I have an RV in the end times

Chapter 243 The Slavery of the NE Virus?

Chapter 243 The Slavery of the NE Virus?
Since the land was reclaimed and cultivated, the grains have been harvested one after another.
Many people have already eaten the hot corn rice, and there are not a few who secretly say "really delicious" while complaining.

Because it is really kind of delicious.

Zhang Yun buried himself in the rice, and after finishing a bowl, he handed the empty bowl to Zhu Lingshan.

"Is there a result of the experiment?"

"Well, you can go up with me to have a look." Zhu Lingshan cleared the table, turned and walked out of the tent without looking up.

Zhang Yun followed out,

Go up the mountain with Zhu Lingshan and Luo Yujie.

Although Zhu Lingshan said that she still needs a few months, but strictly speaking, it is about two months...

Through her continuous experiments and outstanding scientific strength, Zhu Lingshan got the result.

In the laboratory, it was all white.

Zhu Lingshan flicked the switch, and all the lights turned on.

Seeing her take off her coat and put on a white coat, Zhang Yun also washed her hands and put on gloves.

"No need this time."

Zhu Lingshan glanced at him with a smile, and led him to the innermost part of the laboratory.

Zhang Yun saw it, a strong corpse king, with his eyes closed, was soaked in a petri dish...


The test was successful,
For Zhu Lingshan, she was not happy, but more rational and calm than before.

Because Zhu Lingshan knew what Zhang Yun was going to use it for.

Anyway, definitely not a good thing.

But Zhu Lingshan supported him.

Human emotions are complex.
Zhu Lingshan didn't really want to introduce her achievements to Zhang Yun, but at the same time, she had to do so.

Zhang Yun stopped her who opened her mouth halfway.

"I understand, you don't need to talk, I just ask a few key questions..."

Zhang Yun looked at the corpse king in the petri dish, and narrowed his eyes: "Can it start to sing?"

"Yes." Zhu Lingshan took a deep breath and nodded.

"Is it under our control?"

Zhu Lingshan was silent for a while: "Forget it."

Zhang Yun was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Zhu Lingshan put her hands into the pockets of her white coat, and asked him with a smile, "Have you ever seen a circus?"


Zhang Yun was stunned for a moment. He didn't know why Zhu Lingshan would say such words, but he still shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm from a small city, and I've never seen a circus before."

"Then you should also know why those lions and tigers in the circus are so obedient."

"You mean..." Zhang Yun frowned.

"Yes, I thought of a way of training and suppressing, which is the same as the process of taming animals. In this world, as long as they are spiritual creatures, they are all slavish, including us humans."

Zhang Yun was taken aback for a moment, and thought of some practical issues about 'slavery'.

But he smiled and shook his head: "I don't think the NE virus can be counted as a spiritual creature in your mouth, right?"

Slavery is indeed a biological commonality.

But that's only limited to spiritual creatures, and it's a bit unrealistic for things like cells and viruses.

Zhu Lingshan denied it: "That depends on how you define slavery. Do you think ants are spiritual?"

Zhang Yun was stunned.

Hmm...that's a bit of a no-brainer.

"Then why are ants also servile?"

Zhang Yun was silent.

"If you have a fever and a cold, the white blood cells in your body will help you eliminate those bacteria and pathogens. Do you think white blood cells are slavish?"

Zhang Yun was silent again.

As Zhu Lingshan said, neither ants nor white blood cells can be regarded as spiritual creatures.
Instead, they are too single.

But servility does exist.

Ants work for the queen, they are a symbol of servility.

And white blood cells work for human beings, they help human beings to expel germs, is this considered slavishness or nature, it is a natural phenomenon that social groups must have and must exist, cell groups in our body, neurons, Including the ecological chain and food chain in nature, there are all kinds of large and small social groups, including... NE virus. "

Zhu Lingshan turned her head and looked at the corpse king in the petri dish: "NE viruses are also clusters, and they also have spirituality, because they know to hunt humans for food, and use the method of vector infection to continue life. That is, predation and reproduction. The common symbol of all creatures on earth, they are naturally servile."

Zhang Yun looked at her seriously.

"It took me some time to find such a way."

Zhu Lingshan turned her head and opened a tightly wrapped metal box on her laboratory table.

When the box was opened, a gust of cold air came out of it.

Zhu Lingshan took out a jar of glass containers, which contained a gray liquid, and some dots flickered inside.

It is as dazzling as a constellation of stars.

"What is this?" Zhang Yun asked.

Zhu Lingshan took it and handed it to Zhang Yun: "Be careful with cold hands...this is an inhibitor."


"This is the formula I found after much trial and error, and you can tell it's a tranquilizer."

Zhang Yun pointed to the corpse king in the petri dish: "For it?"

"That's right, this dose can kill hundreds of elephants on the spot."

As soon as this word comes out,
Zhang Yun gasped.

Hundreds of elephants?
Is it so exaggerated?

After all, he is an ordinary person who grew up from the bottom of society.

I don't have much idea of ​​what Zhu Lingshan said.

I just feel that the tranquilizer that can fascinate hundreds of elephants is terrifying, quite scary...

Zhu Lingshan's expression remained as calm as usual.

"This kind of thing can allow the corpse king to obey human beings for a short time. You can understand it as a method of animal taming. Inhibitors will give the corpse king a short-term pleasure. I have trained the corpse king in a targeted manner through petri dish experiments. king."

An analogy must be drawn here.

It's like you're training a dog,

Ask him to perform an action, and if he succeeds, throw him a treat as a reward.

After a long time, the dog gradually gets used to it, and he knows that the owner's every move is what he wants it to do, and if he does it, he will be rewarded.

of course,

Gouzi cannot be used as an example or reference.

This is just an example.

Because dogs are very servile, they are born to serve humans,

And humans domesticated them millions of years ago just to make them serve themselves.

For the NE virus, the inhibitor is the dog's 'snack'.

Before that, Zhu Lingshan used a method similar to domestication to get the corpse king used to the inhibitor and became dependent on the pleasure of the inhibitor.

"Zombies will never be able to obey human beings, because we are prey and food for them. Obedience to human beings is against nature and does not conform to the laws of nature. , let the zombies submit to the inhibitor, then we can indirectly control them..."


Zhu Lingshan took a deep breath: "Well, that's probably it, you...do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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