I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 294 Blowing Up the Armory

Chapter 294 Blowing Up the Armory

of course,

The core of this battle is still driven by interests,

The end result is,

As a result, some international organizations found evidence of the group's crimes, the group collapsed, and the hacker army won.
Liu Ren'an was a formidable enemy in that army that could not be ignored.

Zhou Jue had just stepped into the hacker world at that time, and was fortunate enough to observe this battle from a 'distance'.

It can be said that the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword are fierce.

For Liu Ren'an, Zhou Jue even regarded him as an idol for a while.

But Zhou Jue couldn't think of it no matter what,
One day, he could become an enemy of Liu Ren'an.

"Zhang Yun, something is wrong. Cao Lang left the office and seems to have decided to go to the battlefield himself. There is a top hacker beside him, that is Liu Ren'an, and they are attacking our network."


Zhang Yun and his group, who were leading a team to raid the southern district, heard Zhou Jue's call.

Zhang Yun frowned: "Did Cao Lang go out in person?"

Zhou Jue: "That's right, I saw it with my own eyes."

Zhang Yun: "Very well, you and Shirley must guard our network area. If the enemy really invades, you will quickly cut off communication with us!"

Zhou Jue: "Understood!"

Zhang Yun took off the earphones: "Cao Lang has personally acted, and he may come directly to the Eastern District."

"Then what should we do?" Duan Qianli asked hurriedly.

"What time is it?" Zhang Yun looked down at the watch on Duan Qianli's wrist.

Duan Qianli: "It's almost 5 o'clock."

Zhang Yun: "So, there is still half an hour?"

"The enemy should have concentrated a large amount of military power on the wall of the southern district. Shall we blow up the enemy's armory?" Zheng Song wiped the blood on the bat with his clothes.

Zhang Yun pondered for a moment: "Xue Li, what do you think?"

Shirley: "Okay, just keep the mosquito missiles on the other side of the wall and bomb the other two locations. Both Tengqing'an and Liu Ren'an are still in that room. Now is the best time."

"Then explode!"

Zhang Yun narrowed his eyes.

Their biggest advantage lies in the mosquito missiles that no one can see.

No matter how talented Cao Lang was, without the assistance of his superiors and powerful hackers, and the armory exploded, it would be difficult for him to deal with the tide of millions of corpses and their team of ten.

half an hour,

The league is expected to have a limited response,

But they definitely have no time to evacuate here, even if they evacuate successfully, the supplies cannot be taken away.


They have walls.

I have confidence in my heart.

Even if the arsenal was bombed, Cao Lang, the spiritual leader of their armed action team, was still there.

Zhang Yun didn't know,
In the half-hour decision-making time, the enemy decided to fight back or retreat quickly.

Although the latter is highly unlikely,
But he was still willing to give it a try.

After blowing up the office and armory, Zhang Yun and his gang will have a huge advantage.

'As long as I can see him, he will die! Zhang Yun was thinking about it while leading the team to the southern district.



Two mosquito missiles are already in place.

Teng Qing'an and Liu Ren'an are still in the office,
Another mosquito missile also came to the largest armory of the alliance in the constant search.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yun said.

Their munitions and weapons are not in scattered storage.

Instead, there is a main warehouse, which stores a large amount of munitions.

Of course, there are several auxiliary warehouses, which play an emergency role.

But if the main warehouse is bombed, the loss of the alliance is irreversible.

No matter how strong Cao Lang's mind is, a clever woman can't cook without rice...

"The target is in place, countdown, five, four, three, two, one!"

"start up--"

this second.

Far away in a hidden RV in the Eastern District, on the four computer screens placed in front of Zhou Jue, two of them emitted white light!

the next moment.

The entire eastern and southern districts heard the sound of explosions resounding through the military area within the wall!
Cao Lang had just walked out of the building and was on his way to the East District on the school grounds.

at this very moment,
Suddenly, a powerful vibration exploded from behind!

The ripples spread out, the air waves turned upside down,
As if the entire building had been hit by a missile, a huge mushroom cloud erupted, and ferocious flames mixed with black smoke billowed and danced.

Cao Lang was dumbfounded.

He was completely stupid.

The whole person froze in place immediately, not knowing what to do.

That direction is the location of the office and armory.

"This..." Cao Lang's face turned pale, he hurried back a few steps, but stopped his footsteps again.


Cao Lang's mind was running crazily.

Office bombed?
O Jun and that Liu Ren'an are gone.

Cao Lang also felt that the connection with Liu Ren'an was completely cut off in the headset.
in addition,

From the armory there came a cry,
A group of soldiers ran towards the office.

"Captain Cao! Oops, the main warehouse was bombed, and all our ammunition and weapons were destroyed!"

Cao Lang stood there.

Even at this moment, he was still able to stabilize his mind.

What is going on with the other party?

How did they plant explosives in the military area?
"Has the cause of the explosion been investigated?" Cao Lang asked.

"I don't know. It seems to have exploded suddenly. I didn't see any missiles or explosives go off!" Several soldiers cried.

Cao Lang: "Calm down, now is not the time to panic, tell me, are the casualties serious?"

Soldier: "Captain, all seven vehicles at the armory were blown up, and Yu Yang, the deputy captain of the [-]th team, lost contact!"

Cao Lang narrowed his eyes,
He keeps echoing everything that happened before.

The ten-man force in the Eastern District, carrying drones, heavy weapons, and powerful personal combat capabilities, raided the alliance.

not only,

Somehow, they bombed the office and the armory.


They lost a lot,

Cao Lang didn't know what to do next.
And the horde of more than 100 million corpses, like Mount Tai, did not allow them any chance to breathe.

Cao Lang: "Immediately count the military equipment in the southern area, I need all the data!"

Soldier: "Yes!"

After the soldiers ran away, Cao Lang began to pant heavily.
have to say,

This sudden blow made even himself nervous.

He gave up the idea of ​​going back to the office to take a look,

Because Cao Lang knew very well that it was impossible for the O Army and Liu Ren'an to survive an explosion of this scale, and it was almost impossible for the rest of the office staff in the entire building to survive.

Let alone the armory,
Even Yu Yang couldn't escape,
Cao Lang glanced at the school field,
Columns of soldiers and armored vehicles began to become chaotic, all trying to extinguish the fires in offices and armories.

Cao Lang whistled, and in exchange for two soldiers: "Go, just say what I said, calculate the loss of the armory, and if there are any weapons that can be used, take them all to the southern district. All the ammunition in the warehouse will also be transported there!"

(End of this chapter)

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