I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 295 Keeping the Bottom Line

Chapter 295 Keeping the Bottom Line
On the military side,
There is no one in the core force of the Dahualong Alliance who does not know Cao Lang.

They also chose to obey Cao Lang's orders.

Although it is said that the Tengqing An O army was killed by the bombing, Cao Lang is still there, and the soldiers are all supported by the backbone.

Cao Lang looked back at the burning office again, and couldn't help but sigh.

Working under the command of Teng Qing'an,
It's impossible to say that Cao Lang doesn't have a small heart.

Now Teng Qing'an is dead,
If you report to Shangfeng, those people will definitely send a new leader to lead them,

This is what Cao Lang does not want to see,

He is very talented and capable, and it is difficult to accept that he should kneel under the command of a new leader.

What's more, Cao Lang is so proud.

But now,
The tide of corpses is heading north, raiding the southern district,

The East District was also unstable, and was made restless by the ten-man team.

Cao Lang pulled himself together,

When this accident is resolved, he will be in charge alone!

With a sullen face, Cao Lang quickly moved towards the Eastern District.


"We have blown up their offices and armories, and the enemy has been badly damaged!"

Hearing Shirley's report, Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes,

In this way, there is only Cao Lang on the opposite side, who is worthy of being their opponent.

Huge advantage!
Duan Qianli: "Brother Yun, kill that Cao Lang now!"

Zhang Yun took a deep breath: "No, it's not the time to kill him yet, but I guess Cao Lang will come to the East District first."

With his character, he will definitely solve the problems in the East District first, and then go to the South District.

Although only half an hour,

But this does not affect Cao Lang's decision-making,

The outside must be safe first!

Only by eliminating the enemies in the eastern district first and liberating the strength of the second team can we go to the southern district with all our strength to resist the tide of corpses.


In Cao Lang's eyes,
The importance of Zhang Yun's group at this moment is not much worse than that of the corpse tide.

You must shoot to death before you can feel at ease.

Although they have strong firepower, all kinds of heavy weapons, and drones, if they really fight Cao Lang, it is uncertain who will win.

Moreover, Zhang Yun is sure,
In this battle, they will surely suffer casualties.

Although everyone has already made up their minds, war cannot be as simple as imagined,
But when faced with the real crisis of life and death, no one in this world will remain calm as before.

Their opponent is Cao Lang!
Zhang Yun had already explained this character to everyone on the way here.

The trump card of the Dahualong Alliance,

As long as he is still there, the Zhang Yun gang will face tremendous pressure.

But think about it from another angle,
Why doesn't Zhang Yun want to fight Cao Lang in an upright manner?
This is one of the reasons why he did not detonate the mosquito missile in advance.

Perhaps Zhang Yun could be even more despicable, killing Cao Lang on the spot to achieve their goal.

First, the armory had not been found at that time,
Second, the tide of corpses has not yet approached the military area.

Third, in a mature army structure, even if they blow up Cao Lang, other people will immediately take over and take charge of the operation of the military region.
In modern warfare, the death of a certain general will never lead to chaos.

Even if Cao Lang is dead,
The second captain can replace, and the third captain can also replace.

Liu Ren'an is dead,
There are thousands of experts who know how to hack and operate.

Although the combat power will be greatly reduced, and there may even be a situation where all the heroes seize power together, they are still a giant.

First of all,

All are not fools.

When Cao Lang died, he just ignored it and started to seize power. He didn't care how the enemy killed him?
They will definitely unite to deal with Zhang Yun and his gang in the eastern district first, and then find a way to deal with the tide of corpses going north.

Even if they are weak and unable to deal with it, they can retreat safely and abandon the Imperial Capital Military Region.

The world is so big, they have thousands of choices to settle down and start a career.

It's not too late to seize power when the time comes.

But if Cao Lang is still alive.

He can take power at any time and concentrate his strength to deal with the enemy.

Not only can they quickly deal with the enemies in the Eastern District, but they can also concentrate on resisting the tide of corpses.

This was also Zhang Yun's consideration, so after Cao Lang left the office, he ordered the bombing of the office and the armory, leaving only Cao Lang alive, and wanted to compete with him face to face.

of course,

Zhang Yun also wanted to try his new skills and see if he could surprise Cao Lang.

Although he and Cao Lang were passers-by in the previous life, this did not prevent Zhang Yun from paying attention to such a genius.
After the birth of the corpse king, human beings are in dire straits and are facing a very difficult situation.
However, Cao Lang obviously shouldered many responsibilities with his own strength.
He is respectable, a great man of this era, even if he is not as high as an Oliao like Teng Qing'an, even if he has to obey the orders of Shangfeng, even if he has to do some things to exercise power.

But Cao Lang is still respected.

How many survivors did he shelter?
In such an era, survived.

Whether you say it's the sympathy between heroes or other reasons,
In short, even if Zhang Yun is despicable in other things,
But never mean in this matter.


He just wanted Cao Lang to survive. Therefore, when Cao Lang was still in the office, they could take the risk of detonating the mosquito missile in advance, but Zhang Yun did not issue such an order.

Against such an upright enemy,
Of course, Zhang Yun also wanted to settle the matter with him in an upright manner.

If he is despicable in this matter, something like the bottom line in Zhang Yun's heart will disappear.

when a person,

When you don't even need the bottom line,
There is almost no difference between him and a beast.

Not killing Cao Lang was one of Zhang Yun's bottom lines.

It's very simple.

(Obviously he can be despicable, but he has kept the bottom line. No matter who he is, he deserves a high regard. Obviously Zhang Yun wants to be looked up to in this matter. This is his bottom line. There is no bottom line when looking at such a plot. people, is incomprehensible)

"In a short while, we will meet Cao Lang head-on. This man is very talented in military affairs. All of you must be careful!"

this moment,
Zhang Yun is ready.

He told everyone about his concerns through the headset.

Wu Gou: "Don't worry, we will be careful."

Zhou Jue: "Zhang Yun, you also have to be careful. Xueli told me just now that the other party may have investigated the number of our troops fighting outside!"

Zhang Yun nodded, then turned around and winked at Duan Qianli, Zheng Song and the others.

The team continued to set off, heading towards the southern district.


"What did you say? The military district office and the armory were bombed?"

the other side,
The fat man of the second team was contacting the people in the military area through the communication equipment, and learned the details of the explosion just now.

"Captain Cao is trying to solve the problem. He is about to go to the East District. I hope the second captain will cooperate." The contact person at the other end of the device responded.

Fatty nodded: "I understand, change the line for me, contact Captain Cao, I want to talk to him personally!"

(End of this chapter)

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