Infinite Plane Devour

Chapter 1 struck by lightning

Chapter 1 struck by lightning

The autumn rain has been falling continuously for more than ten days. Looking at the sky outside is still dark, one knows that the rain will continue for a few more days.

The dim street lights reflected on the dilapidated road, and only the outline of it could be seen slightly through the iron-blue rain curtain.

Holding a black umbrella, Wu Xian walked silently on the road.

He was unemployed, laid off at a time when employment pressure was as high as a mountain, and was fired.

The reason for unemployment is very simple. Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing at himself.

Wu Xian has a high school education and never went to college.

His parents disappeared due to an accident, and he lived with his grandfather since he was a child. After his grandfather passed away, he bid farewell to his school days and officially entered the society.

Because he didn't have a high-level diploma, Wu Xian lived very hard in this society, being excluded and oppressed everywhere.

Moving bricks on the construction site, working as coolies, delivering couriers, and even opening a small vegetable stand, I worked hard to support myself every day, trying to keep up with the wave of survival.

Usually, he still needs to pay attention to whether there is any news about his parents. Even though his impression of his parents is not so deep, he always feels that the accident back then was not that simple.

After a year of wandering, various things happened during the period. It is common to be threatened by street gangsters. Wu Xian is not the one who is afraid of troubles. Basically, he has never had a good time, and he has been injured, big and small.

As the saying goes, good people must have good rewards. As a five-good young man who often helps his grandmother cross the road and abides by the law, after a year of hard work, that is, after a year of suffering, his good luck finally came. .

A man who claims to be a close friend of his parents finds himself.

As soon as we met, the manager of a top domestic company explained to himself everything that happened that year.

He and Wu Xian's parents met by accident. At that time, they were negotiating on behalf of their respective companies. After drinking tea and chatting a few times, the three became business friends.

About 19 years ago, when Wu Xian was three years old, the two companies formally reached a cooperation and signed a series of agreements to acquire a piece of land and invest in construction.

Everything was going well at first, but after the final purchase was completed, the car in which Wu Xian's parents were riding was attacked by violent elements who were obstructing the purchase. That night, the car was blown up and flames raged.

When they arrived at the scene of the accident, it was already too late, and the car had already been burned and only the skeleton remained.

But what is strange is that the bones of Wu Xian's parents were not found in the ashes. Even though they searched hard, they found nothing.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, they could still find their son, which is indeed gratifying.

In this way, Wu Xian entered the marketing department of his company, responsible for making sales forecasts, proposing future market analysis, development direction and planning, and because his company specializes in making games, Wu Xian did not know how to make games during this year. How much work has been done to be familiar with the game market and grasp the market rules.

It is precisely because he has a year of suffering experience and understands the difficulties of life, so he is very serious in his work, coupled with his flexible mind and quick thinking, he has actually completed several large orders in just one year. , promoted to management level.

As a person at the management level, coupled with being young and promising, and working hard, it stands to reason that he would not be fired.

However, this society is like this. Even if you are capable, work hard, and think about the company, once the company doesn't use you, you will become an abandoned child.

A month ago, Wu Xian accidentally offended a second-generation official. Even if it wasn't his fault, he could not afford to offend him, so he had to apologize, but just when he wanted to apologize, the company suddenly fired him , It's hard to explain the feeling of being reduced to such a field in such a short period of time.

With his career gone, the beautiful woman who had been chasing him earlier didn't know where to go.

Even a few close friends disappeared one after another after hearing about this incident, and avoided Wu Xian for fear that he would find them.

Over the past month, Wu Xian has seen a far more complicated society than when he was in the early days, and his heart is full of bitterness. He lost everything alone.

I went to look for a job again today, but it was still the same as before, and I just ignored it. The reason for this was that even the blind could see it, and it was not the consequence of offending the second generation of officials.

The rain fell down the umbrella surface, it was almost evening, and the place where I lived was relatively remote. There were only a few pedestrians on the road, holding umbrellas, and running quickly.

Wu Xian was still thinking about how to find a job, but if he couldn't, he would stay away from this city and go to another place.

There is no place for the master here, there must be a place for the master.


There were bursts of thunder in the distance.

Looking up at the sky, Wu Xian was a little puzzled.

"How could there be thunder suddenly? As the saying goes, 'Thunderstorms in autumn are full of thieves'. Nothing will happen to you. You should go home quickly."

