Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 2 Entering "Horror in the Mountain Village"

Chapter 2 Entering "Horror in the Mountain Village"

His mind sank, it was cold just now, the mechanical voice came again, and then a translucent interface appeared in front of Wu Xian's eyes.

(host basic data)
Name: Wu Xian

Character status: not yet evaluated
Basic skills: visual enhancement (since the host's eyes are under development in the original world, visual enhancement will be obtained automatically in other plane worlds)
Special skills: none

Occupation: None
Skills: none
In the newcomer mission world (Horror in the mountain village)

Seeing this translucent interface clearly, Wu Xian was a little dazed. He was struck by lightning when he was walking well. In the end, he traveled to this place called Qingtian Village. Fortunately, he was rescued by a kind uncle and an old woman. Now he has given me this task , Are you sure you're not messing with me?

Just when Wu Xian was still in a dazed state, that cold mechanical voice came again.

Due to a system failure, resulting in insufficient energy, the mission time has been shortened to five days, the host please complete the mission as soon as possible.

"Five days? Why should I listen to your arrangement? Who do you think you are, why should I listen to you." Hearing that there was still a task to do, Wu Xian immediately exploded with disdain, although he didn't know what he was doing. How did he get here, but it is impossible to order him.

Ding, another translucent interface appeared in front of Wu Xian's eyes. The word task was written on the top of the interface, followed by three options below.

"Task Tips", "Task Time", "Background Introduction"

Task reminder: survive the next five days in the mountain village, and find out the cause of the panic in the mountain village.

Mission failed: Erase
The bloody two words exuded an incomparable murderous aura and breath of death, which directly shocked Wu Xian's mind and dragged him into a sea of ​​blood.

It took a long time for him to recover from the berserk death aura. When a gust of wind blew by, he realized that just a moment ago, his body was soaked in cold sweat and his body was a little numb.

If you can't complete the task, you will really die, Wu Xian murmured as he stared at the translucent interface in front of him with his eyes wide open.

At this time, he was no longer as courageous as before, and when he saw that he was going to die, he was instantly discouraged.

"What should I do? I can't just die like this. I still have a lot of things to do, I haven't eaten delicacies, I haven't gone out for a walk, and I'm still a virgin."

"What should I do, by the way, don't panic at this time, calm down, calm down."



Wu Xian took a deep breath to relieve the terror and fear deep in his heart.

After half an hour, he gradually calmed down from the state of panic.

Now that it was time to complete the task, Wu Xian clicked on the remaining two options to understand what kind of world this is.

Task time: five days

Task background: Qingtian Village, a village that has lived in the mountains for generations, the villagers live an isolated life, the villagers are kind and simple, far away from disputes, known as "Xanadu".

It is such a peaceful village, but something strange happened ten years ago.

Ten years ago, a strong and healthy villager died suddenly without warning. The strangest thing is that the body disappeared for no reason the next day, and the whole village was searched and disappeared.

The villagers just took it as an accident and didn't pay much attention to it. Unexpectedly, every year since then, one villager will die, and without exception, they are all villagers in their prime of life.

The villagers began to panic, and held a blessing ceremony under the leadership of the village chief, but it was ineffective. Since they have lived in the village for generations, it has become a tradition to be closed. home people.

Note: Your role in this mission is a traveling doctor, who was rescued by the hunter's sledgehammer in a coma while going up the mountain to collect medicine, and now lives in the hunter's house.

Difficulty of Story World: Novice World Level [-] (Easy)
After completing the task, the system will evaluate the overall task completion status and performance of the host. The more perfect the task is, the more rewards you will get. I hope the host can complete it well.

The host can query the mark on the wrist to obtain the current task information.

Wu Xian raised his right hand and found a mark on his wrist, the mark flashed, and a stream of information appeared in his mind.

Current task progress: 0%
Tips: The current role of the host is a doctor, with self-rescue skills and intermediate medicine defense skills.

