wu Xian stood up suddenly, clasped his fists and said: "Three big brothers, I have an unfeeling request, little brother, which may make you feel difficult, but I will just say it now."

The three of them were shocked, and wanted to get up to help Wu Xian, but they were injured, so they had to wave their hands: "You saved the three of us, if you have anything to say, just tell us, although we have all retired, if there is someone who can help you , we are too late to be happy."

Wu Xian still clasped his fists, showing respect to them.

"I need to see your martial arts cheats."

"This." Several people fell silent, looked at each other, lowered their heads, and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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