Tightening his clothes and holding his umbrella, Wu Xian started to run.

"Crack" a bolt of lightning struck.

At some point, the sky was filled with thunder, thunder bursts, and lightning raged.

Seeing today's evil door, Wu Xian ignored it, put away his umbrella, and rushed home quickly.

In the rain, a shadow passed quickly.

"Huhu" panted heavily.

Finally arrived, as expected, he hadn't exercised for a long time, and Wu Xian couldn't stand such a short distance, but luckily he had already arrived home.

He took the key out of his pocket and was about to open the door.

Suddenly, a flash of blue lightning struck straight down, facing Wu Xian below.

"Kacha..." There was a blue light in front of his eyes, and his limbs were already paralyzed. Only at this moment, the last sentence remained in his brain.

"Damn it, why are you hacking me?"

A figure in the distance raised his head to look around, with a look of disdain, and said in his mouth.

"The target has been cleared and has returned." Then he turned around, merged into the rain, and disappeared.

He who had already left did not see that there was no corpse left in the place struck by lightning, a flash of colored light flashed, and nothing was left in place.

Sensing that the host encounters life-threatening energy, activate the emergency mode.

Since the emergency mode is turned on, the system starts automatically and is binding with the host
The binding is successful, and the system scan is started.

It is found that there is a heterogeneous energy in the host body, and the clearing mode is turned on.

Not enough energy, not enough energy.

Cleanup failed.

Warning, warning, the system is low on power and is about to shut down, please inject energy, inject energy.

In a wooden hut, the warm sunlight shone through the windows onto a bed placed by the wall.

Sensing the sunlight, the man lying on the bed moved his eyes, opened them slowly, stood up and sat up.

Rubbed his eyes and stretched.

"Huh?" What kind of place is this? I wasn't at the door of my house preparing to open the door. I remember that a thunderbolt struck me.

I touched my body and looked at the still rosy skin, am I not dead?
Then where am I now, a hospital, but it doesn't look like it.

It is no longer a dark night in front of us, with continuous rain, the quaint house has a few simple pieces of furniture, a bow hanging on the wall, and nothing else.

Struggling to get up, Wu Xian felt refreshed, and it was rare that he didn't feel that tired and sleepy.

Walking to the door, two people just walked over from outside.

The man was dressed as a hunter, with broad arms and a round waist, looking powerful.

Beside her was an old lady, although she was full of silver hair, she was full of energy and had a kind smile.

Seeing Wu Xian walking out, the man said with a smile.

"Boy, I need to make up more in the future. It's no wonder that you fainted in the woods with your skinny appearance. If I didn't happen to meet you while hunting, I don't know which wild wolf would have taken you away."

"Sledgehammer, don't talk nonsense here." The old lady turned around and looked at Wu Xian, holding a bowl of thick soup in her hand, seeing him panicked.

"Son, don't be afraid. This is Qingtian Village. We are hunters in this village. When my son was hunting yesterday, he saw you fainted outside the village and brought him back. What happened to you, child? How could it be so dangerous to be alone in the wilderness."

"This is the ginseng soup I just made. You should drink it while it's hot, to nourish your body."

Sensing the old woman's kindness, Wu Xian first temporarily suppressed his inner doubts, took the bowl, and gulped it down.

I have to say that the taste of this soup is still very good. After drinking it, Wu Xian's body felt warm and comfortable.

I said thank you to the old man, and was about to ask about this place in detail.

Wu Xian staggered and suddenly fainted.

With sharp eyes and quick hands, the hunter hugged Wu Xian when he was about to fall to the ground, walked back to the house, and put him back on the bed.

In the haze, Wu Xian seemed to hear someone talking to him.

The system senses the energy and begins to absorb it.
The absorption is completed and the minimum opening condition of the system is met.

The system is turned on successfully and is being connected.

Ding, I found that the world was blocked and my will was disturbed.

Ding, ding, the task is confusing, re-release, release in progress.

The task is generated, please host to complete the task as soon as possible.

"Ah" Wu Xian sat up abruptly, gasping for breath, his chest heaving and falling, and cold sweat dripping down his face.

Looking around, I found that it was still the same hut, but it was already night, and through the window, I could see the stars outside with wide eyes.

The hunter and the old lady were gone, Wu Xian recalled what happened in his mind just now, he couldn't believe it, but it was real.

(End of this chapter)

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