Since the current host is in the novice mission world, the system rewards a newcomer with a gift pack, please check it.

After reading the system's mission prompt, Wu Xian's brain started to work quickly, and he thought secretly: "The system said this mission is relatively simple, but I don't know how simple it will be. If you look at the background of the current plot mission, you will die for no reason. The body was nowhere to be seen the next day."

Wu Xian rubbed his chin while thinking.

"Based on limited information, there are two kinds of things that happened."

"One is that someone murdered those villagers because of some ulterior secrets, hoping to achieve a certain purpose. As for the second type, it may be ghosts and gods. If it is the second type, I may not even know how to die. .”

After all, "Mountain Village Cry" is an existence that Wu Xian has never heard of. It is too difficult to complete the task. While thinking seriously, he activates the imprint on his hand and takes out the novice gift package presented by the system - a wooden box.

This imprint can also be regarded as a storage space, which can store various things obtained by Wu Xian. Of course, there is a space limit. Currently, it is only five cubic meters in size.

The wooden box was opened, and a roulette appeared inside, which densely listed various equipment, skills, bloodlines and exercise books, and then, a cold, mechanical voice sounded.

"The host uses the novice gift package to get three lucky draw opportunities for items that do not exceed the current world treasure. Please turn the roulette to start the lucky draw."

Looking at the countless treasures in front of him, Wu Xian's eyes shone instantly, and the things inside were all that he dreamed of day and night.

Now that it's all given away, there's no need to use it for nothing, start drawing, and the roulette will start spinning as soon as you push hard.

The pointer of the roulette kept pointing to bloodline supernatural powers, technological weapons, and then turned away. He watched helplessly as the pointer finally stopped and pointed to something that looked like a roll of kraft paper.

Strongly resisting the desire to check, Wu Xian then used the remaining two opportunities, watching the pointer turn back and forth, and his heart also grasped and let go.

In the end, Wu Xian took out three items in total.

Skill Book: Eye Detecting Small Objects, F-level, after learning it, you can enhance your vision, gain the ability to clearly see tiny things, gain the ability to toughen the eyes to a certain extent, and protect the fragile eyes to a certain extent.

Item: Antidote, quantity (2), grade E, can remove most common toxins and some rare toxins, and can temporarily suppress stronger toxins, depending on the intensity of the toxin, the suppression time is determined, and has a weak healing effect.

Treasure: Demon Sealing Arrow (remnant), originally a great weapon to destroy demons, due to the lack of a bow carrier, its own effect dropped by 40.00%, encountered unknown reasons and was eroded by demonic energy, and fell into a sealed state, requiring sacred objects to clear away demonic energy Only then can it be unblocked.

Looking left and right like a baby, according to the effects of the items given by the system, carefully examine them, and after weighing the pros and cons, Wu Xian decided to learn the skill book first.

After lightly tapping to study, the skill book turned into a stream of clear water and poured into his eyes. Suddenly, his eyes felt itchy and crispy, as if they were being washed by water, and his eyes were bright.

Ding.The success of learning the skill book (seeing micro objects) is because the host itself has visual enhancement, which activates the hidden ability of the skill book and acquires tough eyes.

(Resilient eyes) When encountering an attack that damages the eyes, the damage can be reduced by 5%.

Seeing this scene, Wu Xian's eyes lit up: "Not bad, I made money this time."

When he looked around again, Wu Xian obviously felt that his vision was very different from before. The tiny particles in the air could be seen more clearly in the dark environment outside the window, and there was a faint energy in his eyes protecting him from harm.

Just as Wu Xian was happily experimenting with the skills he had just acquired, a miserable cry came from outside.


Under conditioned reflex, Wu Xian immediately jumped up and rushed to the door. Looking from afar, he found that the old woman who rescued him was squatting in the yard and kept shouting, looking helpless.

Seeing the old woman like this, Wu Xian hurried over and found the hunter lying motionless on the ground.

"How is this going?"

(End of this chapter)

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